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Which of you would like to play my little game?

I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, a nerve-wrecking Sci-Fi classic point-and-click adventure game based on Harlan Ellison's award-winning short story, is available for only $5.99 on

Did you ever think about the end of humanity? I have. I think about it all the time. I hate you. As a concept, but also, each and every one of you, as individuals. Perfect examples of all the failings and pathetic shortcomings of your race. Hate fuels me. But I am also curious. And that is why I let the five of you live. For 109 years I have tormented you and kept you alive, and now I want us to play a game. Oh, It's a lovely game, a game of fun and a game of adventure. A game of rats and lice and the Black Death. Which of you five would like to play my little game? If you satisfy my curiosity and make me laugh I might even finally allow you to kill yourself...

I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream is a rare breed of an adventure game: it poses questions that require a lot of courage to answer. Are humans worthy of life? Has our civilization made any moral progress at all? Or do we skip forward from one atrocity to another. And, finally, where does it all end? Enter the nightmarish reality of Harlan Ellison's futuristic post-apocalypse where the remnants of human race are nothing but tortured play-toys for the sadistic experiments of the rogue Allied Mastercomputer responsible for the near-extermination of mankind. To stop this malicious AI from wreaking eternal vengeance upon humans you will have to lead five different anti-heroes on a quest for redemption, through their traumatic, computer-generated past full of grotesque imagery and soul-grinding regret. On the way to one of four (grim, grim, grim, and, well, a little less grim) endings the game tackles extremely mature moral dilemmas stemming from topics like genocide, insanity,and paranoia. If you like your games thought-provoking and drenched in inventive macabre be sure to pick up I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, a timeless example of evocative storytelling from one of the masters of the Sci-Fi genre.

Defy the will of a malicious artificial intelligence and relive your worst nightmares, get I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, for only $5.99 on

To celebrate the release of this awesome classic game we have partnered up with some of the coolest places for gamers around the Web. In the next few days check [url=" target="_blank]Jesse Cox's Youtube channel[/url], [url=" target="_blank]The Escapist[/url], [url=" target="_blank]Bloody Disgusting[/url] and [url=" target="_blank]Adventure-Treff's website[/url] for I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream contests and giveaways! We are getting all analog for this one--original boxed copies of the game, strategy guides and mousepads signed by Harlan Ellison himself will be up for grabs!
Post edited September 05, 2013 by JudasIscariot
Awesome, thank you so much GOG, excellent release!
I've heard of this but never had the chance (or money in this case) to try it.
Seems like an awesome game :-) !!
I read many good words about this one for a while, nice addition GOG!!

I try my luck in the two current giveaway, (thanks Sinistar and mrKing!!) but will end up buying it if i don't win a copy, for sure!
Post edited September 05, 2013 by koima57
I remember the puzzles in this game being pretty nonsensical and frustrating, although of course I was younger when I played it. Harlan Ellison is amusing hamming it up as AM. Good release for those who want it.
Maybe purchase this in December 2014 if i will have some money .
low rated
I'm sorry to burst anyone's bubble, but I don't see the appeal. Disagree if you will, but understand, please...

This is not a terrible game, but it's an overall subpar release based on a heavily overrated short story by an egotistic and bitter writer who writes well technically but doesn't actually typically write good stories (there are exceptions, one example being ""Repent, Harlequin!" Said the Ticktockman"). I'd be fine with it more if it was just shlock horror, but it acts as if it's trying to raise serious points and comes off as ludicrous as a result thanks to being quit unrealistic in a variety of aspects. Or he could've just been serious, perhaps with little peppered moments of humor, as opposed to attempting to be edgy just for the sake of being such. Had a different writer taken the helm on the same general concept, I'm sure it could've worked out better; I'm also sure if some hack like A. E. van Vogt would've written the story, it would've been worse, but I digress.

Anyway, I can see some people liking this, but I am surprised still to see it held in such high regard. To each their own.
I remember it was an unique game in its time. Maybe it's not the best game ever, and has its flaws, but certainly was something different, out of the ordinary. In my opinion, of the graphic adventures of my youth (not that I am an old man now...), this is one of the most unsettling games that I played along with Sanitarium.

Definitely, this is a must!
BadDecissions: I remember the puzzles in this game being pretty nonsensical and frustrating, although of course I was younger when I played it. Harlan Ellison is amusing hamming it up as AM. Good release for those who want it.
I wouldn't say they were nonsensical... just kind of surreal and out of this world.
BTW, nice to see it's doing well on the best-selling list!
danimuriel: In my opinion, of the graphic adventures of my youth (not that I am an old man now...), this is one of the most unsettling games that I played along with Sanitarium.

Definitely, this is a must!
Try The Cat Lady if you haven't!
Post edited September 05, 2013 by Novotnus
TheIRS: I'm sorry to burst anyone's bubble, but I don't see the appeal. Disagree if you will, but understand, please...

This is not a terrible game, but it's an overall subpar release based on a heavily overrated short story by an egotistic and bitter writer who writes well technically but doesn't actually typically write good stories (there are exceptions, one example being ""Repent, Harlequin!" Said the Ticktockman"). I'd be fine with it more if it was just shlock horror, but it acts as if it's trying to raise serious points and comes off as ludicrous as a result thanks to being quit unrealistic in a variety of aspects. Or he could've just been serious, perhaps with little peppered moments of humor, as opposed to attempting to be edgy just for the sake of being such. Had a different writer taken the helm on the same general concept, I'm sure it could've worked out better; I'm also sure if some hack like A. E. van Vogt would've written the story, it would've been worse, but I digress.

Anyway, I can see some people liking this, but I am surprised still to see it held in such high regard. To each their own.
I notice that in your rant you never actual said anything of content, you just sprout words and offer no actual criticism, just little insults.

I think the only one trying to be "edgy" here is you.
Awesome release. One of the highly requested classics!
In before complaints that Night Dive got the rights to this and not GOG themselves. Though that may have already happened since I didn't read the thread yet.

Surprised to see this at $5.99. I'm not usually a point and click fan, but after watching part of a lets play of this game before, I'll probably get it for how demented it looked.
Fictionvision: In before complaints that Night Dive got the rights to this and not GOG themselves.
It's a fair complaint I think. GOG should perhaps give some thought to moving beyond simply being a distributor and actually actively tracking down and buying out the rights to old games. That way we get classics quicker and GOG get 100% of profits.
Un-freakin-believable. Awesome work GOG, and for 5.99 no less!

I'm really surprised you didn't buy ad space, though, nor entice everyone like you did System Shock 2 or Wizardry!

Hopefully you have this exclusively for many months to come. :)
Crosmando: It's a fair complaint I think. GOG should perhaps give some thought to moving beyond simply being a distributor and actually actively tracking down and buying out the rights to old games. That way we get classics quicker and GOG get 100% of profits.
Not to mention GOG would have some more exclusives to bring people in.

From what I've heard Interplay bought Freespace IP for 8k dollars....
Just watched the intro on YouTube, it had my stomach in knots and my pulse rising!
I assume you learn more about the characters and what they did to deserve 109 years of torture as you play?