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Grow stronger turn, by turn.

Eador: Genesis, an impressive turn-based strategy with RPG elements, that sends you on a quest to conquer a shattered realm, is now available on, for only $4.79! That's 20% off, this week only!

The world is no longer whole. All that remains are the islands of existence drifting aimlessly through the endless ocean of emptiness and oblivion. This broken realm houses many aspiring despots, hell-bent on uniting the floating shards of land under their own rule. There was, however, no single monarch who could achieve that feat since the time of the cataclysm. That won't stop you from trying, of course. Is it because you're even more hungry for power and wealth then your opponents? Or maybe you see a higher purpose in domination over Eador? Maybe you believe, that the world united under the rule of one strong leader will finally begin to heal? As one of the Masters, you're free to exercise your will however you see fit. But know this: history will judge you.

Eador: Genesis delivers a turn-based strategy experience inspired by the classics of the genre. It's a multi-layered game, equally stressing the importance of your kingdom's development and management, and your tactical battlefield abilities. There's also a strongly accented RPG element, that goes so well with the imaginatively crafted fantasy setting of the game. With over 170 structures to build, 80 magic spells to master, and 70 kinds of units to lead into the battle, each with its own goals and defining characteristic--this title will keep you busy for many long evenings.

Looking for a well-polished turn-based strategy game that's immersive, enthralling, and deep? Get Eador: Genesis, for only $4.79! That's 20% off until the promo ends on Tuesday, December 11, at 10:59AM GMT.
overread: Honestly this isn't like any other turn based strategy game. It's got some similarities to the Heroes of might and magic interface and battle grid, but its really its own unique beast and I would argue a very rewarding one as well.
Yeah no kidding. 3 hours in and I'm still feeling like I've barely scraped the surface. If my head weren't spinning right now, I'd be burning the night away on this.
Post edited December 04, 2012 by lowyhong
Hi, guys!
It's nice to meet you in the world of Eador. We (Russian) have been playing this game since 2009. Welcome to "The Drunken Dragon" - official forum of this game
Forum is mostly in Russian, but we can help you with your questions and suggestions.
Feel free to create new topics and asking us.

Sinsirely yours, NesRus888 (one of admins of "The Drunken Dragon")
Post edited December 04, 2012 by NecRus888
is it as good as homm 3 , how about the story does it have a good one,
djranis: is it as good as homm 3 , how about the story does it have a good one,
Yes! There is a great story, but campaing is too loooooooooooooooooooong! =)) 120 hours of gameplay (as minimum) and several endings!
Enjoy it!
Post edited December 04, 2012 by NecRus888
mistermumbles: Note of caution: If your PC has an integrated graphics chip you may want to stay clear from this game for now.

Like some others I'm greeted with a black/static menu screen on startup. Every time this has happened to me in the past with other GOG titles it was due to my Intel HD 3000. Luckily I was able to circumvent the issue with those other games, but in this case the supposed windowed mode does jack all.

It's a real shame since I really wanted to play this game.
I just updated drivers to my Intel HD graphic card and it worked.
overread: Honestly this isn't like any other turn based strategy game. It's got some similarities to the Heroes of might and magic interface and battle grid, but its really its own unique beast and I would argue a very rewarding one as well.
lowyhong: Yeah no kidding. 3 hours in and I'm still feeling like I've barely scraped the surface. If my head weren't spinning right now, I'd be burning the night away on this.
Agreed, the games operation is simple but the depth is surprisingly deep and well polished!

I didn't even get to mentioning that each province on a map that you take over will have random events triggering - from bonuses to negatives. Things that require your attention and might help or hinder you. It really makes them feel more like taking a province than just taking over a little town and developing it a bit.
oh man, everybody just keeps talking about it on and on so I had to buy it too just to find out what's it all about! are you happy now? :D :D :D
GOG seems to be developing a niche for translations of Russian/Eastern European software that don't get widely distributed elsewhere in the English-speaking world. Interesting.
Fred_DM: so, is this going to be the only release today?
Why is this post low rated ?
I hope you will enjoy Primordia tomorrow .
Fred_DM: so, is this going to be the only release today?
ne_zavarj: Why is this post low rated ?
I hope you will enjoy Primordia tomorrow .
Anyone who is critical of GOG will get downrepped.

It seems that the more obscure and unheard of a game is, the more fanfare and jubilation it gets, and seemingly everyone buys it and wishlists it.

For me, it didn't appeal to me what-so-ever. I have no problem with GOG releasing only one game, but i'm surprised that games like these get so much interest.
Is this the first indie game to use the 5.99 price point? I think it is... Up until now, most seemed to have been at least 9.99. Or is this a true Indie game? I've never heard of the publisher "Snowbird Games".

So this game has over 50 hours of TBS game play, is priced competitively, *and* is on sale? Wow! Quite a good deal!!
Post edited December 04, 2012 by yyahoo
djranis: is it as good as homm 3 , how about the story does it have a good one,
NecRus888: Yes! There is a great story, but campaing is too loooooooooooooooooooong! =)) 120 hours of gameplay (as minimum) and several endings!
Enjoy it!
120 hours can become very boring at some point. So I think that the length of this game does not have to be a good thing. I gave up on Kings Bounty somewhere on the third or fourd continent because I couldn't force myself to continue fighting.
Post edited December 04, 2012 by Trilarion
ne_zavarj: Why is this post low rated ?
I hope you will enjoy Primordia tomorrow .
Just look at the tone of that post, I mean seriously. He's saying it as if this particular game had no place on GOG because it's a HOMM 'clone,' which is simply not true. Neither of those.
gameon: Anyone who is critical of GOG will get downrepped.
Funny, noone else who said it's not their cup of tea got downrepped. Maybe it's not a problem with GOG but with Fred_DM...
Post edited December 04, 2012 by Fenixp
gameon: It seems that the more obscure and unheard of a game is, the more fanfare and jubilation it gets, and seemingly everyone buys it and wishlists it.
Or the game could be really good.
jackalKnight: GOG seems to be developing a niche for translations of Russian/Eastern European software that don't get widely distributed elsewhere in the English-speaking world. Interesting.
If GOG managed to translate Metropolis Software's "The Prince and the Coward" into English (subtitles, at least), non-German/Polish speaking adventure fans would have a reason to rejoice...
One can dream, hmm?