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The adventure begins anew!

Prince of Persia the 2008 beautifully re-envisioned installment of one of the most prominent action/platformer series with gorgeous visuals and an a fascinating storyline, is now available on for only $9.99.

Yet again we find the young Prince chasing after Farah... Oh, wait. This isn't Farah that we remember! The Prince looks entirely different as well. And this girl, Elika? What's her story? She looks intriguing - not your typical damsel in distress. Quite the opposite, actually. She's the damsel putting the Prince in distress. Not a problem! The Prince is ready to take on any trouble head on with his deadly Daggertail, while stopping time with the magic of the Sands. What? That's gone too? Then how is he gonna whoop his enemies' behinds? Oh... I see. That's amazing swordplay, indeed. No need for gadgets and gimmicks when you have that good old sword. Alright then, Prince. As the unwitting incompetent narrator of this story I'm now convinced that you'll do just fine. Even though you're up against an angry, destructive deity this time. Oh, you didn't know about THAT? Well, don't worry, carry on with your adventure.

In 2008 Prince of Persia served as a reboot to the iconic action-adventure series, originally created by the gaming industry visionary Jordan Mechner. The game features a new storyline, brings in a fresh batch of characters and enemies, offers some original gameplay mechanics, and--once again--re-designs combat sequences. It's back to the original one-on-one sword duels, but this time the enemies are often larger, stronger and more dangerous. Luckily the Prince has the mysterious (and frankly: quite cute) Elika on his side, to support him with her magical powers. All of this, presented in highly stylized cel-shaded graphics that makes the game a real feast for the eyes.

Feel the sun-scorched desert sands under your feet as you race towards a whole new breathtaking adventure in Prince of Persia, for only $9.99!
Awesome. I usually loathe platformers, but this one looks interesting and not too hard. Instabuy!
Nice. I love this game. It's so beautiful, I've spent time not doing anything because I was enjoying the different views in the game. I just have one question: does this release include the epilogue?
Elmofongo: Ok Ubisoft you released Prince of Persia 2008 the only thing left is forgotten sands so please after that release Rainbow Six Rogue Spear and Rainbow Six 3 Complete here pleeeeease

or Splinter Cell Pandora Tomarrow and Chaos Theory then Double Agent then Conviction

or Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30, Earned in Blood, and Hell's Highway
Tantrix: The only new Ubi games I want here are Splinter Cell Chaos Theory AND Assassin's Creed 2. Rest should be old titles. OLD.
Didn't Chaos Theory come out in 2004? EIGHT years ago? It's getting up there, dude.
KainDrake: Nice. I love this game. It's so beautiful, I've spent time not doing anything because I was enjoying the different views in the game. I just have one question: does this release include the epilogue?
If you're asking about the DLC that was released for Prince of Persia, then no, the DLC was console exclusive. Sorry :(
KainDrake: Nice. I love this game. It's so beautiful, I've spent time not doing anything because I was enjoying the different views in the game. I just have one question: does this release include the epilogue?
JudasIscariot: If you're asking about the DLC that was released for Prince of Persia, then no, the DLC was console exclusive. Sorry :(
Yep, Ubisoft did a dickmove on this, and caused an outrage. Another reason why people boycotted their games.
KainDrake: Nice. I love this game. It's so beautiful, I've spent time not doing anything because I was enjoying the different views in the game. I just have one question: does this release include the epilogue?
JudasIscariot: If you're asking about the DLC that was released for Prince of Persia, then no, the DLC was console exclusive. Sorry :(
Yeah, I was asking about that. Damn, I didn't know that. I have it on PS3, but I thought it would still be nice to get it here. Oh, well. Thanks for the heads up.
Like many other players, I had bought it in its boxed version, and couldn't get into this game. The design is nice, the tone too (I loved the "farrah" callings at the beginning). But I didn't like the gameplay, couldn't 'get' the controls (while I was very much at ease with Sands of Time), and I just detested the non-death deaths. Especially after the so excellent "hmmno, it didn't happen quite like that" of Sands of Time. I just couldn't feel the fright of heights, here, or any sense of danger. You just rebound on thin air like Arkham City's batman on the water. It's like an invisible net being present everywhere. Remember the hurtful 'splats' of the first Prince of Persia ? That game used to be terrifying. Its heights and environments used to be intimidating. You didn't fly back to the edge if you missed the other one.

So, I'm sorry. And sad. It was a Prince of Persia I had high hopes about, because it had ditched the heavy metal prince for its eastern roots. It seemed to be Prince of Persia back to what was its point, and the atmosphere that set it apart. But, it failed too much on another aspect. I'm not impressed by the prince's feats if he never unties his bungee safety rope. Failure felt like the prince trying again. Not dying and me trying again.
Post edited September 19, 2012 by Telika
Telika: Like many other players, I had bought it in its boxed version, and couldn't get into this game. The design is nice, the tone too (I loved the "farrah" callings at the beginning). But I didn't like the gameplay, couldn't 'get' the controls (while I was very much at ease with Sands of Time), and I just detested the non-death deaths. Especially after the so excellent "hmmno, it didn't happen quite like that" of Sands of Time. I just couldn't feel the fright of heights, here, or any sense of danger. You just rebound on thin air like Arkham City's batman on the water. It's like an invisible net being present everywhere. Remember the hurtful 'splats' of the first Prince of Persia ? That game used to be terrifying. Its heights and environments used to be intimidating. You didn't fly back to the edge if you missed the other one.

So, I'm sorry. And sad. It was a Prince of Persia I had high hopes about, because it had ditched the heavy metal prince for its eastern roots. It seemed to be Prince of Persia back to what was its point, and the atmosphere that set it apart. But, it failed too much on another aspect. I'm not impressed by the prince's feats if he never unties his bungee safety rope. Failure felt like the prince trying again. Not dying and me trying again.
Well, it's quite the controversial game isn't it?

I agree that sands of time was more engaging and immersive but do give this game a chance and you will not be disappointed.
^ I have never played the game, and have it on my wishlist, but if the gameplay is like what Telika described above then I think I would actually welcome the game, you know, as a fresh break after all the scare and shock of finishing Sands of Time :-D
Tantrix: The only new Ubi games I want here are Splinter Cell Chaos Theory AND Assassin's Creed 2. Rest should be old titles. OLD.
TrIp13G: Didn't Chaos Theory come out in 2004? EIGHT years ago? It's getting up there, dude.
2005 to be precise so it is 7 years ago
TrIp13G: Didn't Chaos Theory come out in 2004? EIGHT years ago? It's getting up there, dude.
Elmofongo: 2005 to be precise so it is 7 years ago
My point still stands.
TrIp13G: My point still stands.
Your point can't resist the sheer force of no punctuation.
TrIp13G: My point still stands.
Fenixp: Your point can't resist the sheer force of no punctuation.
JudasIscariot: If you're asking about the DLC that was released for Prince of Persia, then no, the DLC was console exclusive. Sorry :(
Tantrix: Yep, Ubisoft did a dickmove on this, and caused an outrage. Another reason why people boycotted their games.
As a consolation, if we could've included the DLC we would've :D.
After a week of hard school learning's i surf the recently released and find this... thank you for not allowing this title to go quietly into the night... its by far my favorite of them all!