Hawk52: This would be awesome if my 360 hadn't completely melted down. Or the DVD drive had worked for the last year.
I suppose I could go rent
MINUTE TO WIN IT on the Wii.
hedwards: This was more awesome before Gamefly built a warehouse in Seattle, previously it had taken nearly a week each way for me to get my games, now if I go back I'll have to wait only a couple days between games.
I kind of liked the service, but the closest distribution facility being clear across the country was a real deal breaker.
Same here, sort of. I held off on trying it because there were no nearby distribution centers, but then they added one in my area and I gave it a shot. The turnaround was at least as quick as Netflix (about three day turnaround), but I still couldn't justify it, as I only had a PS2. Now I've got a PS3 as well and it is definitely much more appealing. For now, my local public library actually has a decent selection of games that I haven't made my through yet, so I still don't feel the need for something like Gamefly (yet).