GameRager: Actually people weren't whining about F5'ers but rather that one had to F5 to win the first contests, and they felt this was unfair vs other contest methods gog has used.
Some also complained then that many of those F5ing weren't true goggers but newcomers just in it for free games, but this thread
isn't complaining about such people who won the game in such a way but
is complaining about people who argued that contests employing F5ing as a valid contest method was unfair.
I'm not singling you out here but your post explained that complaint pretty well so I'm going to use it as the foundation for my general reply:
Criteria for winning a contest are determined by the contest-holder. We see this all the time with user giveaways: Someone posts a random thread with a code just sitting there for the taking, someone else says "Make me laugh." Current giveaway: talk smack about the OP and the OP
decides who wins. Previous contests: 'kill me off -
creative person wins'. 2-month membership requirement. A whole mess of crypto-code puzzles. GOG itself has made contests requiring image-editing skills: one was based on the Marcin-mini-meme, and I recall another based on game card images or somesuch.
Most of them require something from the winner beyond good timing. I don't recall such a storm of whining about those, even though a person without a creative streak or puzzle-solving ability is often left in the cold for these contests. For those without image-editing software and the know-how to use it, let alone the creativity to make teh funny, they were essentially left out of contention for the image-editing contests.
And that's not fair! We simply can not have that because "fairness" is
far more important than fun or creativity.
GOG, in the entitlement mentality that pervades the world, I DEMAND (as soooo many others do around here) two things:
1. all giveaways, be they GOG- or user-based, must last long enough that all members have a chance to enter, and then the winner must
always be determined by a random drawing.
2. System Shock 2 XD
So look at it this way: GOG made a contest that any member could win. All it required was patience and / or timing. No better and no worse than a contest with some other requirement; no better and no worse than a GOG
user posting up a random code free for the taking by the first person to open that thread (again, timing). If someone is going to whine about a contest based on timing, then I fully expect them to also start to whine about contests based on some sort of mental skill that not all of us are blessed with. I, for one, can not roll off creative prose like many others here; therefore, I am left with virtually no chance of winning those types of giveaway. And that's not fair! Boo-friggin'-hoo for me.
But HftB, it's GOG! EVERYthing they do should be equally fair for everyone! Umm, no. GOG is a private entity and they can do whatever they want when it comes to these contests, just like the individual user is allowed to choose her own method to determine a winner. If one doesn't like it, either go elsewhere, or wait around for the next contest. It's not like they gave away one game for the entire year...
As stated previously: "You came into the giveaway with nothing, and left with nothing. At worst, you broke even."
And then bitched about it.
LordCinnamon: Congratulations to all those that managed to grab a free code. Enjoy your games!
(Life can really be quite simple)
And good luck / skill to everyone for the giveaways and contests to come, whatever may be the requirements for winning, including timing!
keeveek: 2) gog runs several giveaways on FB, Twitter and forums (first come first served type, drawing type)
There they go again, keeping out the people who don't follow twitter feeds and don't have a facebook account. UNFAIR!