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dirtyharry50: This stuff is all pretty funny I think.
This. I am over hour in and I am enjoying it (but I must say I am not fluent in English so sometimes it is hard to understand ;)). Both thesis have cons and pros as scientists and the opposite side in their theories lacks of "some" proofs / links to be able to tell: " I am 100% sure it was that way." - all they can say is "I believe it was that way". To sum it all, there are even also some other theories, not only religion and science.
Aver: I don't get why there is so many catholics in US that saying "evolution is a lie".

In my country I never met catholic that was saying something similar. They accept evolution and they are still strong believers.
wodmarach: It's an odd thing but it seems to be related to america's isolationist attitude (from before the world wars) while europe was undergoing massive theological and cultural changes in the 1800's etc the US was well cut off, half of it had no regular communications with the rest of the country let alone the rest of the world.
But anyway in the old world we had time to slowly adjust our thinking by the time of darwin most theologians agreed the bible shouldn't be taken literally (again those that disagreed mostly moved to a certain country) and OTOOS wasn't that big of a shock, at the same time in the US for many areas the only schools were bible schools and they had started to treat the bible as a historical record. (Put it this way some roman catholic groups in the US called the last pope the antipope because he accepted evolution...)
You really hate Americans don't you?
dirtyharry50: You really hate Americans don't you?
No just stating historical fact at a time when the old world was moving away from religious ideals to a more scientific basis America became a home for those who wanted a different way of life so you got many of the religious types etc etc, at the same time you became an isolationist country not wanting to involve yourself in outside affairs (first world war it took a telegram from germany to mexico offering to support them in a war against the US to get the US to enter the war, the second took a physical attack before your own government felt it could do more than the lend/lease act).
Yes things have changed rapidly since WW2 but before then you were extremely isolationist in all matters including science and religion.
Guess I know what I'll be listening to for 2 hours.

Not that it'll be bad, I hear this shit all the time so I'm used to it. Great when one needs a laugh.

In case no one knew that about the speaker.

Post edited February 09, 2012 by Immoli
Just finished watching it.
xyem: Just finished watching it.
Xyem. Man with a titanium brain.
If you gaze too long into the abyss, the abyss gazes into you.
Immoli: Guess I know what I'll be listening to for 2 hours.

Not that it'll be bad, I hear this shit all the time so I'm used to it. Great when one needs a laugh.

In case no one knew that about the speaker.

Too funny and too typical too.
AFnord: If anyone is going to criticize something, it would be a good idea if they at least have a basic understanding of the topic. And that is really where the speaker fails, he never bothered getting this basic understanding, thus all his arguments are from a position of ignorance. Now if he had done a bit of research and come with good counter arguments, I would have respected him, but he clearly has not.

Oh, and I skipped ahead to random bits, but each and every one seemed to contain an argument from a position of ignorance.
I believe he stated he was a school teacher at one time... yep... great.
Fucking magnets, how do they work?
xyem: Just finished watching it.
You deserve some rep for that!

AFnord: If anyone is going to criticize something, it would be a good idea if they at least have a basic understanding of the topic. And that is really where the speaker fails, he never bothered getting this basic understanding, thus all his arguments are from a position of ignorance. Now if he had done a bit of research and come with good counter arguments, I would have respected him, but he clearly has not.

Oh, and I skipped ahead to random bits, but each and every one seemed to contain an argument from a position of ignorance.
orcishgamer: I believe he stated he was a school teacher at one time... yep... great.
Oh my, that is worrying. Poor children :( But then again, after seeing this, I'm not really surprised that something like that can happen.
....Dear god...this is perfect trolling/meme material!
yeah 7 minutes of that was stupid.
Post edited February 09, 2012 by Rohan15
Immoli: Guess I know what I'll be listening to for 2 hours.

Not that it'll be bad, I hear this shit all the time so I'm used to it. Great when one needs a laugh.

In case no one knew that about the speaker.

dirtyharry50: Too funny and too typical too.
even funnier that he claimed that he doesn't need to pay taxes as everything he owns belongs to god
very anti-christian of him as the bible without shadow of doubt tells you to pay those goddamn taxes!
Fenixp: So, how long will you last listening to this? I stopped at like 15 minutes mark and my brain was about to explode, for this, I consider myself extremely resilient.
Thanks for posting this! I have a major depression and this provided the best laugh I had in a long time. Pure comedy-gold from start to finish!
I'm so happy most people down here where I live seem to be kind of mellow about someone being religious or atheist, and they don't usually try to provoke each others either. Ok, some atheist group here made a campaign "we'll trade your religious books (bibles etc.) to porn mags", to which the Christians reacted a bit like "You people are not very nice, trying to hurt our feelings that way.". They didn't even bomb one abortion clinic as retaliation.

For some reason in e.g. US both atheists and religious people seem to be much more hardcore and strict, all the time on each other's throat and trying to provoke each other.

My advice: don't seek speeches from Youtube whose message you don't like.
Post edited February 09, 2012 by timppu