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Grow stronger turn, by turn.

Eador: Genesis, an impressive turn-based strategy with RPG elements, that sends you on a quest to conquer a shattered realm, is now available on, for only $4.79! That's 20% off, this week only!

The world is no longer whole. All that remains are the islands of existence drifting aimlessly through the endless ocean of emptiness and oblivion. This broken realm houses many aspiring despots, hell-bent on uniting the floating shards of land under their own rule. There was, however, no single monarch who could achieve that feat since the time of the cataclysm. That won't stop you from trying, of course. Is it because you're even more hungry for power and wealth then your opponents? Or maybe you see a higher purpose in domination over Eador? Maybe you believe, that the world united under the rule of one strong leader will finally begin to heal? As one of the Masters, you're free to exercise your will however you see fit. But know this: history will judge you.

Eador: Genesis delivers a turn-based strategy experience inspired by the classics of the genre. It's a multi-layered game, equally stressing the importance of your kingdom's development and management, and your tactical battlefield abilities. There's also a strongly accented RPG element, that goes so well with the imaginatively crafted fantasy setting of the game. With over 170 structures to build, 80 magic spells to master, and 70 kinds of units to lead into the battle, each with its own goals and defining characteristic--this title will keep you busy for many long evenings.

Looking for a well-polished turn-based strategy game that's immersive, enthralling, and deep? Get Eador: Genesis, for only $4.79! That's 20% off until the promo ends on Tuesday, December 11, at 10:59AM GMT.
It's a pity that there are so few gameplay or review videos for this game (if any at all). If anyone was thinking about reviewing GOG games, doing a Let's Play or upload some gameplay footage of them, this would be the game to for! *hint, hint*

(No harm in trying, is there. ;) )
Leroux: It's a pity that there are so few gameplay or review videos for this game (if any at all). If anyone was thinking about reviewing GOG games, doing a Let's Play or upload some gameplay footage of them, this would be the game to for! *hint, hint*

(No harm in trying, is there. ;) )
They're a lot, but only on Russian. Now our review and VOD's makers begin to write videos on English, but they need some time and English example of game.
I'm still a bit confused about the spell system. I was finally able to learn another one of my scrolls, only after a slot in the II tier opened up. How can you determine if you're at a high enough level to use a certain spell. And I also found a basilisk egg, but I'll be damned if I can figure out how to use it.
This game is the current top seller, clearly did very well than most people would expect.
This is a dumb question, but is that AWESOME music from the trailer actually in the game itself?
jackalKnight: This is a dumb question, but is that AWESOME music from the trailer actually in the game itself?
That's from the game, yeah.
the_bard: I'm still a bit confused about the spell system. I was finally able to learn another one of my scrolls, only after a slot in the II tier opened up. How can you determine if you're at a high enough level to use a certain spell. And I also found a basilisk egg, but I'll be damned if I can figure out how to use it.
You can access hero screen anytime - just click on heroe's portrait on the info panel. On that screen you'll see spell slots and other info. To determine will hero be able to learn spell or not, check spell's "Circle". Spell must be placed in slot equal or higher it's "Circle" number.
Eggs and other summoning items can only be used when you raise spesific building in your stronghold. In beginning of campaign, before that building is unlocked, you can just sell that items.
Post edited December 08, 2012 by Adrageron
Awesome score, then! Strongly considering buying this for the Christmas/late year sale...
Adrageron: You can access hero screen anytime - just click on heroe's portrait on the info panel. On that screen you'll see spell slots and other info. To determine will hero be able to learn spell or not, check spell's "Circle". Spell must be placed in slot equal or higher it's "Circle" number.
Eggs and other summoning items can only be used when you raise spesific building in your stronghold. In beginning of campaign, before that building is unlocked, you can just sell that items.
Makes sense now. Thanks for the help!
Alright. Having made it past the tutorial stage I had to take a break for a moment. To those folks still kicking around the idea of getting Eador: Genesis, all I can say is this: If you like MoM and HoMM and games in that vein; get this. You will not be disappointed. I had never heard of this until it's release here (and probably never would have if it hadn't been released outside it's homeland and in English) and had my own reservations until I started playing it. It's not that I thought it would be a bad game, it's just that I didn't expect it to be as good as it actually is. The same addictive type gameplay you experience in MoM and HoMM is right here. This game is firing on all cylinders for me. I sat down and really started playing it this afternoon and hours have flown by and I feel I've barely scratched the surface. This is a really nice experience for me. I would have to say this may be the best release this year for me on GOG. I'm glad I took the plunge on this one.
Picked this up, wondering if there were balancing issues, but there are none I am aware of.

Have spent hours in this thing, yes it's that easy to get immersed in, and find myself clicking the damned thing all too often, instead of doing mundane things like Christmas shopping :-)

A true, hidden gem.

Have spent far more, on games far less immersing, that I was all too happy to just put aside and never think of a next turn in.

Perfect, no, nothing is, but this can certainly eat time and keep you busy while it is doing so.

Edit: Just in case you are on the fence, and considering a purchase after everything you have read in the thread, try this code: [and to remove code]

I really don't mind giving these guys, and GOG, a sale, as both did a great job in getting it here to us; enjoy!
Post edited December 08, 2012 by Dischord
I would actually say I have more fun with this title than with Heroes of Might and Magic games (yes I went there and I said it and I won't be beaten by the lynch mob ---- I hope ---- at least not too badly).

I find combat with the single units to be far more tactical than in the Hero games where there is a major element in stacking as many of a creature in a stack as possible which greatly affects what you can win or lose.

The other neat thing is that all the little quests and province events really help to immerse the user into the game itself and can also throw up very unexpected bonuses and challenges that mean you can't just sit back, you've got to always be dynamic with your plans.
overread: The other neat thing is that all the little quests and province events really help to immerse the user into the game itself and can also throw up very unexpected bonuses and challenges that mean you can't just sit back, you've got to always be dynamic with your plans.
Also, actual choices and consequences! Protip: Don't piss off the inquisition.
"Burn the witch anyway to appease the crowd."
Fenixp: Also, actual choices and consequences! Protip: Don't piss off the inquisition.
Fuck the inquisition. I make it my mission to torture all who come my way. They want to take over my province? Kill them all!
Post edited December 08, 2012 by lowyhong
lowyhong: Fuck the inquisition. I make it my mission to torture all who come my way. They want to take over my province? Kill them all!
I'm in one now where these pushy bastards keep showing up; guess I pissed them off :-)