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The Cold War had nothing to do with snowballs!

Spycraft: The Great Game, an original cold war adventure game with puzzle and simulation elements, is now available on for only $5.99.

So, you want to know the details? You don't have the proper clearance, but I suppose it doesn't really matter anymore. Back in the day, I would have to "silence" you, even with the little knowledge you already have. Nothing personal, of course--just the usual procedure. There's just too much at stake here, you see? No, I don't just mean national security. I'm referring to global safety. This went way beyond CIA, KGB, and their little games. Or, should I rather say: our great game. They had the bomb, we had the bomb. Then someone shot one of their most prominent politicians. Things became tense and crisis escalated. You're a reporter, you're familiar with the term "MAD", right? Yes, Mutual Assured Destruction. The assurance was supposed to prevent the war, you know. But there were some people on both sides who liked to push buttons a little bit too much. Here's the story of how we almost evaporated the mankind from the face of the Earth.

Spycraft: The Great Game is an adventure game that puts you in the shoes of a rookie CIA agent involved in a conspiracy much greater than he could ever imagine. The game creates an disturbingly believable image of the cold war thanks to the substantial input from actual ex-heads of CIA and KGB. Spycraft's original gameplay combines classic adventure, investigative fiction, and puzzles that form an authentic experience of a cold-war spy struggle. The multitude of FMV cinematics brings even more flare to this ambitious title, that no adventure fan or conspiracy hunter can afford to miss!

Become a CIA agent and prevent two nations' mutual nuclear destruction in Spycraft: The Great Game, for only $5.99 (that's almost nothing compared to the actual CIA budget!).
hmm, looks Great! :D
hmm, looks weird :D
Nothing more, nothing less. A truly great release!


Holy crap, I never thought I would see that game again. Awesome work! Truly awesome work!
Wishlist +1
Interactive movie! YAY!
And another game I haven't heard of before. I like the sound of "1996" though.
I'd never even heard of this game until I read about it earlier this year in PC Gamer's weekly "Saturday Crapshoot" series.

I'm glad to see GOG picked this one up. I kind of wanted to try this one out.
Oh man, I've heard so much good stuff about this game, now I'm all giddy like a schoolgirl.
Nice to see this in GOG (yes I have the retail version already...). Maybe I'll get this digital CD-less version in a promo, especially since I wouldn't be surprised the original games' video codecs are not compatible with new Windows versions, so GOG may have had to do some actual work to make this game compatible with new systems.
Post edited October 02, 2012 by timppu
vote fulfilled.
RafaelLopez: And another game I haven't heard of before. I like the sound of "1996" though.
Me neither... I'm glad that GOG is saving good games from being totally forgotten...
Funny, it doesn't look that great...
I have actually played this one. It's ok but not more than ok I think. But still kudos to gog for releasing it... I actually thought the game was a Windows 3.1 game and thus kind of hard to get to work in 64-bit. But guess I was wrong... :-)