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Harness the power of Ether!

Etherlords 2, a fantastic mix of strategy, RPG, and trading-card game mechanics set in a colorful and diverse fantasy world, is available on, for only $5.99.

If you are familiar to the world of [url=]Etherlords (we have released the first game in the series a couple of months ago), than you know what to expect and you're probably summoning, enchanting, and generally ensorcelling right now. However, if you didn't have a chance to play the first part, it's high time to find out why so many fans of fantasy turn-based tactical combat spend dozens of hours exploring the magical Etherworld. Etherlords 2 is, simply saying, a mix of Magic: The Gathering and Heroes of Might and Magic. You control a single hero through one of five non-linear campaigns for different races. Your hero accumulates an army, experience, skills, and abilities, which he can later use during the most important part of the game--challenging tactical battles with hundreds of units and spells. Since every race uses different cards and units, expect a lot of variety and prepare for some tough decisions when deciding how to approach each different opponent.

If you're looking for tactical depth with eye-catching graphics and some decent voice acting and are willing to sacrifice a decent chunk of your free time to create a perfect deck, than don't waste time and buy Etherlords 2 right now on for only $5.99.
El_Caz: W...why is that poor girl wearing a metal bikini while standing on a frozen landscape in that screenshot? What kind of general has the tactical acumen to lead armies and heroes to battle but forgets something as simple as not freezing your own butt off in the battlefield? :)
She is there to confuse and distract the enemy, ultimately rendering them helpless.
Ghorpm: You got some answers already so I will only add that the game is designed in a way that it actually preclude AI cheating. Each mission revolves around you. It's not like HoMM where both AI and you build up your cities, create armies and fight each other. No, nothing like this. Each mission is quasi-linear: there are some opponents you can avoid or decide to attack later but basically everything is set: your final boss is just patiently waiting for you at the end. So it's only you how gain experience, get new cards and so one. AI is passive. I know it seems bad but don't worry - it's not a typical TBS game (it would be terrible in aforementioned HoMM) and it works perfectly fine here. Actually the story was so deep that I realized it only after few missions and it never bothered me in any way.
In this regard it's very similar to modern King's Bounty games.
Post edited February 05, 2013 by Vitek
In short: This pretty much looks more like Magic The Gathering with graphics, not like HOMM game.
Ghorpm: You got some answers already so I will only add that the game is designed in a way that it actually preclude AI cheating. Each mission revolves around you. It's not like HoMM where both AI and you build up your cities, create armies and fight each other. No, nothing like this. Each mission is quasi-linear: there are some opponents you can avoid or decide to attack later but basically everything is set: your final boss is just patiently waiting for you at the end. So it's only you how gain experience, get new cards and so one. AI is passive. I know it seems bad but don't worry - it's not a typical TBS game (it would be terrible in aforementioned HoMM) and it works perfectly fine here. Actually the story was so deep that I realized it only after few missions and it never bothered me in any way.
Vitek: In this regard it's very similar to modern King's Bounty games.
Exactly! But with a slightly less freedom: you can traverse the whole world in King's Bounty (of course you have to "unlock" some of its parts first) whereas Etherlords uses traditional one map per mission system.
keeveek: In short: This pretty much looks more like Magic The Gathering with graphics, not like HOMM game.
I think we may sea so. It's definitely not HoMM clone. Not even close ;)
Post edited February 05, 2013 by Ghorpm
dirtyharry50: She is there to confuse and distract the enemy, ultimately rendering them helpless.
Distract and confuse? Well, if I saw a half naked woman in the frozen tundra leading an army and ready to fight, I might go: "She's got balls. We should consider fleeing."

Plus, if its the distraction factor she's going for, I'd recommend not wearing metal bras. I fail to see the 'point' of those.
Another great release, thanks GOG!
keeveek: In short: This pretty much looks more like Magic The Gathering with graphics, not like HOMM game.
Yeah, that's pretty much the feel the first one had to me (I'm sure the 2cnd is very similliar based on the looks of it). I used to play some MTG with a small club nearby several years ago, and playing Etherlords 1 had very much the same feel with building/using your deck, and the luck of the draw in an encounter...only in a computer game :)
Post edited February 05, 2013 by Zoltan999
El_Caz: Plus, if its the distraction factor she's going for, I'd recommend not wearing metal bras. I fail to see the 'point' of those.
Arrgh! Why did you use those damned apostrophes?! Such a perfect and witty pun and yet you spoiled it by making it way too obvious! Remember if somebody doesn't understand your pun it's his/her problem not yours! A good pun doesn't need to be emphasized.

Anyway, you made me laugh nevertheless, thanks ;)
dirtyharry50: She is there to confuse and distract the enemy, ultimately rendering them helpless.
Vitek: In this regard it's very similar to modern King's Bounty games.
...specifically the Armored princess one, where "armored" must be sort of a joke from the developers.
Post edited February 05, 2013 by jpolastre
Daynov: Great release, thanks GOG!
I agree. Finally a chance to play this under-rated game sans the "Draconian DRM" that first shipped with the product. Woohoo.
Question to someone who has played both the first and second Etherlords: What are the differences between the two?
Post edited February 05, 2013 by mrkgnao
mrkgnao: Question to someone who has played both the first and second Etherlords: What are the differences between the two?
I played the second one only but found this
Every Nival game is a welcome addition. Heck, I even hope that we'll get Nightwatch someday.
F4LL0UT: Every Nival game is a welcome addition. Heck, I even hope that we'll get Nightwatch someday.
And Daywatch too. ;)
F4LL0UT: Every Nival game is a welcome addition. Heck, I even hope that we'll get Nightwatch someday.
triock: And Daywatch too. ;)
No to mention Baywatch. ;P Uhm, I mean Twilight Watch or something. Didn't they make a game based on the third book?
Post edited February 05, 2013 by F4LL0UT