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The definitive virtual military experience.

Arma 2: Combined Operations, the ultimate mod-enabled first person perspective military simulation, bundled with the Operation Arrowhead expansion, is now available for 20% off on! That's $23.99 in the release week.

HA-TTENTION recruits! Uncle Sam must be a man of great faith, because he believes that US Army can craft a pile of stinking, dirty clay into a squad of Marines that can be trusted with shooting commies and defending democracy. In fact he put me in charge of performing that small miracle. So you think you know something about modern combat, because you answered some call about duty? Or maybe you got yourself a medal for what passes as honor in those smelly backwoods you call home!? You think you know how to handle your M16s and drive your hummvees because you've done it before IN A GAME?! Well, this is no ordinary game, maggots! This is the United States Marine Corps! This is is Arma 2!

From the creators of Operation Flashpoint comes Arma 2: Combined Ops, the ultimate military simulation. The unmatched level of realism in recreating weapons, equipment, vehicles, and battlefield conditions paired with the incredible scale and detail of the virtual war theater create a gritty, believable US Marine experience. Huge single-player campaigns, massive online multiplayer, mods, and a flexible built-in mission editor guarantee weeks of captivating play. The Combined Ops edition contains the original Arma 2 game and the Operation Arrowhead expansion required to run the game's most popular modification. You know: DayZ. The one with the zombies.

Prove that you have what it takes to leave behind your casual shooters and become a US Marine in Arma 2: Combined Ops for a special price of $23.99 until Tuesday, August 28 at 10:59 AM GMT.!
Wow o_o

now that's an excellent and unexpected release :)

I really have no idea how you guys at GoG could strike a deal with Bohemia Interactive right here and right now: they've got a pretty good DRM solution (used to be not so easy to break, not annoying legit players), they're selling ArmA II: CO copies likes hot cakes thanks to Day Z - you must have been really convincing, good work ! ;)


Loved OFP (was in my top3 back then), bought ArmA I a few months after release, but the instability + very poor optimization killed it for me.

Now that I have a much stronger rig, and ArmA II being well-patched and somewhat-optimized, I'm back ! :D

ps: cool news for day z enthusiasts too I guess, personally I couldn't care less about it => during the first few months it was an interesting experience (despite the lag), now it's mostly populated by 14 years old kids shooting on sights and hackers, not worth playing it at all. And the stand-alone is planned for christmas (friendly reminder).
Post edited August 22, 2012 by Klem
Would ave been interested until I seen this: Multiplayer notice: In order to access multiplayer, you must enter your unique serial key that's located in My Account. For more information please follow this link.

After the Arma Gold debacle with the MP keys I will never buy another game from here when it says "Multiplayer notice: In order to access multiplayer, you must enter your unique serial key that's located in My Account. For more information please follow this link". I bought 4 Arma Golds for me and my sons and the Keys didn't work and we told GoG support and they still haven't sent a working keys to us this has been months ago... Wasted money on those games, and I don't even have the cd's to use as coasters.


Wanted to let everyone know fixed my problems got me squared away.
Post edited September 28, 2012 by FlyByU
Is there any interest in DayZ if I host a server in Singapore? Has anyone played DayZ on servers that aren't in your region? How well does the game handle connections with a latency of 200-250ms?
I'll wait for ArmA III. This is very good sign for ArmA III to appear DRM free here.
Cool More FPS's Please.
This release has promise GOG. Keep it coming! :D However, it would take me four days or so to download and my poor connection is already overheating as it is at present! Great work though. :-)
I don't like where GOG is sailing right now. :(
By the end of the year I'll probably be able to buy Dishonored and preorder Grand Theft Auto 5 here, :( while I'll be still dreaming about hundreds of real GOGies to be (or not to be) released, that I cannot get anywhere because of their age.

I'll keep my hope up, but with the release of PoP series and ArmA2 and some other nonOldies, I wouldn't back that hope with money anymore.
VIPERs: I'll keep my hope up, but with the release of PoP series and ArmA2 and some other nonOldies, I wouldn't back that hope with money anymore.
I would love to see more oldies myself, there are many they don't have that I loved. Personally, I'm trying to look on the bright side here, and at least they brought another good game to GOG, very new, yes, but, good, and DRM free. The glass is half full today to me. But I do understand where you are coming from. :)
VIPERs: I don't like where GOG is sailing right now. :(
By the end of the year I'll probably be able to buy Dishonored and preorder Grand Theft Auto 5 here, :( while I'll be still dreaming about hundreds of real GOGies to be (or not to be) released, that I cannot get anywhere because of their age.

