CodeJunkie: Did you ever get one the site and check it out? I'm the author of the site and the software. Curious to what you think so far. I'm still working on it and have a lot planned.
Th3R3n3gad3: Yes, I did, and I like what i saw, but nobody is online.
Yeah, not enough regulars to keep the site busy yet. Being the creator of the site I see a lot of people come in and hang around and leave because there is no one on with them. I have played with some of them and had a great time, but I encourage anyone who signs up to tell friends about the site and bring them along. I have a lot of things planned for the site and the more feedback I can get the better. I will be releasing a Mac version of the client here soon. I just have to finish porting and testing the config program and it will be ready to go.
If you ever see me online after 7pm central shoot me a message. I'll play some games.