CaptainGyro: I don't understand why so many "review scores are useless and don't actually mean anything" type comments get thrown around all the time.
Most sites have rating guides to show what the numbers actually mean. Numbers are a substitute for an adjective
Most sites/magazines may have a rating guide, but it's my experience over several decades that very few sites/magazines actually stick to what is set out in those guidelines.
Too many will either praise a game or rubbish it and then award a score that would indicate the complete opposite. But in the end of the day, I guess it's hardly the reviewer's fault. The problem is, if they are too honest and piss off the game publisher, they stand an all too real chance of kissing good bye to their job. And that's just not conductive for good, honest, meaningful reviews.
Besides, take a look at many magazines/sites that have score guidelines and see how many games actually fall into the lower tier of those guidelines. You'll find very very few. Not because the games are actually deserving of the higher scores, but because they're afraid of actually rewarding the lower marks due to publisher backlash.
And that's why I don't bother with reviews anymore.