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high rated
htown1980: In defence of everyone who down reps you, your rep is way to high taking into consideration the kind of comments that you post on this forum.
rampancy: IIRC, +rep also comes from actually posting on a frequent basis (using a time scale I don't remember, but it's structured to discourage spamming for rep), so a lot of his rep (and most of ours too) simply comes from being active on the forums.
I understand that, and that explains why Roman5's rep is as high as it is, but is still higher than it should be and that is why I think its fine for people to down rep him. If his rep was negative 1000, I might agree that continuing to down rep him is unfair.

I suspect most of my rep comes from people misclicking the "-" button...
htown1980: I suspect most of my rep comes from people misclicking the "-" button...
Most spam reports I sent come from trying to upvote a post, mistapping, and hurrying to revert the injustice. Sorry about that, GOG staff.
Attention whore and drama queen vs rep abusers?

Yeah, I take a rep abuser anyday.

Why do you even care? You still have 500+, you are not even close to get a minus anytime soon.
Bigs: Rep is overrated anyway...
+1 for subtle wit.
While i agree tinyE has been treated unfairly, targeting by some angry mob out there. However in Roman case, he's likely reap what he sow. Unfortunately in this age reputation comes first even on the internet.
htown1980: I suspect most of my rep comes from people misclicking the "-" button...
Starmaker: Most spam reports I sent come from trying to upvote a post, mistapping, and hurrying to revert the injustice. Sorry about that, GOG staff.
Yup, I have done this too... They need to move that button...
low rated
Yeah I've noticed a lot of you guys are massive oversensitive buttholes when it comes to Roman's posts, no matter what he posts. And most of the time people don't even leave a reply saying why they did it, or if they do they just say that he's an asshole and he deserves it. You muchachos really need to thicken your internet skin and just calm down. I know rep doesn't really matter but it still kind of hurts the guy getting it and at this point it's almost like mass bullying.
morciu: Yeah I've noticed a lot of you guys are massive oversensitive buttholes when it comes to Roman's posts, no matter what he posts. And most of the time people don't even leave a reply saying why they did it, or if they do they just say that he's an asshole and he deserves it. You muchachos really need to thicken your internet skin and just calm down. I know rep doesn't really matter but it still kind of hurts the guy getting it and at this point it's almost like mass bullying.
Have you actually seen the inane drivel that he posts? Yes, he has actually brought some good conversation to the forums, but that's been more than outweighed by the consistently frustrating and infuriating attitude he brings to many, many conversations. And it's our fault for wanting to take him to task over that?
morciu: Yeah I've noticed a lot of you guys are massive oversensitive buttholes when it comes to Roman's posts, no matter what he posts. And most of the time people don't even leave a reply saying why they did it, or if they do they just say that he's an asshole and he deserves it. You muchachos really need to thicken your internet skin and just calm down. I know rep doesn't really matter but it still kind of hurts the guy getting it and at this point it's almost like mass bullying.
rampancy: Have you actually seen the inane drivel that he posts? Yes, he has actually brought some good conversation to the forums, but that's been more than outweighed by the consistently frustrating and infuriating attitude he brings to many, many conversations. And it's our fault for wanting to take him to task over that?
I've seen him post a few crappy posts but I gotta say I haven't seen anything worthy of all this crazy downrepping. I've seen worse.
I wish you were at least more original with your threads, it has become the same cycle every couple of months.

First we get a thread about your supposed godhood, and how you're totally over the rep system, and a month after that we get you complaining about people downrepping you.

Okay the random song lyrics were novel at first, but even that doesn't reallyg et better after the 100th time.

2/10 poor trolling, needs more OC.
Post edited May 24, 2013 by WBGhiro
morciu: Yeah I've noticed a lot of you guys are massive oversensitive buttholes when it comes to Roman's posts, no matter what he posts. And most of the time people don't even leave a reply saying why they did it, or if they do they just say that he's an asshole and he deserves it. You muchachos really need to thicken your internet skin and just calm down. I know rep doesn't really matter but it still kind of hurts the guy getting it and at this point it's almost like mass bullying.
Weren't you an ally of free speech and using whatever words and means of communication you wanted? You said something about it being important that you don't stop using offensive words and whatever just because someone gets offended or hurt, and that they need to get a thicker skin. This just seems contradictory.
high rated
"Little Jimmy: I have had it with getting bad grades, this must stop !
Little Timmy: Do you mean you are going to start studying, Jimmy ?
Little Jimmy: Hell no - I'm going to show everyone how unfair such treatment is !"

Protip: down-votes are a "symptom", not the "sickness". Even if the entire rep system disappeared overnight, people would still dislike douchebags. The difference is that currently we possess a button that, with others agreeing, sends a clear "You are a douchebag, please shut your mouth" message (among other things. Yes, it is a versatile tool) without individuals having to explicitly post such messages.

morciu: You muchachos really need to thicken your internet skin and just calm down. I know rep doesn't really matter but it still kind of hurts the guy getting it and at this point it's almost like mass bullying.
I just love the internal consistency of this post.
But nothing beats the one saying that Roman has never done anything to upset anyone; that one takes the cake.

EDIT: My initial idea for a response was "But Roman ! Why are you addressing the mods and not the commu... Oh, I see."
Post edited May 24, 2013 by Vestin
low rated
morciu: Yeah I've noticed a lot of you guys are massive oversensitive buttholes when it comes to Roman's posts, no matter what he posts. And most of the time people don't even leave a reply saying why they did it, or if they do they just say that he's an asshole and he deserves it. You muchachos really need to thicken your internet skin and just calm down. I know rep doesn't really matter but it still kind of hurts the guy getting it and at this point it's almost like mass bullying.
Adzeth: Weren't you an ally of free speech and using whatever words and means of communication you wanted? You said something about it being important that you don't stop using offensive words and whatever just because someone gets offended or hurt, and that they need to get a thicker skin. This just seems contradictory.
How is it contradictory? i just wrote that in my last post "You muchachos really need to thicken your internet skin". Also downrepping like a little weasel has nothing to do with "free speech". It's just some sort of mean childish revenge because for some reason you have a problem with some guy's stupid posts. If you have a problem with someone you should reply to them and tell them, and keep that - button for other things that might be a little more serious than your everyday shitpost. And you're sort of putting words in my mouth a little bit.
Gee thanks!
I am a little confused.
Has this reputation system any hidden meaning?
I mean other than you can see that the poster has posted regularly?
I read that you gain them with posting every day, solving questions and getting hit with the + button....
And what about those stars on the right site? I can remember that i got one around my 2nd month here.
Do they come with buying games?
Anyway i can't understand the importance of this system (if there isn't a hidden meaning).
If i read a post the content is important for me, not who or how big the reputation is.
(Reading about what the starter of this thread posted..well thats certainly something i wouldn't call helpful).

What i miss here (in addition to an better search function) is something like a better maybe
a section for gossips and small talk, give aways etc. And a more interacting from the mods.
But overall this forum is one of the best.