wpegg has kindly donated his time to making the contest with the image and questions provided so if you see a post by him please give it a + rate.
You will need to download truecrypt for this contest its free and open source available
HERE You will also need the files that wpegg has provided from
HERE The answers to the following 9 questions will open their respective files.
Please note all answers are case sensitive however I have not been daft and put a mixture of upper and lower case, general rule of thumb, first letter is a capital
You will then have to sort out the images into correct order going from top left across and round (i.e. 1,2,3 (newline) 4,5,6(newline) 7,8,9, and take the appropriate 3 character key parts from the notepad document, put them together in the that order, and it will open the prize.
So if the top line was 1 2 3 and the notepad document for 1 was ABC and 2 was DEF and so on the password for the price would be: ABCDEF…….
1: What are the Surnames of the 2 creators of DnD sorted alphabetically? (ie:"Abe Ben") Using case sensitive, with Abe being 1 creator and Ben being another A is before B and so they go that way round
2: What spell can create an army on casting?
3: Going by CORE rules prior to the 3.5 ruleset what is the only prestige class that begins with a "B"
4: On the 18th of June 1997 Bill Gates granted himself 20 of what Character statistic?
5: What familiar would a chaotic Evil cleric have?
6: In what year was D&D linked to Satanism and suicide?
7: In what year was the "Beholder" introduced to D&D?
8: In a 1999 survey of 12-35 year olds in the USA what percentage had played a D&D?
9: What author's influence added the likes of elves and dragons to DnD games? (initials and surname)