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The adventure begins anew!

Prince of Persia the 2008 beautifully re-envisioned installment of one of the most prominent action/platformer series with gorgeous visuals and an a fascinating storyline, is now available on for only $9.99.

Yet again we find the young Prince chasing after Farah... Oh, wait. This isn't Farah that we remember! The Prince looks entirely different as well. And this girl, Elika? What's her story? She looks intriguing - not your typical damsel in distress. Quite the opposite, actually. She's the damsel putting the Prince in distress. Not a problem! The Prince is ready to take on any trouble head on with his deadly Daggertail, while stopping time with the magic of the Sands. What? That's gone too? Then how is he gonna whoop his enemies' behinds? Oh... I see. That's amazing swordplay, indeed. No need for gadgets and gimmicks when you have that good old sword. Alright then, Prince. As the unwitting incompetent narrator of this story I'm now convinced that you'll do just fine. Even though you're up against an angry, destructive deity this time. Oh, you didn't know about THAT? Well, don't worry, carry on with your adventure.

In 2008 Prince of Persia served as a reboot to the iconic action-adventure series, originally created by the gaming industry visionary Jordan Mechner. The game features a new storyline, brings in a fresh batch of characters and enemies, offers some original gameplay mechanics, and--once again--re-designs combat sequences. It's back to the original one-on-one sword duels, but this time the enemies are often larger, stronger and more dangerous. Luckily the Prince has the mysterious (and frankly: quite cute) Elika on his side, to support him with her magical powers. All of this, presented in highly stylized cel-shaded graphics that makes the game a real feast for the eyes.

Feel the sun-scorched desert sands under your feet as you race towards a whole new breathtaking adventure in Prince of Persia, for only $9.99!
phayon959: Worst prince of Persia game ever...
Wasn't Prince 3D worse than this one?
tburger: For a moment I cried: FInally! And then I saw 're-envisioned installment from 2008' That was cruel GOG.
phayon959: Worst prince of Persia game ever...
Not really, different yes, bad no.
"Not Old, not Good. atleast is a Game, I guess."

Why do people post such nonsense reviews? There is no use in it.
I have to applaud Ubisoft for putting new-ish games too... and also offering good extras. They are trying to redeem themselves (sort of) after that Assassin's Creed II DRM nonsense.
When I first picked this up I was rather disappointed and didn't get into it. I believe this was because of how different it was from the SoT trilogy.

Once I came back to it and put some time into, I really came to like it and am now rather disappointed that it looks like Ubisoft has no intention of making a sequel.

SO, to anyone on the fence I'd suggest giving it shot, there's a good chance you'll end up enjoying yourself.
SimonG: Call me intrigued.
::quietly abuses mod powers to change SimonG's name to "intrigued"::

Should I not have done that? Was that wrong?
Great release, I've bought it immediately. But there are many tracks of the soundtrack who seem to be damaged (f.i The King's Door, Menu etc.). Could anyone from GOG have a look into this issue, please?
Post edited September 18, 2012 by Onkel_Donald
MichaelPalin: No, please don't. It didn't failed commercially at all (one million units in each of the consoles).
Darn! Stupid propaganda machine. Didn't know that PoP sold so well. I remember reading a lot of messages that the game failed to meet the dev's expectations. But well, the sales of the PC version will always remain a mystery, eh?
Tantrix: >Mfw I'll only buy it on discount

Just wait for XMas sale.... I am already terrified - so maaaany good games released this year on gog (and steam), plus so many games are soon going to be released (BG Enhanced Edition and XCom just to name a few)... 2012 is a great year for old-school gaming....
TheEnigmaticT: ::quietly abuses mod powers to change SimonG's name to "intrigued"::

Should I not have done that? Was that wrong?
Remember how you said that my marketing buddy was probably doing a bad job because he's mostly having fun? :B
Post edited September 18, 2012 by F4LL0UT
Onkel_Donald: Great release, I've bought it immediately. But there are many tracks of the soundtrack who seem to be damaged (f.i The King's Door, Menu etc.). Could anyone from GOG have a look into this issue, please?
Issue a support ticket.
Trilarion: "Not Old, not Good. atleast is a Game, I guess."

Why do people post such nonsense reviews? There is no use in it.
Because people are idiots.

TheEnigmaticT: ::quietly abuses mod powers to change SimonG's name to "intrigued"::

Should I not have done that? Was that wrong?
F4LL0UT: Remember how you said that my marketing buddy was probably doing a bad job because he's mostly having fun? :B
You should *occasionally* have fun. :P
Ubisoft! Booo! Boooo!

That is all.