Chihaya: How realistic is it to run out of PSPs to put your games onto? Especially since you can deactivate the games from specific pieces of hardware.
I find this to be nitpicking. Sony so far has been really cool with regards to DRM. And sorry but we won't live long enough for this to ever be a problem.
I think that even the pricing argument is moot. You won't be subjected to prices that high just because the games can only be bought from a single source. One just needs to peruse the PSP section on PSN to discover that the average price of most games is pretty low, and in some cases very low. In truth, PSP games compete against other forms of entertainment, and other games on other platforms.
The more I look at it, the more I like it. Screw the parasitic middleman, the money goes straight to the editor instead of GameStop, Wal-Mart and the shipping company. No boxes that clutter up the limited space you have. Protection against theft.
At the rate that new versions of the PSP are coming out (and the record of the Gameboys), I can easily see five machines being reached if the PSP doesn't die out.
And how have they been cool with regard to DRM? They use the exact same model that everyone else uses. Well, to be fair, I don't know what model XBOX Live uses, but whatever.
Price argument: That is the current pricing scheme. But Sony wants to go to almost a purely digital distribution route. So time will tell.
Just felt like refuting that.