keeveek: My post may seem like a cheap joke, but that's actually true. Most of the racing games are
designed to be perfectly playable without a steering wheel. From the simple fact most of the gamers
don't own one. To make a game that would only be playable with a steering wheel would be a suicide.
Oh, now I understand the answer. It was an answer to the topic title. When I read your reply yesterday:
keeveek: emm....
All of them? I thought it was a reply to my question 2 posts above yours "I wonder if a game-pad is worth the buy if it's only for 1 game, what other kind of games get enhanced by using a game-pad?"
and it got me wondering.
Re-did the first race of the Dirt 2 demo, and I managed to reach the finish line intact., though last of all the racers. Had trouble again on the next circuit, when my car seemed faster than on the first track and I hit the sides a lot, but I will practice.
Just driving without hitting things is the most fun for me, so no Carmageddon or FPS-racing for me. If I want combat, I want to do an RPG or run around as a soldier with a gun.
Carmageddon is actually kind of disturbing: hitting pedestrians is morally very questionably, at least the enemies in an FPS or RPG have a chance to defend themselves.