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Grow stronger turn, by turn.

Eador: Genesis, an impressive turn-based strategy with RPG elements, that sends you on a quest to conquer a shattered realm, is now available on, for only $4.79! That's 20% off, this week only!

The world is no longer whole. All that remains are the islands of existence drifting aimlessly through the endless ocean of emptiness and oblivion. This broken realm houses many aspiring despots, hell-bent on uniting the floating shards of land under their own rule. There was, however, no single monarch who could achieve that feat since the time of the cataclysm. That won't stop you from trying, of course. Is it because you're even more hungry for power and wealth then your opponents? Or maybe you see a higher purpose in domination over Eador? Maybe you believe, that the world united under the rule of one strong leader will finally begin to heal? As one of the Masters, you're free to exercise your will however you see fit. But know this: history will judge you.

Eador: Genesis delivers a turn-based strategy experience inspired by the classics of the genre. It's a multi-layered game, equally stressing the importance of your kingdom's development and management, and your tactical battlefield abilities. There's also a strongly accented RPG element, that goes so well with the imaginatively crafted fantasy setting of the game. With over 170 structures to build, 80 magic spells to master, and 70 kinds of units to lead into the battle, each with its own goals and defining characteristic--this title will keep you busy for many long evenings.

Looking for a well-polished turn-based strategy game that's immersive, enthralling, and deep? Get Eador: Genesis, for only $4.79! That's 20% off until the promo ends on Tuesday, December 11, at 10:59AM GMT.
Good game,... good it!
Fred_DM: difference is, i don't already have 7 Duke Nukem games, while i DO have 7 HOMM installments... besides, Shadow Warrior is a classic, and was made by the same team, so it can hardly be considered a "clone".
And, on top of that, Fred_DM does not only have seven HOMM games, but the world also revolves around him. While he is playing all seven at the same time. How awesome is that?
Post edited December 04, 2012 by Mnemon
Not bad, as it does seem to be a lesser-known title. Certainly a great price, too. Still, I am disappointed that Duke Nukem 1 and 2 didn't show up (as was speculated).

Besides being new, the genre doesn't interest me, but I'm guessing it is selling well enough overall for GOG to focus on getting fantasy strategy games and RPGs here. (as these seem to be the most-released kind of game here)

Here's to hoping for an golden oldie this Thursday.

Fred_DM: difference is, i don't already have 7 Duke Nukem games, while i DO have 7 HOMM installments... besides, Shadow Warrior is a classic, and was made by the same team, so it can hardly be considered a "clone".
These genres in general are probably selling better than the FPS genre here. Only Duke Nukem 3D is in the top 15.
Post edited December 04, 2012 by tfishell
Mnemon: And, on top of that, Fred_DM does not only have seven HOMM games, but the world also revolves around him. While he is playing all seven at the same time. How awesome is that?
Thank you for taking that up for me! I'm too tired to argue with mr. Troll, but want to see it... TO THE END!
Post edited December 04, 2012 by Fenixp
LordCinnamon: Thanks! Say, does the game come with a manual? I don't see it in the extras.
JuriJ: Unfortunately there is only fan-made manual and it is available only in Russian. On the official website is also very useful encyclopaedia but it's also only in Russian.
I'm browsing the google translated website now. There's a lot of things going on in this game. Thanks for taking the time to answer people's questions about it, the game is pretty much on the top of my to-buy list now.
towerbooks3192: Ok, Just took the plunge,

After a couple of minutes into the tutorial here are my thoughts:

I have never seen anything like it and its not a blatant HoMM clone. One hex (even your own starting demesne) has a lot going on like you could still explore it and have places infested by monster or there are some brigands waiting to kill you. It is a totally different beast and I have never scratched the surface yet. My only complaint is that why the heck is it released the night before I get back to work after a long 4 day off!!

All in all its great value for money. I can't believe its not their $9.99 game. Only thing lacking is the omph and animation of HoMM III but all in all a good game so far.
Yeah it's crazy isn't it? It really does look like HoMM/AOW/Disciples at first glance, but when you get into it, the differences start to show.
I've also never even heard of it before, but looks very promising, so I think I'll soon grab it.
Thanks for introducing us to it, GOG!
Looks exciting!
Got this little heartthrob which is the reason why I keep checking every GOG's release.
Post edited December 04, 2012 by Merchito
Anyone any clues on how to fix the game crashing as it doesn't play on my system at all.

I have Windows 7 and, as soon as I run it, I get a black screen with music playing. When I hit control, alt, delete it sends me out to Task Manager and, if I click on the game icon at the bottom of the screen, I can then get into the game but only to the Start screen. That then freezes.

