Posted December 01, 2013
high rated
Well, a new Month has started and that´s why here´s a new "Game Photography Contest"...
Rules are the same like last time (well, not anymore now...)
(, but this month the topic is SkyPhotography.
Sky in general is an avoided topic for real-world photographers, but I really like good looking-sky, in real-world as in games!
You are allowed to place anything in front of the sky---a symbol of freedom, trees, a hurrican, big waves---whatever.
The only important thing is that it has to put the sky in the right light ;)
Oh, and the prizes:
1. 5.99$ GOG-Game!
2. Chronicles of Riddick-Assault on Dark Athena (GOG-Key, including EscapeFromButchersBay)
3. Binary Domain (sadly a Steam-Key, taken from german magazine Gamestar!)
Oh, and my own interpretations of the topic:
One from Risen, one from Assault on Dark Athena and one from Escape from Butchers Bay ;)
I´m following skeletonbows suggestion for a little rulechange to make things less complicated.
EVERYBODY who enter this GA is automaticaly in for the 5.99$ GOG.
On top of that you can additionally be in for the 2nd and/ or 3rd prize!
Please do explicite postings!
Who´s actually in for 5.99$-game:
2. LoboBlanco
3. Ingsoc85
4. benderz
5. Nigioh
6. KneeTheCap
7. DProject
8. Zeeaire
9. Garrett24601
10. Malleus
11. gandalf.nho
12. Laulajatar
13. theslitherydeee
14. Spartan717
15. Punished_Snake
16. akhliber
17. mindstreamer
18. deryni
19. AdamR
20. Xibalba
Who´s in for Chronicles of Riddick:
1. Ingsoc85
2. LoboBlanco
3. Nigioh
4. Malleus
5. theslitherydeee
6. Punished_Snake
7. deryni
Who´s in for Binary Domain:
1. DProject
2. LoboBlanco
3. aymerict
4. Spartan717
Rules are the same like last time (well, not anymore now...)
(, but this month the topic is SkyPhotography.
Sky in general is an avoided topic for real-world photographers, but I really like good looking-sky, in real-world as in games!
You are allowed to place anything in front of the sky---a symbol of freedom, trees, a hurrican, big waves---whatever.
The only important thing is that it has to put the sky in the right light ;)
Oh, and the prizes:
1. 5.99$ GOG-Game!
2. Chronicles of Riddick-Assault on Dark Athena (GOG-Key, including EscapeFromButchersBay)
3. Binary Domain (sadly a Steam-Key, taken from german magazine Gamestar!)
Oh, and my own interpretations of the topic:
One from Risen, one from Assault on Dark Athena and one from Escape from Butchers Bay ;)
I´m following skeletonbows suggestion for a little rulechange to make things less complicated.
EVERYBODY who enter this GA is automaticaly in for the 5.99$ GOG.
On top of that you can additionally be in for the 2nd and/ or 3rd prize!
Please do explicite postings!
Who´s actually in for 5.99$-game:
2. LoboBlanco
3. Ingsoc85
4. benderz
5. Nigioh
6. KneeTheCap
7. DProject
8. Zeeaire
9. Garrett24601
10. Malleus
11. gandalf.nho
12. Laulajatar
13. theslitherydeee
14. Spartan717
15. Punished_Snake
16. akhliber
17. mindstreamer
18. deryni
19. AdamR
20. Xibalba
Who´s in for Chronicles of Riddick:
1. Ingsoc85
2. LoboBlanco
3. Nigioh
4. Malleus
5. theslitherydeee
6. Punished_Snake
7. deryni
Who´s in for Binary Domain:
1. DProject
2. LoboBlanco
3. aymerict
4. Spartan717
Post edited December 30, 2013 by RadonGOG