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Urban planner's single-player offline paradise!

SimCity™ 4 Deluxe Edition, the fan-favorite iteration in the long line of legendary urban planning simulations with a myriad of design options and factors to tweak and track, creating the ultimate sense of life-like complexity, is available 75% off on That's only $4.99 for the next 72 hours! Includes the Rush Hour expansion pack.

It all started 30 years ago, in 1984. An up-and-coming brilliant game designer by the name of Will Wright created an incredibly believable virtual city that astound the gamers with its level of detail and the amount of little things that were constantly happening in it. The city, though, served only the purpose of an interesting background to an action-focused title, Raid on Bungeling Bay. It would surely feel like a waste to see such a sophisticated simulation only as a "bells-and-whistles" addition. Luckily, 5 years later, Will Wright gave the gaming world the first SimCity game. The one we offer you today, the fourth--and according to many gamers, the best--part of the series is the result of almost a quarter of century worth of a concept's evolution.

In SimCity™ 4 Deluxe Edition you don't just build your city, you breathe life into it. Create a megalopolis by weaving together a tapestry of cities ranging from a bedroom community to a high tech urban center or a vacation destination to a farming village. You can create a region of interconnected cities sharing and competing for resources that are linked by a fully integrated transportation network. Use "god-like" powers to create mountain ranges, carve valleys, and lay rivers to construct the most realistic metropolis imaginable. The new simulation engine offers immediate feedback so you can react to the needs of an expanding metropolis. Now individual buildings and their lots provide you with feedback. Use the My Sim features to personalize your Sim and immediately move him or her into any area and watch them experience life around town and get instant feedback on the city's progress. Each decision has a greater impact and gives you the ability to respond more effectively. The DRM-Free Deluxe Edition offered here, comes complete with the Rush Hour expansion, for an even more in-depth urban experience!

Every game in this great series offers the player hundreds of hours of fun and easily adjustable challenge to create a sense of immersion in a living, breathing metropolis. They all come with their very own special flavor, but most gamers agree that SimCity™ 4 Deluxe Edition is the most delicious dish of them all. Grab it now, on, for only $4.99! Remember to hurry, because the 75% release discount offer lasts for 72 hours only, that is until Sunday, June 1, at 9:59AM GMT.
Man, already over 330 spaces from the bottom of the catalog! I'm glad GOG got a great game highly desired on the wishlist, and it is selling so well.
My bank won't let my buy stuff from GoG for "regional security", and the paypal transfer of 4.99 might take till the 4th thanks to the lame paypal delay on transfers. Looks like I'll be missing the 72 hour deal, and I just don't have the cash for the full price yet.

Glad to see it here though! I'll certainly wishlist it so I can remember to pick it up later!

My old CD copy of the original SC4 is a pain to install/run and doesn't like to run very long before slowing to a crawl or crashing, so it's great to see you patched it up into something that works.

I'll count my pennies and buy it later. SC4's connected city regions are like one of the best things ever, and I haven't found a more modern game that does that as well while still giving you control over all the cities. :)

Does this one run stable enough to be left on overnight? Making a stable city and then leaving it on overnight to earn up lots of money is one thing I miss ever since the CD one started crashing on me. It was really funny to be able to make regions that buy power, water, and trash but have no citizens in them due to simply saving up enough to keep running for hundreds of years(with the whole thing zoned as a dump of course). :p
Rathori: SimCity 4 is good, but I hope you guys can release SimCity 3000 someday.
Do you prefer 3000 over 4? I liked 3000, but to me 4 is enough of an improvement that I don't need 3000 when I have 4. Due to the DRM crude with the latest SimCity, SimCity 4 is still the definitive edition to me. Though it is a bit unstable(at least it used to be).
NovusBogus: SC4 Deluxe available DRM-free for five bucks? Shut up and take my money!
My thoughts exactly.
So I bought it today as a gift and I'm soooo being tempted to redeem it by myself.,,
zeffyr: So I bought it today as a gift and I'm soooo being tempted to redeem it by myself.,,
You don't want to do that. Of course not. You don't want the world at your fingertips, capable of molding the land and it's inhabitants at your will. You don't want to drain oceans, flood deserts, and build schools next to prisons. No, of course you don't! :P
Good. My Simcity CD gave me problems, so I could not play this game properly. Now I have it DRM free and ready to work with Windows 7. Purchased and downloaded.
GOG is great. Please keep giving us G O Games.
*looks at a few user reviews*

*sigh* *shakes head*
clueless.png (168 Kb)


I love it. Boy oh boy do I sure wish there was a way to legally get this game without "Origen" amirite? =D
I refuse to believe that's real because someone that stupid wouldn't be capable of turning on a computer much less go online, join a site, and then post a review on it.


Look at the bottom; someone actually found that review helpful! :O
Post edited May 31, 2014 by tinyE
ShadowWulfe: HAHAHAHA.


I love it. Boy oh boy do I sure wish there was a way to legally get this game without "Origen" amirite? =D
Yes you are. I wish GOG had a zero tolerance policy when adding games with these "client" requirements. They need to fix that. This is ridiculous... :)
Post edited May 31, 2014 by JohnnyDollar
JohnnyDollar: *looks at a few user reviews*

*sigh* *shakes head*
Haha! Origen made my morning.
Great . :(

Can't purchase anything . The bank sent me a Maestro card and i forgot to activate it .
Post edited June 01, 2014 by ne_zavarj
I am weak... I gave in to temptation and bought the game
tinyE: I refuse to believe that's real because someone that stupid wouldn't be capable of turning on a computer much less go online, join a site, and then post a review on it.


Look at the bottom; someone actually found that review helpful! :O
Did you write a review saying about that there are llama's in the game?
ShadowWulfe: HAHAHAHA.


I love it. Boy oh boy do I sure wish there was a way to legally get this game without "Origen" amirite? =D
JohnnyDollar: Yes you are. I wish GOG had a zero tolerance policy when adding games with these "client" requirements. They need to fix that. This is ridiculous... :)
The point is that the license requirements don't apply to this version of the game at all since it has no online features or the need for Origin account and such. It states there in the licence that you may need Origin for some online features or for installing the game - but this game has no online features. Its just a generic EA licence. It seems they just pasted it over to gog. But the license is really silly since it applies mostly only to Origin.
Post edited June 01, 2014 by Matruchus