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Tiny people conquer the world once again. This time in 3D!

The Settlers 2: 10th Anniversary, a visually updated version of the hit civilization-building strategy title featuring tribes of tiny men tirelessly crafting giant empires, one farm at a time, is available on, for only $9.99

Building an empire from scratch is never easy, but that does not mean that it can't be enjoyable. Watching your settlement grow, one farmhouse after another, and your tiny subject working hard as busy little bees, makes the heart feel all warm and fuzzy. Just look at them! Always rushing to perform their little tasks--each of them seemingly insignificant, but all of them crucial to the ultimate well-being of the nation. Just try not to think about all the micromanaging an emperor has to perform. Trust me, it'll make your head feel heavy under the burden of your crown.

The Settlers 2: 10th Anniversary is a game where you build your kingdom with the help of hunters, soldiers, shipbuilders, and more unit types at your command. You develop elaborate settlements from many different building types--ranging from farmhouses to castles. The game comes with a wide selection of challenging maps, on which you must not only seize control, but also set up a working infrastructure. Rediscover the great gameplay of this classic gem, that now comes with updated 3D graphics!

Nothing should stand in the way of progress and civilization! Nothing should stop you from grabbing The Settlers 2: 10th Anniversary, for only $9.99!
dirtyharry50: I know this was talked about above already but I still have a question about The Settlers II Gold Edition vs this new one.

It looks like the Gold Edition added some content and features to the original Settlers II, judging by the little described in the Gamespot review I was just looking at. I've had The Settlers II Gold Edition on my wish list for a long time now but hadn't gotten it yet.

Should I now just forget about the Gold Edition and get this one instead? Would I be missing anything by doing that? Thanks.
As amok said, the maps are not identical between the two games, so in the end, it's probably worth it to get both.

That said, 10th anniversary edition is the best remake I have ever seen of any old game. The original game was good, very good indeed, which is also evidenced by the fact that they chose to go back and remake that, even though there are plenty more games in the series. However, the 10th anniversary edition does precisely what a good remake should: it updates the game with new features which were impossible to implement at the time the original was made, it fixes those things in the interface that time has shown were less than optimal, and otherwise it leaves the game the hell alone. The graphics are updated, yes, but they use the same designs as the original game. The original game was 2D isometric, and as such were made to look like 2D renders of 3D objects. The new game has tried (and succeeded admirably) in making everything look exactly as it did originally, only in a higher resolution, and the fact that since everything is now in true 3D, you can actually move the camera angle. Or if you prefer, you can leave the camera alone, and the game will look pretty much like it always did, only better.

I have never seen a commercial remake with as much respect for the original as this one.
dirtyharry50: I know this was talked about above already but I still have a question about The Settlers II Gold Edition vs this new one.

It looks like the Gold Edition added some content and features to the original Settlers II, judging by the little described in the Gamespot review I was just looking at. I've had The Settlers II Gold Edition on my wish list for a long time now but hadn't gotten it yet.

Should I now just forget about the Gold Edition and get this one instead? Would I be missing anything by doing that? Thanks.
Wishbone: As amok said, the maps are not identical between the two games, so in the end, it's probably worth it to get both.

That said, 10th anniversary edition is the best remake I have ever seen of any old game. The original game was good, very good indeed, which is also evidenced by the fact that they chose to go back and remake that, even though there are plenty more games in the series. However, the 10th anniversary edition does precisely what a good remake should: it updates the game with new features which were impossible to implement at the time the original was made, it fixes those things in the interface that time has shown were less than optimal, and otherwise it leaves the game the hell alone. The graphics are updated, yes, but they use the same designs as the original game. The original game was 2D isometric, and as such were made to look like 2D renders of 3D objects. The new game has tried (and succeeded admirably) in making everything look exactly as it did originally, only in a higher resolution, and the fact that since everything is now in true 3D, you can actually move the camera angle. Or if you prefer, you can leave the camera alone, and the game will look pretty much like it always did, only better.

I have never seen a commercial remake with as much respect for the original as this one.
That is all very nice to hear. This particular game is one I think I am really going to enjoy. It's nice it got the love it deserved without messing anything up. Considering how much I expect I will like it, maybe I should start with the first for its different maps and then move to the remake which I'd fully appreciate after having played the original. I've had my heart set on the original for quite a while now.
dirtyharry50: That is all very nice to hear. This particular game is one I think I am really going to enjoy. It's nice it got the love it deserved without messing anything up. Considering how much I expect I will like it, maybe I should start with the first for its different maps and then move to the remake which I'd fully appreciate after having played the original. I've had my heart set on the original for quite a while now.
If you have the funds and are willing to spend them, that's certainly the best plan I can think of :-)
Any gameplay difference between this and the original S2? Not concerned about the graphic aspect.
is the music the same as the original S2 as i loved the music for it?
I never played this (big fan of the original 90s game though). It must be great, but I don't like the extremely cartoonish look that remind me of the last few Leisure Suit Larry games.
Fever_Discordia: So does this make the original 1996 Settlers 2 completely redundant or are there still reasons you might want it? (different content etc)
If you don't care about graphics or sound design that's probably so for you but some of us don't think that a higher resolution or more polygons automatically means that something is improved.

Settlers II looks like a good game to make a remake of. The graphics was a very important part of the original game. Lots of small details and detailed animations made the game very immersive. Seeing a new take on the old game with modern technology should be interesting, though I find the old human characters more likable than the "smurfs" in the new one. But perhaps they were always meant to be smurfs?
Omg stop making me want to spend money, NWN 2 and now this. Wishlisted for now!
thomas001: Again, only the English language version :-(
Smurfs, huh. Still looks gorgeous either way. Maybe when I get around to clearing some of my backlog.. Wishlisting for now~
keeveek: It was relased in Poland as well. In Polish.
Nergal01: Which covers all language versions of the addon, according to Wikipedia:

"A Vikings add-on is available for the German, Czech, Polish and Russian versions of the game."

Looks like we're out of luck. :(
I have just read the wikipedia artical, and it states that the 10th Anniversary version can " import maps from the original game."
As I do like the look of these new graphics, this might be a future buy for me. I only wonder could someone with both let me know if it is possible to import 'game' maps or just custom made ones from the original S2?
Another nice addition. :) Looks to be running great on my underpowered (Intel HD 3000) lappie.

011284mm: I have just read the wikipedia artical, and it states that the 10th Anniversary version can " import maps from the original game."
As I do like the look of these new graphics, this might be a future buy for me. I only wonder could someone with both let me know if it is possible to import 'game' maps or just custom made ones from the original S2?
I did a few quick tests and it appears it can do both just fine. You'll just have to load up the old maps in the editor and save them in the newer game's file format. ;)
mistermumbles: Another nice addition. :) Looks to be running great on my underpowered (Intel HD 3000) lappie.

011284mm: I have just read the wikipedia artical, and it states that the 10th Anniversary version can " import maps from the original game."
As I do like the look of these new graphics, this might be a future buy for me. I only wonder could someone with both let me know if it is possible to import 'game' maps or just custom made ones from the original S2?
mistermumbles: I did a few quick tests and it appears it can do both just fine. You'll just have to load up the old maps in the editor and save them in the newer game's file format. ;)
Thank-you very much. :-)
Makes the idea of owning both versions more interesting.
So basically, I could buy S2 Gold, buy 10th Anniversary, and then import all the Gold maps into the new game, is that what you're saying? If so, that is very impressive... Few remakes would go to such lengths.
Settlers 3, please. One time! :D