darthspudius: A woodchuck should chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood, as long as a woodchuck would chuck wood.
But why would a woodchuck be chucking wood when the wood is full of other woodchucks chucking wood?
Seriously answering the question though: I've had a fairly unique experience of growing up in great poverty rising up to middle class, going to university, struggling, getting rich and then getting back to middle-classdom.
I was briefly earning very well when I was single because all I did was work. I bought myself some decent stuff, but it took me about a year to realise that the money and the material things weren't making me happy. When I met my girlfriend, I gradually dialled down the amount of work I was doing and decided to enjoy life for the simpler things.
I now make a reasonable living, live in a fairly average house, eat fairly average stuff and live a fairly average life. I don't miss being rich, because all it does is attract freeloaders and make it more difficult to surround myself with people who appreciate me for me.
I place great value in being self-sufficient and not relying on others for support, but at the same time, I would rather have time to do the things I want and enjoy life than have lots of money and no time or energy to spend it. I also want to see value in the things I buy for myself. Such a sentiment - the same sentiment you get as a kid when you've saved up all your pocket money to buy that game you wanted - is missing when you have lots of money.