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<i>Current Mission:</i> [url=]S2: Silent Storm Gold Edition
Availability: available now for $9.99
Operational Contact:

Mission Briefing:
It is the year 1943. You need to put together a group of elite soldiers, penetrate the enemy infrastructure, obtain top-secret information, and blow everything the hell up. The complete assignment involves finishing two Allied and Axis campaigns, utilizing six separate player classes, and testing large number of maps, weapons, and items. Even though you may believe you’ve already completed such missions earlier, I can guarantee that S2: Silent Storm Gold Edition is something special in the tactical TBS genre: huge variety of gameplay possibilities with excellent 3D graphics and great physics make it one of the best team strategies ever.

Ability to think, click, and react required. Some basic military expertise beneficial but not required. If no previous training in this genre has been received, you will be trained.

An advanced Silent Storm engine, with completely destroyable environment and ragdoll physics, was created specifically to assist you on this mission. In addition to that you will receive the Silent Storm - Sentinels expansion, the soundtrack, manual, avatars, and , finally, wallpapers.

Extra Information:
Our intelligence reports show that the game has received a "E3 2003 Best of Show" award in the tactical genre. Later critic reviews and fan-reception proved that S2: Silent Storm is not a game that should be taken lightly. As one of the reports states: “Anybody who even kind of liked "Jagged Alliance" or its sequel should have already left by now for the store to pick up a copy.”

Mission Objective:
Destroy Everything!
HereForTheBeer: Pardon my ignorance here and my likely misreading of the game card. Since it's called S2, does that mean there was an earlier version not included in this package, or is it simply a blurb added on to signify the bigness of this package with the core game and expansions?

FWIW, I've been looking (admittedly not very hard) for this game for a while, since someone here had linked to a great Let's Play about a year ago and I forgot the title. This looks like fantastic fun.
It's meant to be 'S' squared (i.e. there are two of them) for Silent Storm - it's confusing if you're not looking at the artwork for the game. As far as I'm aware there was only one game to the series.

And what a game it is too...
HereForTheBeer: Pardon my ignorance here and my likely misreading of the game card. Since it's called S2, does that mean there was an earlier version not included in this package, or is it simply a blurb added on to signify the bigness of this package with the core game and expansions?
I guess it stands for S "Square", because both words in the title "Silent Storm" start with S.

Edit: oops, too slow...
Post edited June 12, 2012 by Nordwolf
SimonG: If there ever was a contender against JA2 for best squad based tactical game, this is it.
The only drawback I remember is that you have to use custom difficulty set-up otherwise you might run into ridiculous situations on default settings. Like someone not dying from having a whole pistol magazine emptied into their unprotected chest. Or people ignoring being struck on the head with an axe. Now, with custom stuff, improved lethality and reduced HP for both the friendlies and the enemies, even explosives become a threat.
SimonG: Does it run with 4 gig ram machines? I'm hoping that I will finally beat the expansion then...
I can't imagine the GOG release suffering from this problem considering the fact even the retail version could be easily "fixed" by hex editing the .exe.
The best news on GOG since the release of Baldur's Gate II. That's why GOG will always be about Good Old Games. Thanks.
Really good game. Easier than JA2 (even if Sentiels counted).
Physic, combat and other stuff.
This is by far the best game of the genre I've ever played. Fully destructible environments, excellent tactical implementation, good graphics (specially for the time) - you name it, Silent Storm has it. It's one of my favorite games and a must-have if you like tactical combat, specially turn-based.

This has been my first instant-buy on GOG in a LONG time, and I'm installing it now. This game is amazing, and I highly recommend it.

(Time to look for the no-PK mod, though :-D)
grviper: The only drawback I remember is that you have to use custom difficulty set-up otherwise you might run into ridiculous situations on default settings. Like someone not dying from having a whole pistol magazine emptied into their unprotected chest. Or people ignoring being struck on the head with an axe. Now, with custom stuff, improved lethality and reduced HP for both the friendlies and the enemies, even explosives become a threat.
I also remember that in some of the levels with lots of enemies, it would take forever for the AI to take its turn.

Maybe that was just my slow crappy computer back then
haven't heard of it, looks a lot like commandos - wishlisted for now
Maybe Night Watch will be coming? I haven't been able to get that to work on Win7 (possibly due to the StarForce on the disk).
SimonG: Does it run with 4 gig ram machines? I'm hoping that I will finally beat the expansion then...
Phaidox: I can't imagine the GOG release suffering from this problem considering the fact even the retail version could be easily "fixed" by hex editing the .exe.
Has anybody confirmed it runs flawlessly? This was the main reason I ditched the game a few years back.
OKRB: Has anybody confirmed it runs flawlessly? This was the main reason I ditched the game a few years back.
Main tests were actually done (the whole game was completed) on a 64-bit machine with 4GB of RAM.
Fred_DM: now, when is Carmageddon due for release? this Thursday? yes?
Sometime in the near-ish future. But not Thursday, no.
TheEnigmaticT: But not Thursday, no.
A straight answer from TheEnigmaticT? What is wrong with the world??
Could it be Wednesday then? Pretty please?
rjspring: haven't heard of it, looks a lot like commandos - wishlisted for now
It plays nothing like Commandos. It's just like Jagged Alliance (i.e. Real-time until you see an enemy then it becomes turn-based utlising AP pools).

It's a fantastic game (just as the Commandos games are) and well worth $10 if you have it.