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PS2 has a much wider selection of games and is actually still being supported by Sony. This should make it the better choice if you can't get both.
I would get the PS2. Speaking for myself, almost all of the X-Box games I ever wanted to play also had PC versions, so I never saw any reason to buy one. The PS2 has more worthwhile exclusive titles, and you can also play PSX games on it.
I vote PS2.
Lots of games not available on PC, and Ratchet and Clank!
One thing to be aware of is that the PS2 has noticeably weaker hardware than the X-Box or Game Cube. For PS2-exclusive titles that's really a non-issue (with some exceptions, like Zone of the Enders 2), but for multiplatform releases, the quality and frame rate sometimes suffers on the PS2 version.
But multiplatform games often have a PC version anyway.
Post edited June 05, 2009 by Mentalepsy
Purely for PGR 1&2 and also for KOTOR! :)
Mentalepsy: One thing to be aware of is that the PS2 has noticeably weaker hardware than the X-Box or Game Cube. For PS2-exclusive titles that's really a non-issue (with some exceptions, like Zone of the Enders 2), but for multiplatform releases, the quality and frame rate sometimes suffers on the PS2 version.
But multiplatform games often have a PC version anyway.

I want to take this opportunity to try out PS2 exclusives I've never played, such as God of War, Ico, and the like. I'm not buying Madden 09 for the PS2 if I already have it for my beefier PS3! This is more of a casual console I'll play for about half an hour a day anyway.
Having had both consoles in their hayday I can easily suggest the PS2. Better selection and quality of titles compared to the Xbox.
Mentalepsy: One thing to be aware of is that the PS2 has noticeably weaker hardware than the X-Box or Game Cube. For PS2-exclusive titles that's really a non-issue (with some exceptions, like Zone of the Enders 2), but for multiplatform releases, the quality and frame rate sometimes suffers on the PS2 version.
But multiplatform games often have a PC version anyway.
michaelleung: I want to take this opportunity to try out PS2 exclusives I've never played, such as God of War, Ico, and the like. I'm not buying Madden 09 for the PS2 if I already have it for my beefier PS3! This is more of a casual console I'll play for about half an hour a day anyway.

Shadow of the Colossus is also very much worth checking out.
I say PS2. It still has new games coming out for it and still supported by Sony.
I'm really really really surprised at all the people saying the Xbox. I thought that'd be like, the most hated console here considering the negative effect it had on PC gaming.
I say PS2, since 99% of the Xbox is on the PC and the 2 or 3 actual exclusives aren't anything special at all. PS2 has Team ICO games, and MGS 2/3. Win. It also has a ton of JRPGs, if those are your thing (personally, I hate them!). I'm sure you know all of this.
Xbox would be cheaper and interesting to mod, as you can emulate all the older games on it...but meh.
Like many people here, I would suggest you the PS2. You can buy a brand new PS2 for $99, which is a very good deal. Lots of games are still coming out and the used games market is huge.
If you can get your hands on a PS3 that still has the Emotion Engine, then get the original Xbox. Why?
-Steel Battalion
-Panzer Dragoon Orta
-Jet Set Radio Future
-Superior versions of console-only multiplats (Timesplitters: Future Perfect comes to mind, as does Burnout 3)
-XBMC (requires modification, of course)
Just a few reasons to own the old Xbox. However, if you're a PC gamer and don't have access to a PS3 whose backwards compatibility doesn't suck, then the PS2 offers far more exclusives.
PS2 definitely.
Mentalepsy: One thing to be aware of is that the PS2 has noticeably weaker hardware than the X-Box or Game Cube. For PS2-exclusive titles that's really a non-issue (with some exceptions, like Zone of the Enders 2), but for multiplatform releases, the quality and frame rate sometimes suffers on the PS2 version.
But multiplatform games often have a PC version anyway.
michaelleung: I want to take this opportunity to try out PS2 exclusives I've never played, such as God of War, Ico, and the like. I'm not buying Madden 09 for the PS2 if I already have it for my beefier PS3! This is more of a casual console I'll play for about half an hour a day anyway.

I would love to play ICO, as I love Shadow of the Colossus, but my PS2 doesn't play games in Compact Disc format, and I don't have a backwards-compatible PS3. Oh well, guess I'll just get Ico 3 or whatever the hell this new dog-bird game is.
PS2 has more games. So PS2