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The return of an 8-bit legend!

The Lords of Midnight, a unique classic mash-up of RPG, strategy, and interactive fiction, faithfully recreated for modern systems, is now available on for only $5.99

The land of Midnight is in danger. The name of the villain menacing the realm is whispered in every homestead with fear and fascination: Doom... dark, Doomdark, Doomdark! Only the Lords of Midnight, the valiant knight protectors of the folk, can stand up to the accursed Whitchking. It will be no easy task, though. The lords will ride the four winds, looking for allies, recruiting their armies, and bringing light to wherever the shadow of Doomdark falls. Forging their legend with their every step, they would become the champions the land needs. Should they fail, all will be lost. Don't let them fail.

The Lords of Midnight was originally released in 1984. What you see here, is a revamped version of the exact same game, retaining its gameplay and graphical style, just adding some more intuitive interface and high resolution graphics. At its core, however, this is the exact same game that enthralled the imagination of many gamers almost three decades ago. The turn based game mixes elements of an adventure with a robust, well-written storyline, an epic wargame in which you manage and command large armies, and a role-playing game with much focus on exploration of the game's incredibly detailed landscape. Your main quest--defeating the evil Witchking Doomdark--is no easy task, and completing the game in any of the possible ways will prove a challenge. Let one of the oldest, yet greatest stories ever told in a computer game unfold before you!

See how deep, addicting, and fun computer games already were 30 years ago. Get The Lords of Midnight today, for only $5.99 on!
This was too much for my meager English skills back in the day.
30 years ago... I feel old.

(To those wondering, I was born in 1984).
high rated
HiPhish: I'm not talking about the technical stuff, but the aesthetics. Look at the screenshots section and tell me the first screenshot doesn't look like placeholder art. Now look at Eador: Genesis instead:
This game looks so much more ambitious, and it's an indy game as well.
You're comparing the graphics of a game made in 2009 to the graphics of a 1984 game that's been remastered to run on a modern PC. Really!?

I accept that redoing all the graphics to use a different colour palette would have made this game look more palatable to most modern consumers, but they made the aesthetic choice to be authentic to the original. It saddens me that people on Good Old Games are trashing it because that authenticity makes it look too old for their tastes. That's the very reason why the majority of gamers think any game released before 2005 is complete junk. I expected better of people here.
graspee: This page has the pc 90s remakes of the games:
NO, that is NOT a remake.
The Citadel was a sequel to Lords of Midnight and Doomdark's Revenge, but it was a seriously flawed clusterfuck when Mike Singleton decided to make it real time instead of turn based.
There was to be a third turn based game called Eye of the Moon, but sadly it never materialized. Mike Singleton had plans to finally finish it after completing the current remake of Lords of Midnight, and then Doomdark's Revenge, but sadly he passed away some moons ago.

Personally I don't think I will buy this remake, since it doesn't seem to offer enough new things compared to the original.
Chris Wilde actually did a DOS port of the ZX Spectrum version many years ago (1999, I think), and also made a remake - The Midnight Engine - with improved graphics.
There's even versions with 3D graphics where you can actually see the enemy units moving.

Lords of Midnight was a great game - a unique mix of first person perspective and strategy, where you assume the role of Luxor the Moonprince and with the power of his Moon Ring can see through the eyes of his allies. You start with only four characters and no army, while Doomdark already have 50-100 thousand soldiers on the move. So you need to recruit soldiers and find and recruit more Lords ASAP. Some of the Lords are in difficult to reach places.

The great thing about LoM is that it's quite replayable and you can adopt different strategies: Try to hold the line at the Plains of Blood and along the Mountains of Ithril I found the most rewarding, since it was difficult, but not impossible. You could also retreat all the way back to the Citadel of Xajorkith.

