Posted August 06, 2010
Well, it's finally happened. id is now offering two optional subscription packages for Quake Live. For $24 or $48 dollars a year, you get the choice of two different premium plans. Quake Premium (the cheaper one) will feature Premium-only maps that they will continue to add onto, "Freeze Tag" game mode, "premium level awards", the ability to make a clan and join up to five clans (who the hell rolls in multiple clans for the same game?), Custom wallpaper, and match stats stored for half a year.
If you want to go all out and pay $48 a year, you can get Quake Pro, which gives you server hosting (to clarify, they host a dedicated server for you and you choose where you want it to be), the ability to bring in non-paying players to Premium maps (but only three), "pro awards", the ability to join ten clans, and match stats stored for 12 months.
What do you guys think? Personally, while I enjoy playing the game, I feel like they need to keep your stats forever if you're paying, that this will stagnate the standard matches because all the new content will be for paying players, and that offering "level awards" and "custom wallpaper" isn't enticing at all. However, I do like the fact that they're basically asking for either $2 or $4 a month, because let's be honest, no one in their right minds is going to pay $10 or $15 a month to play a game that's been out forever without any subscription at all.
Last time we heard anything from id about Quake Live, they were talking about how the advertising revenue wasn't cutting it. Do you think enough people will subscribe to keep this project afloat, or will it be one of the earlier "free 2 play" casualties? I know Quake has a dedicated fanbase, but I'm not sure how willing some of them will be to jump in on this, and if it will cut the free players out of the loop entirely.
Well, it's finally happened. id is now offering two optional subscription packages for Quake Live. For $24 or $48 dollars a year, you get the choice of two different premium plans. Quake Premium (the cheaper one) will feature Premium-only maps that they will continue to add onto, "Freeze Tag" game mode, "premium level awards", the ability to make a clan and join up to five clans (who the hell rolls in multiple clans for the same game?), Custom wallpaper, and match stats stored for half a year.
If you want to go all out and pay $48 a year, you can get Quake Pro, which gives you server hosting (to clarify, they host a dedicated server for you and you choose where you want it to be), the ability to bring in non-paying players to Premium maps (but only three), "pro awards", the ability to join ten clans, and match stats stored for 12 months.
What do you guys think? Personally, while I enjoy playing the game, I feel like they need to keep your stats forever if you're paying, that this will stagnate the standard matches because all the new content will be for paying players, and that offering "level awards" and "custom wallpaper" isn't enticing at all. However, I do like the fact that they're basically asking for either $2 or $4 a month, because let's be honest, no one in their right minds is going to pay $10 or $15 a month to play a game that's been out forever without any subscription at all.
Last time we heard anything from id about Quake Live, they were talking about how the advertising revenue wasn't cutting it. Do you think enough people will subscribe to keep this project afloat, or will it be one of the earlier "free 2 play" casualties? I know Quake has a dedicated fanbase, but I'm not sure how willing some of them will be to jump in on this, and if it will cut the free players out of the loop entirely.