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Grow stronger turn, by turn.

Eador: Genesis, an impressive turn-based strategy with RPG elements, that sends you on a quest to conquer a shattered realm, is now available on, for only $4.79! That's 20% off, this week only!

The world is no longer whole. All that remains are the islands of existence drifting aimlessly through the endless ocean of emptiness and oblivion. This broken realm houses many aspiring despots, hell-bent on uniting the floating shards of land under their own rule. There was, however, no single monarch who could achieve that feat since the time of the cataclysm. That won't stop you from trying, of course. Is it because you're even more hungry for power and wealth then your opponents? Or maybe you see a higher purpose in domination over Eador? Maybe you believe, that the world united under the rule of one strong leader will finally begin to heal? As one of the Masters, you're free to exercise your will however you see fit. But know this: history will judge you.

Eador: Genesis delivers a turn-based strategy experience inspired by the classics of the genre. It's a multi-layered game, equally stressing the importance of your kingdom's development and management, and your tactical battlefield abilities. There's also a strongly accented RPG element, that goes so well with the imaginatively crafted fantasy setting of the game. With over 170 structures to build, 80 magic spells to master, and 70 kinds of units to lead into the battle, each with its own goals and defining characteristic--this title will keep you busy for many long evenings.

Looking for a well-polished turn-based strategy game that's immersive, enthralling, and deep? Get Eador: Genesis, for only $4.79! That's 20% off until the promo ends on Tuesday, December 11, at 10:59AM GMT.
djranis: is it as good as homm 3 , how about the story does it have a good one,
jamotide: It does, suprises me alot right now actually. Never paid attention to the story in Homm or Aow as its mostly ridiculous irrelevant crap, Mom of course doesnt have any. But so far this is pretty entertaining with witty dialogues that are translated very well. I just spent half an hour getting insulted by my servant on the astral plane!
@NecRus888 Why did you keep this game from us for 3 years, not nice!
All depends on publisher. Some times ago we tried to make a unofficial translation. But publisher didn't want it

Don't be scared about game lenght. I've playing it for 3 years and wasn't bored. If you don't want to play campain feel free to play quick custom games on a small shards.

I will answer on any questions about Eador in private messages.
Thank you!
Post edited December 05, 2012 by NecRus888
I've only played in the tutorial thus far but can see myself enjoying this immensely on cold winter nights ahead. The folks that suggested this would appeal to people who like games like HoMM, MoM, AoW, and KB were dead on. I am really enjoying it so far. This is turning out to be a nice surprise release for me as I probably would have never heard of this had it not been released here. Kinda like when they released KoDP.
towerbooks3192: So what you mean by knowing levels ahead is that I have to memorise that x creature is y level? So is that a preset number or lets say X creature is around level y to z?
ghaaroth: Wait, do you mean level (the common one, earned for xp) or power rank (static for every unit type)?

Levels can be anything from 1 to 10 and sometimes beyond. There is some levelscaling at work, and a rule of thumb is the farther you go from starting province or the deeper you research a province in case of special location encounters, the more challenging the opposition becomes. But in general you can't know if that bunch of elves you're going to face is level 1 or 10.
Edit: I was hoping someone could tell me that there is a screen or some numbers I missed that determines how strong my opponents are or the levels so I could pick my battles. If there is not then I cross my fingers that there is a way to do this in the remake
ghaaroth: The hero always gives a rough estimate of outcome before the battle. Of course it can't account for everything - in case of spiders, for instance, a lonely uberhero will have hell of a time dealing with their web ability spam, while a bunch of lowly militia will handle them reasonably well.

You're also always provided with the number of enemies you're facing and what kind of units are there. The total amount of units in game is about 70, so it won't take long to learn their strengths, weaknesses and average power comparative to those of yours. And when you meet some troll or minotaur you haven't ever fought before, well, that's as good opportunity as any for a surprise, eh? :D
I think I will restart the tutorial. I kind of get the hang of things and started defeating goblins and ogres and some undead and I had a decent army (a level 2 healer, x2 level 2 Spearmen and 2x level 2 Slingers. Then I ran into a party of 3 ogres and boom! One hit of their bloody club and they are nothing more than human paste.
Hi guys!

I'm a part of Snowbird Games studio which along with GOG team made this release possible. Thanks a lot for your feedback, it was really captivating to find out foreign players' impressions for the past day :)

We've created <span class="bold">a new subforum</span> for Eador. Genesis with some possible solutions to problems running the game and some advice for beginners.

Feel free to join! We're going to need some feedback for possible hot fix as well.

We also finish accepting beta applications for Masters of the Broken World this Friday. So if anyone is interested in playing the new game it's better to hurry :) You can apply for it in <span class="bold">this thread</span>.

We'd be really happy to see people from here joining the beta.
Imper1um: ...
One question - is Snowbird Games related in any way to Snowball (russian gaming company)?
Imper1um: ...
SLP2000: One question - is Snowbird Games related in any way to Snowball (russian gaming company)?
It's related in every possible way :) The core stuff consists of old-time Snowball members.
Imper1um: It's related in every possible way :) The core stuff consists of old-time Snowball members.
In this case I will send you a PM, because I want to ask something about Snowball (something not related to Eador, so no reason to post it here). Probably on the weekend.
Post edited December 05, 2012 by SLP2000
Hi for all! I'm Ankelesh from the main Eador forum. (I must say that there is a big community and we waiting for questions. "Asc us about Eador"=).)
I will answer for every question about Eador, tactics, units and other stuff. Also, more information U may find on our forum:
Don't afraid by Russian language, in a few days our webmasters will translate it. If U want to ask a question, I will place here short manual @How to register and log in on our forum@.
Sorry for my bad english, I'm from other country.
Ankelesh: Sorry for my bad english, I'm from other country.
It's ok, Moldova gave the world epic sax guy. All is automatically forgiven :D
Post edited December 05, 2012 by lowyhong
So, here is the guide:
Sorry for it large size, I want save quality.
Guys, help please... I really like to play this game, but got a blank screen after start, music starts, but the mouse wont move on the main menu.

Drivers updated or at least they were 2 months ago.
WIN7 PRO ULT, ACER 5951G, I7-2630, GeForce GT 555M.. thanks in advance.
Post edited December 05, 2012 by Lugobacsi
This game is pretty awesome. I suggest people buy it. For money.
Looked awesome. Picked it up.

Kind of reminds me (visually) of a mix of Tzar, HOMM, and Rage of Mages?
ShadowWulfe: Looked awesome. Picked it up.

Kind of reminds me (visually) of a mix of Tzar, HOMM, and Rage of Mages?
I've played a few hours, and the best way I can describe it as being a mish-mash of all of the noteworthy fantasy TBS games on this service. It's got some heroes, some civilization, a bit of Master of Magic and a bit of Disciples.
Lugobacsi: Guys, help please... I really like to play this game, but got a blank screen after start, music starts, but the mouse wont move on the main menu.

Drivers updated or at least they were 2 months ago.
WIN7 PRO ULT, ACER 5951G, I7-2630, GeForce GT 555M.. thanks in advance.
Maybe try in Windows XP compatibility?