As I said I will not buy this game unless I'm convinced it has enough improvements from the original (graphics doesn't count for me).
I'm more excited by a possible remake of Doomdark's Revenge, though, since that game both had some design flaws as well as being much more dynamic (the lords move and have their own agendas) and replayable, and none of the remakes so far has had both an automap and been bug free.
Hopefully Chris Wild will eventually do a remake that fixes the design flaws:
Post edited August 13, 2013 by PetrusOctavianus
zlep: but they made the aesthetic choice to be authentic to the original.
That's exactly the point that irks me. I don't have a problem with old games, I am playing through all the Ultima games (yes, including the first trilogy), but there is no good reason to stick with such old gaphics in this day and age. They could have just added an option to play in "retro mode" for people who want to able to count the colours on one hand. When Origin released Ultima 1 for PC they gave it a 16 colour palette instead of the original four colours, and there was much less difference in time in that case:

Some people might like Lords of Midnight, and that's great for them, but there is no denying that this remake comes off as cheap. After all, this is a remake not the original game wrapped up in an emulator, unlike the old games you can buy here. I'm not trying to put the game itself down, I just give a reason for why people look down upon this release.
BadDecissions: I have the information GOG provides me to try to make me buy their. Since you can't rent PC games, one is always making buying decisions from limited knowledge. I could, of course, be completely wrong. But whether I'm right, and wouldn't get enjoyment for my money, or wrong, and would, that will still be the basis of my buying decisions--whether (as far as I'm able to predict), the game will give me value for my money. Not, for example, how difficult it was for the developer and Chris Wild to get it to run on PCs.
Sargon: Yeah sure, but why complain about it when you don't know?
Someone mentioned that he wasn't willing to spend $5.99 on such an old game and was promptly lectured about "me me me culture," then got down voted . I wouldn't say I was complaining about the release; more voicing a little support for another forum member who I think was being treated a little unfairly.
When was the last time GOG released an old game?

e: never mind, figured out how to use the browse function. Depressing.
Post edited August 13, 2013 by FraterPerdurabo
FraterPerdurabo: When was the last time GOG released an old game?
Settlers 4 I think, a while back
Bloodygoodgames: It's not the original game. The developer (who recently died) and another guy called Chris Wild spent untold hours getting this game (which was made for the Commodore 64 and not a PC or iOS) to run on modern machines.

People don't do the work for 'free' you know, just so gamers can get things for a couple of bucks.

Personally, it's not my type of game at all, and I'll never buy it or play it's definitely worth the 6 bucks.

With these classic games more people need to look at it as they MUST be sold for a certain price as that price pays for the many many many hours it takes updating the game so it will actually run on your modern machine, it pays for the servers on GOG that you download them from, it pays for PayPal or credit card fees every time someone buys the game, it pays for office space and staff salaries and on and on and on and the developer would like a 'small fee' :)

I don't think some gamers on GOG have any clue how expensive it is running a website, updating games, paying PayPal, paying rent, electricity etc blah blah blah. It's like some people live in a vacuum with no idea about the real world and want everything for 'almost free'. The 'me me society' again :(
muttly13: So we should all pay what the manufacturer feels is fair for a Pontiac Aztec because it took a lot of work, effort, and cash to produce? I fail to see how our evaluations of value being different mean I am concerned only with "me, me, me". Totally agree that this statement is more insulting than any other in response, be it in support of or not.

Regarding the game, in for a half price sale. I dont think I would play this enough to warrant the 6 bucks. 3 I can handle...
Tell me about your workplace so i can have a talk with your boss discussing paycheck cuts because the workforce is clearly not worth what he are paying them.
The workers are too lazy, filthy, expensive and doesnt do any effort at all even though we can see some evidence that something has been done.

Before i get flamed let me say that
theres high prices and theres fair prices, this one is a fair price.
Think about that for a moment how you woud have felt if somone at your workplace have told you that you arent worth
the wages you get.

This doesnt mean that Anyone can take whatevver they want however
Prices needs to fel fair to the majority
If Prices go out of control then you will probably have a rebellion on your hands but we arent there yet.
FraterPerdurabo: When was the last time GOG released an old game?

e: never mind, figured out how to use the browse function. Depressing.
Oh yes it is.

I honestly believe GOG need to come clean with us customers why they have almost stopped releasing old games.
As it is now I suspect they are losing a lot of the customers that have been here a long time.
They're probably losing sales too because all those indie games can be bought everywhere and many that have for example Steam buy them there instead because it's practical to have most of your games in one easy to access place.
DRM free simply isn't a strong enough selling argument on its own if it isn't for new AAA games.
I have a massive backlog of games, but Lords of Midnight is now bought and placed at the front of my play-queue. I'm getting LoM so I can experience one aspect (even if weakly implemented) of my ideal game.

