sauvignon1: I'm happy I gave you the chance to talk about something you're passionate about. I'll probably start with "At the Mountains of Madness" since everyone is mentioning it, then read your favorites.
Gazoinks: *Quick note: Dream Quest is a novella, so I'd recommend reading it after you're already acclimated to Lovecraft's style (some of the prose is veeery purple).
I love works of such imagination, so Lovecraft is generally top of my list. Ah, good choice, At the Mountains of Madness IS a fantastic story. It's part of the reason I love the 1982 The Thing. On a side note, I got John Carpenter to sign my copy on blu-ray! ^_^. Mountains is one of my favs, but I limited what I put as favourite otherwise I'd end up fantarding myself silly.
@Gazoinks: Oh damn, you're right. I tend to I tend to forget that having a grasp of Lovecraft's other works helps better understanding and appreciating Dream-Quest, but I just love the story so much.