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Grow stronger turn, by turn.

Eador: Genesis, an impressive turn-based strategy with RPG elements, that sends you on a quest to conquer a shattered realm, is now available on, for only $4.79! That's 20% off, this week only!

The world is no longer whole. All that remains are the islands of existence drifting aimlessly through the endless ocean of emptiness and oblivion. This broken realm houses many aspiring despots, hell-bent on uniting the floating shards of land under their own rule. There was, however, no single monarch who could achieve that feat since the time of the cataclysm. That won't stop you from trying, of course. Is it because you're even more hungry for power and wealth then your opponents? Or maybe you see a higher purpose in domination over Eador? Maybe you believe, that the world united under the rule of one strong leader will finally begin to heal? As one of the Masters, you're free to exercise your will however you see fit. But know this: history will judge you.

Eador: Genesis delivers a turn-based strategy experience inspired by the classics of the genre. It's a multi-layered game, equally stressing the importance of your kingdom's development and management, and your tactical battlefield abilities. There's also a strongly accented RPG element, that goes so well with the imaginatively crafted fantasy setting of the game. With over 170 structures to build, 80 magic spells to master, and 70 kinds of units to lead into the battle, each with its own goals and defining characteristic--this title will keep you busy for many long evenings.

Looking for a well-polished turn-based strategy game that's immersive, enthralling, and deep? Get Eador: Genesis, for only $4.79! That's 20% off until the promo ends on Tuesday, December 11, at 10:59AM GMT.
Don't slug it out with the giant slugs unless you get some better tier 1 troops, like Swordsmen, and even then try to make sure they're of a decent level. Giant slugs are dangerous fuckers, especially with their poison.
Post edited December 05, 2012 by lowyhong
lowyhong: Don't slug it out with the giant slugs unless you get some better tier 1 troops, like Swordsmen, and even then try to make sure they're of a decent level. Giant slugs are dangerous fuckers, especially with their poison.
Any way of knowing what levels the enemies are before I charge in? Also have problems like I don't know how to let my man recuperate and replenish their ammos after battle
Actually I'd like to know the answers to those questions too lol.
Mephe: The game's sound doesn't work for me at all, unfortunately. Apart from that it seems pretty decent though.
Kunovski: my sound is stuttering so much and the game is so laggy it's unplayable... anyone has this too on Win XP?

EDIT: and yes, I did turn off everything in the background :(
The game uses quite old libraries which aren't exactly compatible with newest hardware. Common suggestion is to tinker with some values in eador.cfg: Refresh delay,
Poll mouse delay, Sleep time, Antiblink Delay.

Alternately, some people report getting rid of lags by running 2 instances of the game simultaneously. See if it helps to have a second instance being live in the background.
ghaaroth: The game uses quite old libraries which aren't exactly compatible with newest hardware. Common suggestion is to tinker with some values in eador.cfg: Refresh delay,
Poll mouse delay, Sleep time, Antiblink Delay.

Alternately, some people report getting rid of lags by running 2 instances of the game simultaneously. See if it helps to have a second instance being live in the background.
wow, the second suggestion sounds mad :D I'll try both this afternoon, thank you!
lowyhong: Don't slug it out with the giant slugs unless you get some better tier 1 troops, like Swordsmen, and even then try to make sure they're of a decent level. Giant slugs are dangerous fuckers, especially with their poison.
towerbooks3192: Any way of knowing what levels the enemies are before I charge in? Also have problems like I don't know how to let my man recuperate and replenish their ammos after battle
Knowing levels ahead would be too easy ;)

Ammo is restored instantly after battle, as is stamina. Regeneration of hitpoints takes a plenty of time, though, and that's time spent doing nothing but resting. Buildings like infirmary etc (both in capital and provinces) increase regeneration rate, so does having healer units in party. There are ritual spells to restore some health on global map. Still, more often than not you might want to abandon a severely wounded unit you don't want to lose in a garrison, so he doesn't hold you down.

Either that, or find some weak opposition, stock up on healing spells and healers, and engage. Spamming good old cure light wounds in battle is a fastest way to bring an army back into shape.
Just FYI, a second update of my laptop drivers (first didn't take for some screwy reason with my laptop) solved my problem.