Any ideas?

Not a huge deal as I've had similar problems and eventually found a solution, but so far it's a no play for me :(

ETA: Never mind -- it seems several other people have the same issue with Windows 7, as reported in the help forum for the game. Support will likely figure it out and fix it. Until then, back to Dungeons of Dredmor (God, I love that game :)
Post edited December 04, 2012 by Bloodygoodgames
It says HOMM like but looking at the images it appears a lot different, I love HOMM but is it very similar?
reaver894: It says HOMM like but looking at the images it appears a lot different, I love HOMM but is it very similar?
Here's a quick rundown of the gameplay:

- Overworld map is made up of giant hex grids, or provinces
- You can explore each hex every turn and uncover secret dungeons, landmarks etc. These come in the form of text-based narratives, and are frequently accompanied by combat. Choices and consequences are involved.
- One unit slot can only hold one unit i.e. units don't stack like HOMM
- There is a fine balance between RPG and tactics. Your units and heroes can level up and choose various perks (and your heroes can fight); heroes can also purchase equipment. Tactical-wise, the combat makes terrain much more important than in HOMM. Trees provide cover from ranged attacks, and hills give archers bonuses. The combat is more wargame-y in this sense

There's probably more to it, but this is what I have gathered from my 2 hours of playing. You should also read this thread from page 2 onwards. JuriJ and Elwin have played this game more than I have, and they've made some insightful posts.
Post edited December 04, 2012 by lowyhong
reaver894: It says HOMM like but looking at the images it appears a lot different, I love HOMM but is it very similar?
lowyhong: Here's a quick rundown of the gameplay:

- Overworld map is made up of giant hex grids, or provinces
- You can explore each hex every turn and uncover secret dungeons, landmarks etc. These come in the form of text-based narratives, and are frequently accompanied by combat. Choices and consequences are involved.
- One unit slot can only hold one unit i.e. units don't stack like HOMM
- There is a fine balance between RPG and tactics. Your units and heroes can level up and choose various perks (and your heroes can fight); heroes can also purchase equipment. Tactical-wise, the combat makes terrain much more important than in HOMM. Trees provide cover from ranged attacks, and hills give archers bonuses. The combat is more wargame-y in this sense

There's probably more to it, but this is what I have gathered from my 2 hours of playing.
thanks for the heads up, doesnt sound much like HOMM from your description. I think i will get it to try it out as it doesnt seem like it will detract from my liking of HOMM.
Also note that on the main game map each province that you can take over isn't just a terrain area with resources, you also get:

1) Unique resources depending on the terrain type

2) Buildable structures depending upon the terrain type and features to protect or boost the terrains production

3) Exploration - each time your hero explores in the terrain it:
a) Unlocks more % explored terrain for your people in that slot to live in as the population expands (if you don't do this enough the population will complain)
b) Unlocks random encounters with various situations - these can be an outright bonus, a battle, a shop or even small RPG style encounters where you can negotiate or fight again.

The game also favours a slower advance, you need to creep along in the early stages to build up levels and power. Even then the games "Easy/hard/medium" assessment of battles can come out very differently if you don't play just right.

It also has an unforgiving save feature in that the game autosaves all the time; you can't just load up and start from before a disaster you have to ride it out (though you can go back one turn, at a cost!)

Honestly this isn't like any other turn based strategy game. It's got some similarities to the Heroes of might and magic interface and battle grid, but its really its own unique beast and I would argue a very rewarding one as well.

The tutorial first mission is detailed whilst also easy to follow and introduces you to the games mechanics very clearly. I don't miss the lack of a manual in general as you can pick up most of the game after the tutorial pretty easily.
Seems quite intriguing. I think I'll be buying, since I really enjoy these kind of games. It definitely doesn't look like a title from 2009, but that's alright.

I'd assume since GOG has secured this release there's a good chance its sequel will pop up here as well.
Crosmando: What is it with Russians and fantasy TBS anyways, HoMM3 has a huge Russian fanbase/modding community also
You won't see me complaining as I love these types of games. ;) I wouldn't mind seeing something in this genre with a sci-fi setting though, just to shake things up a little.
Note of caution: If your PC has an integrated graphics chip you may want to stay clear from this game for now.

Like some others I'm greeted with a black/static menu screen on startup. Every time this has happened to me in the past with other GOG titles it was due to my Intel HD 3000. Luckily I was able to circumvent the issue with those other games, but in this case the supposed windowed mode does jack all.

It's a real shame since I really wanted to play this game.
Post edited December 04, 2012 by mistermumbles