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Anyone have comments on the upcoming Raptor release? I've never played it . . . any good?
Post edited August 09, 2010 by Stuff
Very good vertical scrolling shoot-em-up.
Not really much else to say :)
If you've played the likes of Xenon 2, Tyrian etc. and you liked them, then you'll like this.
Haven't played it since around the time it was released, but I only have fond memories of it. There's an "RPG-like" component where you earn money and purchase various upgrades.
Thanks for the input, might give it a try . . . the price is right
Oh, sweeeeet! I didn't notice this one. Raptor is my favorite vertical shooter of all time. It's completely different from most shooters in that your ship is extremely powerful and can take a lot of damage. The challenge comes in destroying as much stuff as possible so you can afford the upgrades you will need to win. Though, being perfectly honest, even on the hardest difficulty it's still pretty easy. The fun comes in the vast amount of destruction you cause.
One of my favourite games, defintiely instant buy once it's out. I replayed it so many times back then. Twin Ion Canons FTW! I was waiting for it to come out on GoG and wow it's now in upcoming, can't wait!
Graphics were incredible back then, it seems to have aged well. Good game for relaxing plus the RPG side of things where you get money and upgrade your ship.
Post edited August 08, 2010 by cw8
cw8: Graphics were incredible back then, it seems to have aged well.

2D graphics generally age MUCH better than 3D graphics.
This will be my first instabuy in quite a while. I played this game all the time during the mid to late 90s, and I'm expecting my fingers to still remember the game quite well. Part of the fun was trying out all the different weapons (after saving up massive amounts of cash for them), as they tended to lend themselves to different styles of play. Of course, the Twin Lasers always tend to be everyone's favorite, although I was also a big fan of the Pulse Cannon and the auto-tracking minigun. Dammit, Tuesday needs to hurry up and arrive.
Post edited August 08, 2010 by DarrkPhoenix
cw8: One of my favourite games, defintiely instant buy once it's out. I replayed it so many times back then. Twin Ion Canons FTW! I was waiting for it to come out on GoG and wow it's now in upcoming, can't wait!
Graphics were incredible back then, it seems to have aged well. Good game for relaxing plus the RPG side of things where you get money and upgrade your ship.

Holy shit. The graphics have aged VERY well. That shadowing looks really nice and the tilt looks pretty good. The screenshots kind of put me off but it looks really nice in motion.
This will be pretty much instabuy for me. I remember many well spent hours with the shareware version.
Never got chance to get the full version back then, so it will be kinda something new to me.
There are many, many vertical shooters in the world, but Raptor: Call of the Shadows is the best of them all. I believe this was one of the first games I voted for when GOG's wishlist was introduced.
I wonder - which version is GOG going to release? The date on the gamecard is 1994, when the original was published by Apogee, but the publisher is listed as DotEmu, which suggests that this might be the 2010 remake. I hope so, because I hear that's the best version. At $6 (that's 40% less that Mountain King's self-publish price), I'll buy this without hesitation.
Thanks to Raptor, I could never get into the Raiden series :S. This game is superior to most vertical shooters out there. I think what got me hooked was the RPG mechanics, and as mentioned, you usually prioritize in killing stuff more than dodging/staying alive.
Also, just listen to that hangar music. Beautiful.
Post edited August 08, 2010 by lowyhong
Barefoot_Monkey: I wonder - which version is GOG going to release? The date on the gamecard is 1994, when the original was published by Apogee, but the publisher is listed as DotEmu, which suggests that this might be the 2010 remake. I hope so, because I hear that's the best version. At $6 (that's 40% less that Mountain King's self-publish price), I'll buy this without hesitation.

There isn't a 2010 remake. All they've done is package it with DosBox and turn on edge smoothing.
cw8: ...

The video put a smile on my face . . . I HAVE played this game . . . =)
stonebro: There isn't a 2010 remake. All they've done is package it with DosBox and turn on edge smoothing.

Really? I was under the impression that 3DRealms was holding onto the publishing rights to the DOS version. Did DotEmu buy it off them? Anyway, original version on DOSBox is great.