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The adventure that can last forever.

Driftmoon, a charming and detailed indie role-playing adventure, complete with a robust mod editor that will let you create your own complex scenarios, is available 20% off on That's only $11.99 for a week, starting today.

[url=][/url]Here's a game that will make you smile. It's plain to see that a lot of love and passion of its creators went into the process of making Driftmoon happen. This fantastic world was created with great attention to detail and no corners were cut when it came to producing the fable-like story. The creators' affection for their work is present in every dialog, every corner of the map and every little item in the game's world. Even though at times it's a little rough around the edges, this title presents everything that's good about indie role-playing development!

Driftmoon sports classic role-playing gameplay, complete with quests, battles, items, skills, and a party of adventurers. The charming 3D world is presented in fixed-angle top-down view, so it's always easy to keep track on of what's happening on the screen. The main scenario is full of adventure, secrets, dread, and enchantment. Even stories of pirate treasures take part in your quest! Once you finish the original campaign, there's a mod editor that will allow you to create your own fantastic land and experience other player's creations!

Step into the colorful, fantastic world of Driftmoon and let your inner-child experience a wonderful adventure, for only $11.99 on The promo lasts until Tuesday, March 5, at 10:59AM GMT.
Post edited February 26, 2013 by JudasIscariot
lowyhong: Nope haven't gotten it yet.
Don't worry, you shall! Yes, the friendly GOG-staff have now given us the OK to gift GOG-keys to our preorderers! Hurray! (Up until release on GOG.)

It won't quite be possible today, but we will get them sent to you as soon as we can. :)

Thanks for the link, hadn't seen that one yet! ...Sounds like (s)he really had a lot of fun playing Driftmoon! :)
Post edited March 05, 2013 by AnneM
lowyhong: Nope haven't gotten it yet.
AnneM: Don't worry, you shall! Yes, the friendly GOG-staff have now given us the OK to gift GOG-keys to our preorderers! Hurray! (Up until release on GOG.)

It won't quite be possible today, but we' will get them sent to you as soon as we can. :)

AnneM: Thanks for the link, hadn't seen that one yet! ...Sound like he really had a lot of fun playing Driftmoon! :)
Hey Anne (yup me again)

What about people who pre-ordered through Instant kingdom and already bought a GoG copy.

Do we get a warm fuzzy feeling?

I joke i already have said warm fuzzy feeling
AnneM: Thanks for the link, hadn't seen that one yet! ...Sound like he really had a lot of fun playing Driftmoon! :)
You're welcome .
For some odd reason the demo keeps reminding me of Nox, maybe becasuse of the physics and being able to move almost anything.
Nah I'm not worried. Thanks for getting us the GOG key! :)
Been so distracted lately I forgot I was going to get this before the promo ended. Oh well I'll wish list it and look later.
Looks charming :) Helped Greenlight on Steam, hope it gets on there for more exposure but I'll probably pick it up here in the meantime.
deathknight1728: I had a similar situation with another game-Vampire the masquerade-Bloodlines. I found that the game would be a lot of fun if it was isometric. As it stands I cannot stand any first person/3rd person games as I don't like the view. The roleplaying can be awesome in a game, but if you can't get into the view/perspective or something major, your better off trying something that you can get into.
Heh, I think I actually appreciate Bloodlines because of the first person/3rd person view and action combat. If it was like Baldur's Gate, it wouldn't be the Bloodlines that I love, much less immersive probably. (I don't have any preferences regarding perspectives, I just think in Bloodlines the perspective fits the game.)
RPS has an article
Seems like the game very well received by critics. Like i said before, this is one of few indie title that change my perception toward less popular indie title, and convinced me GOG made the right decision to bring these indies into their catalog. Before this like the majority, i just ignore most of indie release except for the critically acclaimed such as Hotline Miami and FTL.

The game need a sequel or spiritual successor. But hopefully it won't take another 7 years.
just finished the game yesterday, and it was really something special :o)

I'm really looking forward to any future projects of this couple!
One future project seems to be The Forgotten Islands Expansion Pack, it is also an IDG nominee. Good luck!
Thank you, Ville & Anne for giving out GOG keys to all your pre-order customers! Much appreciated! :)
Leroux: Thank you, Ville & Anne for giving out GOG keys to all your pre-order customers! Much appreciated! :)
No problem, we're happy it worked out so that the GOG staff kindly allowed us to do it! :)
do we get gog keys? where do I find them? or is it coming through email?