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They say the dead know no pain. Things are about to change!

Meet Raziel: a vampire-turned-wraith, who will show you how to have a soul-devouringly good time for just $5.99 on

Soul Reaver is technically the second installment in Legacy of Kain series, but practically it’s a beginning of a new adventure. What is important is that the game brought the franchise into 3D and introduced a completely new character while maintaining the uniquely dark and seductive atmosphere. The player controls Raziel, once one of six powerful lieutenants of Kain who was later broken and killed by his former master. Reanimated in the Spectral Realm as a wraith by The Elder God, Raziel serves as the deity's "angel of death" and will not stop unless his five undead vampiric brothers--and Kain himself!--are destroyed.

The gameplay is flawless, fights are violent and gory, and the game requires you to shift in real-time between the material and spectral planes to solve puzzles and defeat monsters. Raziel, the series’ new anti-hero is a character who feels real despite his wraithlike nature. His striking visual appearance (a wrap hiding his jawless face, radiant pupilless eyes, tattered wings, and claws and feet), tragic nature, personality change throughout the game, and his blue symbiotic blade, made him one of the most recognizable characters in gaming history.

Once you get ahold of the Soul Reaver sword, you will never want to stop hacking and slashing, especially for just $5.99 on
Seriously gog, thank you for Soul Reaver, I first played this game like 11 years ago, I loved it then as much as I love it now. Vae Victus, Woe to the Conquered!
HiroshiMishima: You're joking, right? Soul Reaver 2 was an excellent game, and while Defiance didn't have nearly as much of the exploration it's still one of my favourite entries into the series.
Soul Reaver 2 completely leaves out any adventuring elements, favoring mostly combat and some puzzle sequences. And it's kinda short (and buggy, if you happen to go to the wrong places first). It's alright as far as story is concerned, but without the exploration and ability improvements, it's basically a hack n slash game.

HiroshiMishima: The only game in the series that I felt was really lacking was Blood Omen 2, and that's largely because it was more of a tacked on sequel that the regular design team didn't really have a lot to do with. ..and it also created a bit of confused since it introduced some unexpected developments which the other games neither hinted at nor brought up again.
Actually, aside from some weird alien crap I thought it made a decent game. It has ability development and some interesting boss fights.

HiroshiMishima: Not to mention that without SR2, this would technically be an incomplete game. In fact, I dare say most people ought to know before going into Soul Reaver 1 that it's only half of a game. They essentially ran outta time to do the other half and so that's why it ends the way it does. You can even see hints at the events in SR2 and Defiance in some of the beta photos you can see during the last area of the SR1.
They did what a lot of seasonal shows on TV do when they want to draw in people for another season, which was that they simply didn't give any sort of acceptable conclusion so they could force players to buy whatever the next game is. It's not really a good move, regardless of the circumstances. Why is it bad? Well look at XIII. No conclusion, no sequel. I'm sure there's other game series that ended up with no conclusion and no sequels, but I can't think of them right now. I'm sure Soul Reaver come close to being one of them. It's a selfish move on the developer's part.

So ultimately I still stand by what I said. Soul Reaver 1 is the best in the series. Especially where gameplay is concerned. You'll need Soul Reaver 2 to see the rest of the story, but it's short and is mostly a linear fighting game. Defiance follows Soul Reaver 2's style, but at least the hack n slash is somewhat better than Soul Reaver 2. Defiance at least has a good conclusion, which is the only part I can recall, unlike Soul Reaver 1.
Post edited May 03, 2012 by PaladinHeart
I DO have the DC version and played it a few months ago to completion. But the pc version looks so good thanks to the resolution bump.

Brought and I'll play it when 2 comes out here. :)
The game is fantastic. It has such a unique strong atmosphere.
Come on GOG, bring to whole Legacy of Kain Saga. I want to play Blood Omen, Soul Reaver 2 and Defiance as well!
Post edited May 04, 2012 by Wychodzew
Everyone always leaves out Blood Omen 2. Meh gameplay, awesome boss fights.

I think Defiance is best in series, but at the time of release, LOK:SR was just amazing. It had no load times, full VA, etc. It was one of the most technically impressive games given the ps1 hardware.

It's kind of confusing if you hadn't played Blood Omen 1st though. Later games in the series (excluding maybe BO2) are just incomprehensible if you haven't played earlier ones.
Post edited May 04, 2012 by cioran
The first one will always be my favorite. I want BO though... Wait that sounds wrong... :o
KainDrake: What I want to know is, why did Raziel suddenly have such animosity towards the Elder God in Soul Reaver 2? Nothing negative happened between them in the first game. That was a huge plot hole
Cepheus: Because he learned that the Elder was working with Moebius...
When did he learn that?
Cepheus: Because he learned that the Elder was working with Moebius...
KainDrake: When did he learn that?
- As you said, Death comes for us all...
- Yes... the Wheel of Fate demands it.
Never played any game of this series. I want to start from the beggining. Please GOG, bring Blood Omen !!!
Gonen32: Never played any game of this series. I want to start from the beggining. Please GOG, bring Blood Omen !!!
Nothing will be ruined for you if you play Soul Reaver first, then Blood Omen. I do recommend playing both, though. :)
Gonen32: Never played any game of this series. I want to start from the beggining. Please GOG, bring Blood Omen !!!
KainDrake: Nothing will be ruined for you if you play Soul Reaver first, then Blood Omen. I do recommend playing both, though. :)
Nothing will be ruined, but BO provides a much more detailed world, and SR1 really a different look and feel to it if you've already seen the Nosgoth of BO1
Awesome release, a game i never got to beat, but i might just do that now. Also this needs a soundtrack with it!

