Weclock: Cry some more. I've been here since the first few months of it, and I've seen it time and again, people RAGING because X game is too new or Y game kinda sucks.
serpantino: Lol from the way you come on to throw petty insults at people you must've been in diapers when it first started. There was no raging on my part, nor was there crying. If my view upset you, well I couldn't care less but JMich eloquently and maturely showed me I was wrong and I have no problem admitting that.
Ok, starting from now im gonna join the complain train crowd.
Hey you, i woud like you to pay me money because i feel its my rigth to get money from you.
Just PM me and il get you further details to which account you coud deposit money to cuz that will make me feel better
because of gog policy to not give out only classics anymore.
This game sucks btw, i can see no fun at all, its just cheap and porly done and probably done in a cheap game engine as well.
Your absolutly correct we need classics and only classics.
Rose tinted glasses FTW.