Game is now running flawlessly. Only had time to play with it for a few minutes but it's going to be awesome. I'd say you could lose several months playing it and really tax your brain. Looking forward to it :)
Fenixp: It does have hotseat, actually
Thanks for info :)
towerbooks3192: Any way of knowing what levels the enemies are before I charge in? Also have problems like I don't know how to let my man recuperate and replenish their ammos after battle
ghaaroth: Knowing levels ahead would be too easy ;)

Ammo is restored instantly after battle, as is stamina. Regeneration of hitpoints takes a plenty of time, though, and that's time spent doing nothing but resting. Buildings like infirmary etc (both in capital and provinces) increase regeneration rate, so does having healer units in party. There are ritual spells to restore some health on global map. Still, more often than not you might want to abandon a severely wounded unit you don't want to lose in a garrison, so he doesn't hold you down.

Either that, or find some weak opposition, stock up on healing spells and healers, and engage. Spamming good old cure light wounds in battle is a fastest way to bring an army back into shape.
So what you mean by knowing levels ahead is that I have to memorise that x creature is y level? So is that a preset number or lets say X creature is around level y to z?

Edit: I was hoping someone could tell me that there is a screen or some numbers I missed that determines how strong my opponents are or the levels so I could pick my battles. If there is not then I cross my fingers that there is a way to do this in the remake
Post edited December 05, 2012 by towerbooks3192
towerbooks3192: I was hoping someone could tell me that there is a screen or some numbers I missed that determines how strong my opponents are or the levels so I could pick my battles. If there is not then I cross my fingers that there is a way to do this in the remake
Your hero can learn a scouting skill, wich will allow him to reconnoiter opoonennt's forces before the battle.
Nice to see this game (and Miasmata) in the top 10 :)
towerbooks3192: I was hoping someone could tell me that there is a screen or some numbers I missed that determines how strong my opponents are or the levels so I could pick my battles. If there is not then I cross my fingers that there is a way to do this in the remake
Adrageron: Your hero can learn a scouting skill, wich will allow him to reconnoiter opoonennt's forces before the battle.
Oh, so I need a scout to scout it out? this game is starting to sound even better. too bad I am using a warrior hero and I am still in the tutorial. Would love to know how to know monster levels without scouting and/or memorising the levels of ones you have already encountered.
towerbooks3192: Edit: I was hoping someone could tell me that there is a screen or some numbers I missed that determines how strong my opponents are or the levels so I could pick my battles. If there is not then I cross my fingers that there is a way to do this in the remake
I think the recommendations from the hero are pretty accurate mostly, definitely more helpful than knowing the levels of the creatures from the scouting skill. Anyway, when you play more you get to know most creatures strength, this is just like in all the games of this kind. Losing isnt such a big deal anyway, since you can ressurect and buy back troops at little cost, or turn back time.
towerbooks3192: Oh, so I need a scout to scout it out? this game is starting to sound even better. too bad I am using a warrior hero and I am still in the tutorial.
On the 10-th experience level you can pick a scout multiclass for your warrior, this will allow him to learn scouting and do other ranger's stuff :)
Would love to know how to know monster levels without scouting and/or memorising the levels of ones you have already encountered.
It will come to you with time. Game has it's rules of possible guards in different places. Defenders aren't just a random mix of units.
towerbooks3192: So what you mean by knowing levels ahead is that I have to memorise that x creature is y level? So is that a preset number or lets say X creature is around level y to z?
Wait, do you mean level (the common one, earned for xp) or power rank (static for every unit type)?

Levels can be anything from 1 to 10 and sometimes beyond. There is some levelscaling at work, and a rule of thumb is the farther you go from starting province or the deeper you research a province in case of special location encounters, the more challenging the opposition becomes. But in general you can't know if that bunch of elves you're going to face is level 1 or 10.
Edit: I was hoping someone could tell me that there is a screen or some numbers I missed that determines how strong my opponents are or the levels so I could pick my battles. If there is not then I cross my fingers that there is a way to do this in the remake
The hero always gives a rough estimate of outcome before the battle. Of course it can't account for everything - in case of spiders, for instance, a lonely uberhero will have hell of a time dealing with their web ability spam, while a bunch of lowly militia will handle them reasonably well.

You're also always provided with the number of enemies you're facing and what kind of units are there. The total amount of units in game is about 70, so it won't take long to learn their strengths, weaknesses and average power comparative to those of yours. And when you meet some troll or minotaur you haven't ever fought before, well, that's as good opportunity as any for a surprise, eh? :D