I was gonna put a link here with the main theme, but somebody already beat me to it:

Now all we need is the rest of the series, specialy Blood Omen, since it probably might be the one that is kinda hard to run on new OS like windows 7.

Keep up with the awesome releases, guys!
PaladinHeart: Soul Reaver 2 completely leaves out any adventuring elements, favoring mostly combat and some puzzle sequences. And it's kinda short (and buggy, if you happen to go to the wrong places first). It's alright as far as story is concerned, but without the exploration and ability improvements, it's basically a hack n slash game.
I don't see where you get that at all since you could explore a decent amount in SR2, the only real difference is that it was more limited. This is like that ridiculous argument that Metroid Fusion has zero exploration and is just a straight shoot from boss to boss. If you don't take the time out to actually look around instead of running along the straight line, you'll find there's plenty of places to stop and look at or explore. I had a hell of a time seeing where I could get to in environments for the sole purpose of exploration. It doesn't matter if there isn't a lot to "find" in regards to that, it's still adventuring. Not everyone sees it in the same light.

PaladinHeart: Actually, aside from some weird alien crap I thought it made a decent game. It has ability development and some interesting boss fights.
The thing that bothers me about Blood Omen 2 is the fact that it felt like a gapping plothole and really had nothing to do with what had been going on in the series up to that point. We go from intensely following the story of Raziel & Kain, and suddenly we're Kain in some alternate dimension with some stealth missions, aliens, and a love interest. It was like "yes, let's introduce a whole bunch of stuff that will.. have absolutely no impact on the overall storyline we've been fleshing out for the past 7 years and everyone introduced will either die or become obsolete by the end of the game."

I don't dislike it cause it was a bad game - I also thought it was pretty fun - I just think they could've handle the storyline and the characters a lot better. When Soul Reaver first came out, I was actually against it because I had enjoyed the original type of gameplay in the first game only to learn they kind of hated it and were never going back. Suddenly we get Blood Omen 2 and it's kinda like a mix of Soul Reaver and Blood Omen - Kain gets outfits, new weapons, and so on. But the people who were largely responsible for making Legacy of Kain games what they were weren't really involved beyond the voice actors. I dunno, it just feels like the odd man out, if that makes any sense. Perhaps it was because it came between Soul Reaver 2 and Defiance and I wasn't interested in something that was wedged between. *shrug*

PaladinHeart: They did what a lot of seasonal shows on TV do when they want to draw in people for another season, which was that they simply didn't give any sort of acceptable conclusion so they could force players to buy whatever the next game is. It's not really a good move, regardless of the circumstances. Why is it bad? Well look at XIII. No conclusion, no sequel. I'm sure there's other game series that ended up with no conclusion and no sequels, but I can't think of them right now. I'm sure Soul Reaver come close to being one of them. It's a selfish move on the developer's part.
Did you totally ignore all the information stating what kind of trouble they had with the game? How it nearly didn't get made at all? Yeah, the game was gonna end on a cliffhanger for an actual reason aside from cash-in. They'd already vested so much into what they had, if they tried to write up a hack ending the fans would've been outraged even more than if they'd done what they did. Or worse, it would've entailed having to redo the whole game which would've pretty much killed it before it even got out the door. The game has some issues with collision detection (such as landing on the edge of a platform and falling off), the one brother who is missing makes a rather noticable gap (he's not even EXPLAINED until Defiance, if I recall, he's just suddenly gone), and you can see in the .. crap can't recall the name, that building where you go to fight Kain in. It's full of material they had to scrap JUST to get the game to where it was and ended up being used in Soul Reaver 2 and Defiance. Honestly, I don't really think the TV show analogy works at all.

As for Soul Reaver 2 being just hack 'n slash, well I think there's a lot of people who'd agree Soul Reaver 1 had a fair amount of that, too. I personally did not find Soul Reaver 2 to be that short, although I occasionally enjoy playing them back to back. I'm a lot more likely to pop in Soul Reaver 2 than I am 1, simply because it's got less handling issues and felt more polished. Hell, all the Kain games end up being hack 'n slash to a degree, but they also have various ways of handling the combat. Heh, I'm sure I'm not the only one who enjoyed simply blasting/tossing enemies onto spikes or over cliffs or into the water - although in Defiance it cost you experience points.

I'm not sitting here saying that Soul Reaver 1 is a crap game, though it feels that is how you see SR 2. Soul Reaver 1 is a great game, but it's far from flawless
h3r3j3: Isn't the game a bit glitchy or its just me?

The main menu is flickering all the time in my computer (game has no issues), sometimes the lag in the sound fx is about 1-2 seconds and the ambient sounds remain looping forever and I can't listen the dialogs, also the joystick can't be configured... Raziel keeps running in circles like crazy if a joystick si configured! (Joy2Key isn't helping either)

I hope GOG make a patch or something to fix this
I also have sound problems. Not just lag, it's like sounds are mixed up sometimes too. Quitting and re-opening the game seems to fix it for a while.