I'll keep my hope up, but with the release of PoP series and ArmA2 and some other nonOldies, I wouldn't back that hope with money anymore.
I've said this elsewhere, but not here, so I'll say it here as well: I make no promises on when this will happen, but some of our best days of classic game releases are still ahead of us.
VIPERs: I'll keep my hope up, but with the release of PoP series and ArmA2 and some other nonOldies, I wouldn't back that hope with money anymore.
KOCollins: I would love to see more oldies myself, there are many they don't have that I loved. Personally, I'm trying to look on the bright side here, and at least they brought another good game to GOG, very new, yes, but, good, and DRM free. The glass is half full today to me. But I do understand where you are coming from. :)
I for one am glad to see newer releases here on GoG, and not only because I am interested in buying some of them. Newer games provide a lot of money for GoG so they can invest more resources into releasing older games. It's a win-win all around.
FlyByU: Would ave been interested until I seen this: Multiplayer notice: In order to access multiplayer, you must enter your unique serial key that's located in My Account. For more information please follow this link.

After the Arma Gold debacle with the MP keys I will never buy another game from here when it says "Multiplayer notice: In order to access multiplayer, you must enter your unique serial key that's located in My Account. For more information please follow this link". I bought 4 Arma Golds for me and my sons and the Keys didn't work and we told GoG support and they still haven't sent a working keys to us this has been months ago... Wasted money on those games, and I don't even have the cd's to use as coasters.
Have you tried to run the game as administrator? I was getting error message about invalid key without doing so.
VIPERs: I don't like where GOG is sailing right now. :(
By the end of the year I'll probably be able to buy Dishonored and preorder Grand Theft Auto 5 here, :( while I'll be still dreaming about hundreds of real GOGies to be (or not to be) released, that I cannot get anywhere because of their age.
I'd love to see Dishonored here
TheEnigmaticT: I've said this elsewhere, but not here, so I'll say it here as well: I make no promises on when this will happen, but some of our best days of classic game releases are still ahead of us.
Mr. T, tell me where your temple is located so I may worship. ;-P
Duskwolf: (snip)
Pretty much whatever helps GOG stay in business and keep releasing DRM free goodness will satisfy me well enough. Old/New so long as they are mostly good quality games, that should be the primary standard. However, I would love more older games since one can't get them elsewhere, and I suffer from severe bouts of nostalgia. I still believe the older games are the primary draw to get new people to Stay with GOG: Games no one else sells (and DRM free of course!). But I have gotten a few newer games here myself, and am happy about them too. Golden Oldies though will keep GOG unique more than anything else I think, and that uniqueness will help them soar the highest in my opinion. That and Mr. T's goatee.
VIPERs: I don't like where GOG is sailing right now. :(
By the end of the year I'll probably be able to buy Dishonored and preorder Grand Theft Auto 5 here, :( while I'll be still dreaming about hundreds of real GOGies to be (or not to be) released, that I cannot get anywhere because of their age.
SLP2000: I'd love to see Dishonored here
me too!
htown1980: I gotta say, I totally agree with timppu here. and you appear to have completely missed the point. the issue with GG is that it is often not clear whether there actually is or isn't DRM and how invasive the DRM may be. With GoG it's not an issue at all. It's always completely DRM free (as opposed to sometimes is, sometimes isn't, kind of is - "other DRM" for example - that you get with GG). I appreciate that.
i know GG aren't consistent with their product information, but the point is that you cannot claim that GOG now has an edge over other digital retailers by offering ArmA 2 DRM-free when the DRM has already been patched out of the game by the developers.

we're not talking about 100 different games here. we're only taking about ArmA 2, so i don't know why you're trying to turn this into a GG vs. GOG discussion. that's not the issue here at all.

you may still claim that the GOG edition has some advantages over the GG edition, but being DRM-free isn't one of them. not in this case.
Post edited August 22, 2012 by Fred_DM