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A Triumphant Return of Wonderful Storytelling

Dreamfall, the sequel to The Longest Journey, is a beautiful third-person adventure game for only $14.99 on

The Longest Journey, with its epic story and fantastically portrayed world and characters, was easily one of the best adventure games ever made. Dreamfall, a long-awaited sequel, never fails to deliver a similarly fantastic experience. Taking you a journey through another 13 chapters across the twinned worlds of Stark and Arcadia. However, Dreamfall breaks the expectations with brilliant visual style, breathtaking soundtrack, great voice acting, and challenging game mechanics that require you to think outside the box to complete difficult--but not frustrating--challenges and puzzles. The game offers much less 'action' than most of today's games, but satisfies with mature and intelligent dialogues, gripping story, and and characters who elicit authentic emotions to fascinate and engage any adventure connoisseur.

Dreamfall: The Longest Journey follows three adventurers: Zoë Castillo, a 20-year-old resident of Casablanca in 2219, April Ryan, the main protagonist in the original game (and now the Rebel leader), and Kian Alvane, an Azadi soldier and skilled swordsman in two parallel worlds: the technologically advanced Stark and magical Arcadia. An international conspiracy to introduce lucid dream-inducing technology that could be potentially used to brainwash and control the whole population of Stark needs to be stopped, and it falls upon Zoë, April, and Kian to wright the world’s wrongs.

Dreamfall is a multi-threaded, believable, and engaging adventure with amazing presentation and unique attention to details, and is available now on for only $14.99 with wallpapers, avatars, the soundtrack, and 30 gorgeous pieces of digital art.
Fuzzyfireball: Hey! Lets argue about fucking prices in the new release thread again! We've never done that before!

kodeen: I can't wait for the Vampire Bloodlines release thread, whenever that game comes. Lots of excitement for the game finally coming here mixed with much gnashing of teeth at the inevitable $20 price point.

Even better would be if they released System Shock 2 for $30. Oh, how I would laugh.
You know, I was wondering when that game might get here...I hope it comes in soon! I loved that game but unfortunately I lost it during a move ;_;
SLP2000: ...GOG already stated, that only about 20% of sales are made during promo sales. ....
Trilarion: Only 20%, with 50% off frequently I would expect even more people buying most of their games during promo sales.
GOG users don't seem to be the type who must have every game as cheap as possible and jump on every sale even if they have no interest in the game.

GOG users, in general, seem to value the games more and are comfortable paying a bit more to a trusted service provider while getting extra bonuses and not having any DRM. GOG users seem to want to support GOG as much as they want to buy the games. For them it's about a personal investment into a trusted, beloved service.

Note I said in general. These don't apply to every single person on GOG or on another platform.
Trilarion: Only 20%, with 50% off frequently I would expect even more people buying most of their games during promo sales.
mondo84: GOG users don't seem to be the type who must have every game as cheap as possible and jump on every sale even if they have no interest in the game.

GOG users, in general, seem to value the games more and are comfortable paying a bit more to a trusted service provider while getting extra bonuses and not having any DRM. GOG users seem to want to support GOG as much as they want to buy the games. For them it's about a personal investment into a trusted, beloved service.

Note I said in general. These don't apply to every single person on GOG or on another platform.
This is probably true overall, although I think that might change as more and more games come on GOG that are more expensive or not 'classic' (Indie). A lot of people will gleefully purchase a classic from their past for the pittance that GOG asks for it, especially those of us from continents where we have more expensive currencies.

The same people will stay of course, and it may remain the majority overall, but percentually speaking you'll probably see more and more people come to GOG as well who are a bit less dedicated. It's part of becoming mainstream :)
Post edited May 22, 2012 by Pheace
Pheace: Nor did I say you presented it as an absolute truth, I just added a third to merely two examples which already seemed to go against your assumption. If that sets you off somehow, then why do you make an assumption?

As for the rest. I do no such thing as 'picking fights'. I do raise arguments, sure, plenty. And in none of them you'll find that I say *anywhere* that I expect GOG to be the cheapest on the market. I do however say that I don't think they should be more expensive than the rest of the market (and yes, I diversify between base price and sales). Is that a personal opinion? Why yes it is.

And if you'll check my posts, you'll see more often than not that I'm responding to what others are saying, rather than 'starting an argument'. And in neither case do I really care whether you like what I have to say or not. If you don't care, ignore it. If you don't like it, live with it. If you have something to say about it, say it. Just like you did right now. There you go. And I say the things that I feel like saying.

It's funny that this whole post is basically what sums up why you shouldn't have made that assumption anyway.

So it's fine for you to make that assumption (which i never denied it was), yet when I add more data to refute that assumption, I'm the one basing something on a lack of information.

Yeah. That makes total sense ...

Edit: Probably better to switch assumption for hypothesis, wouldn't want to give you the wrong idea.
No, you're reaching again for argument.

