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They say the dead know no pain. Things are about to change!

Meet Raziel: a vampire-turned-wraith, who will show you how to have a soul-devouringly good time for just $5.99 on

Soul Reaver is technically the second installment in Legacy of Kain series, but practically it’s a beginning of a new adventure. What is important is that the game brought the franchise into 3D and introduced a completely new character while maintaining the uniquely dark and seductive atmosphere. The player controls Raziel, once one of six powerful lieutenants of Kain who was later broken and killed by his former master. Reanimated in the Spectral Realm as a wraith by The Elder God, Raziel serves as the deity's "angel of death" and will not stop unless his five undead vampiric brothers--and Kain himself!--are destroyed.

The gameplay is flawless, fights are violent and gory, and the game requires you to shift in real-time between the material and spectral planes to solve puzzles and defeat monsters. Raziel, the series’ new anti-hero is a character who feels real despite his wraithlike nature. His striking visual appearance (a wrap hiding his jawless face, radiant pupilless eyes, tattered wings, and claws and feet), tragic nature, personality change throughout the game, and his blue symbiotic blade, made him one of the most recognizable characters in gaming history.

Once you get ahold of the Soul Reaver sword, you will never want to stop hacking and slashing, especially for just $5.99 on
DodoGeo: Nooooooooooooooooo!

The first one GOG, THE FIRST ONE!
granny: What he said...

On the other hand, this was the first LoK game I ever played, on the Dreamcast, no less.
It is the second one. While being the first one which had the "Legacy of Kain" as a title it came after Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain. They changed it around since Blood Omen: Soul Reaver sounds kinda stupid and "blood" didn't make much sence for a soul devouring wraith.

Also, it's all about Kains legacy, so the switchup is kinda fitting.

On Topic:

I'm so glad that it has gotten it's release on gog. It was a great game for its time and it still holds up to this day. The only thing bothersome is the rather stupid Boss A.I., but that is only noticable if you straight up know what to do (f.e. having played through the game before). Great puzzles, a truly great Score, an epic game.
2 questions:

Is it 100% working (cutscenes, etc) on Win7?
Is there a controller support?
Thank you for that link. Excellent tune. It makes me wish the soundtrack had been possible to include.
Meh. Not that this isn't a cool game in itself, but it's a sequel to a title that's still sorely missed here and it's nowhere near as difficult to find a copy of Soul Reaver than it is to get a hold of Blood Omen. I think I would have applauded the release of Soul Reaver, if it hadn't been for this misleading announcement yesterday. The teasing was building up my hope only to let me down, although by now I should know better than to trust any hype ... :(

That being said, sadly I could never finish this game due to one spot that seemed impossible to pass; a timed puzzle where you have to make several difficult jumps in a row with the camera perspectives working against you (pull lever for the door, climb up some ledges, jump and jump before the door is shut again, perspective changes during jumps so you can't see where you're heading, no room for a single mistake etc.). I will admit I'm generally quite bad at this stuff, but a more experienced friend of mine didn't manage to do it either. Apart from that, good game, but this was terribly frustrating back in the days.
Post edited April 26, 2012 by Leroux
Ohhhh..I hope they will be able to bring Blood Omen 1+2, the sequel to this and Legacy of Kain. The storyline in this game series is surprisingly good!
i used to play a demo of the game on my playstation. I liked it but it was pretty scary for me back then.
I found a site that shows some of the excised content of Soul Reaver...
I played this game for PSX when it was released. The mood of the game is so, so dark and brilliant, and the dialog/voice work is almost worth the price alone. But, in terms of play, the game controls very well and is a lot of fun in combat (you have to dispatch enemies through impalement). If you have a soft spot for 3rd person action adventure games, GET THIS ONE.
Might be worth taking a look at while I wait for "Blood Omen", hint hint :)
deonast: Might be worth taking a look at while I wait for "Blood Omen", hint hint :)!/GOGcom/status/195468379572809728
Fun game.

And I would be careful holding my breath for Blood Omen. If memory serves, last time I tried to get the PC version working, it was a bitch and a half and I never managed to get it fully functional under vista (haven't tried win7 yet).

For those of you with a PS3/PSP/PS Vita/Can wait until Sony finishes their android PS1 emulator thing they have been sort of announcing for a year or so now, Blood Omen 1 is pretty cheap on the PSN, and I can confirm that it seems functional enough after an hour of gameplay while waiting for the UPS man to arrive.

Plot-wise: You learn everything you needed to know from Blood Omen in the intro cutscene of Soul Reaver 1. Mostly it just has some info that is kind of useful in the later Kain games (like info about Janos Audren or whatever his name was, and who the Seraphim were).
Post edited April 26, 2012 by Gundato
MoP: Not buying since there's a neat boxed anthology around
Daedolon: There is? Never heard of such a thing.
In Poland. For ~12 bucks. But it doesn't contain Blood Omen :(.
Actually, you coud try to get it, it's probably in English (at least it's pointed that way on the cover), though I suppose launcher and installer are in Polish.
Fscking phenomenal game from a largely fscking phenomenal series! I already own all the Legacy of Kain games for various systems, but I still instapurchased it. Been looking forward to this franchise the most since GOG announced they somehow managed to get SquEnix on board. Now let's race to get Blood Omen, Soul Reaver 2, and Defiance here, along with their soundtracks, as quickly as possible!

Where is Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain!!!???
Also: I already own this on PS1 and can easily play it on my PS3 without any issues

so I'll just wait for a sale in this case