My ideal game would meld many different features that can currently only be found mostly-individually in various games:

From Daggerfall:
* A procedurally generated world, but much better generation (or better yet, evolved over time by the forces of nature and the choices/actions of the NPCs, giving it a real history). And let players generate their own so they can explore their own unique world.
* A large open world, but even more so -- a whole world rather than just a continent. (At the very least, not "so small it's suffocatingly claustrophobic" like Morrowind and the later games in the Elder Scrolls series.)
* Fast-travel, but much more generalized -- the ability to "script" just about any PC activity and have it automatically pop out of the script if anything interesting should happen. Training, inventory management, visiting shops, searching, mapping, anything that just gets tedious after a short while and really isn't the part of the game whence the fun comes.

From Lords of Midnight:
* A living world where large armies may move freely and you have to apply grand strategy and engage in battles. (Similar to many turn-based strategy games with "hero/command units", but first-person and more personal.)
* Procedurally-generated text, but not used so carelessly. (LoM seems to use text for things that would be better as a HUD.) In addition to describing things the PC sees (especially for important things which should be obvious to the PC but the player might miss just from looking at the screen and in some cases may not even be on the screen such as smells/sensations), I would also like to see procedurally-generated text used for talking with NPCs. There would not be one sentence of pre-created text in my ideal game. NPCs have minds, and they can say what's on them, and NPCs have wants and they can say (and do) what they think they need to say (and do) to get what they want, subject to their own moral preferences and abilities.

From Majesty: A living world where NPCs make their own choices -- if you want them to do something, you'll have to convince them it's in their best interests.

From Patrician: An actual economy. Resources, production, trading, pirates/bandits. But more "actual" -- should go right down to the choices of all of the individual NPCs. (And of course the entire world should be fully populated with active NPCs -- they don't just materialize into existence when the PC rides into town and cease to exist when the PC leaves.)

From Spelunky: The concept that the laws of the universe apply to everyone the same, not just the PC. (There's got to be better examples of this than Spelunky though. Not just "better" as in "a game I actually like" [Spelunky being the one game on this list I don't like], but also Spelunky essentially "fails by default" at this concept: Where are the other [NPC] spelunkers gathering gold and gems and blowing shit up? And also, why don't the various critters attack/eat each other? How can you have bats living in a place with motion-activated traps, but the traps have never been triggered in the past -- only if the bat flies by the trap after the PC arrives do they trigger?)

From Space-Chem: In-game programming. Spells you design yourself would be programs you "write". Controlling something like a Bronze Golem would be done via a program. Enchanting a weapon to break or a cart to turn on it's own under the conditions you desire would be a program. Giving orders/directions to an NPC or asking a favor of them is basically a program (though they may choose to not follow those orders exactly or at all). All of these things would continue to work even if the PC is no where nearby.

[Much more left out...]

The closest thing we have now is probably Dwarf Fortress in adventure mode. But DF fails on one of the most basic tenets of good visual design -- being able to tell what the hell something is supposed to be when you look at it. (I've been meaning to try to use one of the graphical tile packs, though I'm not very hopeful that will actually help that much.) It's controls are also archaic, there's no good in-game way to learn how stuff works, and the laws of the universe seem a bit contrived/arbitrary (seemingly made more for comedic effect and the "dying is fun" crowd than for a more role-playing/strategy/achievement-focused gamer).
TheJadedOne: Snip
If you like Dwarf Fortress I suggest you have a look at Gnomoria.
Am interested. Will wishlist. Probably will only purchase for Android tablet.

Great release though.
Post edited August 13, 2013 by RafaelLopez
Tarm: If you like Dwarf Fortress I suggest you have a look at Gnomoria.
Note that Dwarf Fortress in fortress mode and Dwarf Fortress in adventure mode are two very different beasts, and it is the adventure mode that I described as probably being the "closest thing we have now". You can't really role-play in fortress mode because you're not a character in that mode. (I couldn't find anything to indicate that Gnomoria supports an adventure mode.)

Anyways, Gnomoria does appear to be more accessible than Dwarf Fortress, but it's still in alpha. Even though it's fortress mode only, I may take it for a spin once it's done. I also came across some game called "Towns" which I may have to check out.


Cassette driven? we're just about close to getting a remake of DragonStomper

I was eleven years old in 1984

Hitting all the arcades, riding the Odyssey 2 in anticipation of bringing home a Colecovision

Home computers back then, from what I remember, seemed to be restricted to Tandy & Radio Shack and man-oh-man do I feel so sorry for those of you who had to suffer through that crap.