My point was that after you brought up the RCT3 price, the data on pricing is inconclusive. As in, there isn't enough data. Anybody should be able to figure that out.

You falsely interpreted my comments on me wanting more data as me rejecting the data you provided. That is not true. I'm saying, "Oh, ok, well maybe there isn't a clear trend yet. Let's wait longer."

You shouldn't misrepresent what other people are saying. It causes a lot of problems on the forums. And you end many of your posts with some sarcasm, when in reality it's you that is making poor claims to suit your opinions and sometimes rejecting or completely misinterpreting what others say, as I explained above in this post.
Trilarion: Only 20%, with 50% off frequently I would expect even more people buying most of their games during promo sales.
That's what I remember from reading interviews with GOG staff but my memory isn't something you should depend on, it's quote bad actually. I don't want to be the source of unconfirmed data.
Post edited May 22, 2012 by SLP2000
mondo84: You falsely interpreted my comments on me wanting more data as me rejecting the data you provided.
Where did I say any of that?
That is not true. I'm saying, "Oh, ok, well maybe there isn't a clear trend yet. Let's wait longer."
Which basically was what I meant when I said 'added one'... is that so hard to understand? Instead you went off on a rant.
You shouldn't misrepresent what other people are saying.
Pot meet kettle. All I did was take more data and show that even based on that little info, the correlation already seemed to be lost. Nowhere did I say that waiting for more data wouldn't matter, or that it wouldn't change what was said. I did say that your summary of too little data, was basically what flawed your initial assumption, yet you brought it up in attack on my statement. And that's what it was.

You first bring up something that you 'assume' I haven't considered, then based on that assumption you 'hope I'm not a scientist' since 'I seem to look at one data point (which is what you did, i just turned it back on you by adding more data), and then make some assumption of 'predetermined conclusions', which I didn't make anywhere.
mondo84: I have one statement that will make most of your posts irrelevant:

GOG is not trying to be the absolute cheapest option on the market.

GOG wants to provide good prices for their products while also maintaining the DRM-free status and having other downloadable bonus content like soundtracks.
Yeah, this pretty much sums it all up right here.
kodeen: I can't wait for the Vampire Bloodlines release thread, whenever that game comes. Lots of excitement for the game finally coming here mixed with much gnashing of teeth at the inevitable $20 price point.

Even better would be if they released System Shock 2 for $30. Oh, how I would laugh.
DAlancole: You know, I was wondering when that game might get here...I hope it comes in soon! I loved that game but unfortunately I lost it during a move ;_;
I got some bad news for you.
Nice release, GOG. I already have this one (played it, worthy successor of the first one, hopefully third installment will be done soon, I´m tired of waiting for the conclusion of the story!). so I´ll pass.

There are others I will buy.
jorlin: The main character has her charm, but is so naïve that I'm surprised that she ever survived to become a teenager.
photoleia: She can be pretty naïve at times. It was a nice though to have a lead character clearly suffering from serious (well characterized) depression, who managed to push on despite that for the sake of someone she loved. In that sense I felt that she was a unique character, and Zoe unexpectedly ended up becoming one of my favorite female protagonists from recent years.
I didn't look at her as depressed. Yes, come to think of it, that makes sense.
Been hoping this would come here. Discovered the first one thanks to GOG and I wouldn't mind seeing the continuation of the story. Wishlisted for now, backlog is too big, need to play through Deus Ex and Ultima7 first.
The way I see it, if $15 is what it takes to push 'The Longest Journey: Episode 3' out of the gates, then I will buy this again despite having it on Steam (and in some folder of pirated goods from "back in the day"; pre-credit card and awareness of social responsibility, etc.)

It's absolutely worth the $15 though.
DAlancole: You know, I was wondering when that game might get here...I hope it comes in soon! I loved that game but unfortunately I lost it during a move ;_;
Fuzzyfireball: I got some bad news for you.
I'm pretty sure Activision has long forgotten about the Vampire franchise (or indeed, do they still own it? Or has it gone to White Wolf or something?). You're more likely to see vampires in a $15 Call of Duty DLC pack. Which, once this zombie zeitgeist is over, and people realize the brilliance of the Twilight films, just might see "the light of day", so to speak. A-heh a-heh a-heh.

Post edited May 22, 2012 by recognizer
recognizer: I'm pretty sure Activision has long forgotten about the Vampire franchise (or indeed, do they still own it? Or has it gone to White Wolf or something?). Unless you can convince their Call of Duty teams to add vampires as $15 DLC. Which, once this zombie zeitgeist is over, and people realize the brilliance of the Twilight films, just might see "the light of day", so to speak. A-heh a-heh a-heh.

They haven't forgotten, but up until recently, the price for which they're selling Bloodlines was too high for GOG's pricepoints.

VtM:Bloodlines on DotEmu
Nice release, but a little too expensive to be an instant buy for me. I'll put it on the wishlist and wait for a sale.
wishlisted, will wait for it to go on sale