lukaszthegreat: Wait a second. I say that people should live and fight to live and you compare me to people who wants others dead.
Come on!
Mental problems. They become very common in recent years. Bad parenthood is justified by kid having some mental disease. They put people on prozacs and god know what.
Everyone got problems. And if you live in western world all those problems are really small compared to real problems out there. There is no reason for a person to go and kill themselves. I am not talking about people who are really messed up in the head. I am talking about those kids who try to kill themselves because gf/bf dumped them, about people who go hang themselves because their boss is mean.
You respect Cobain? Do you also respect that nameless kid who shot himself?
His art as much as I like has nothing to do what i feel towards a person so irresponsible. How many people he hurt? How many people suiciders hurt? Mothers, fathers, husbands, children, wives. They are selfish bastards who thinks about themselves.
You seem to think that people who are dealing with things like clinical depression and drug addiction have a choice in their behavior. Let me make this clear: THEY DO NOT. Depression and drug addiction are diseases. They are treatable diseases, but sufferers have no more choice in whether or not to be depressed or addicted than a cancer sufferer has in being... well, cancerous (for want of a better word). Let me make this also clear: if a person takes the awful step of resorting to suicide, IT IS BECAUSE THEY ARE "REALLY MESSED UP IN THE HEAD". It is not because they are stupid or weak, it is because they have a serious mental problem, possibly undiagnosed and untreated, and those seemingly insignificant events like getting dumped by a girlfriend or having a mean boss are just the trigger or last straw in their mental decline.
Frankly, no, I don't necessarily respect Cobain, but it has nothing to do with his suicide, I just think he was a terrible artist. What I do respect is the contributions his band made to changing the face of rock music, even if I never liked the music he himself made.