wpegg: However, we aren't all nudists. Women do not walk around showing of their "ta-tas", and don't particularly like having them opportunistically photographed. How would you feel if it were your wife / partner that had that done to her?
Agreed. It's all well and good to complain that we live in a "prudish" society, but the fact still remains that the exposure of breasts in almost all of current western culture has sexual connotations (no idea if this is spelled right. Don't have firefox handy D:), and getting unsolicited pictures of them is effectively sexual harassment as a result. Until the culture changes, that's how it's going to remain. I for one would go completely postal if someone did that to my wife. Because regardless of how things "should" be, getting candid booby shots is an invasion of privacy to any woman who considers that part of her body to be...well...private. Also, it's the royal family, and from what I understand they're held to pretty strict rules of conduct.
On a somewhat related subject, this is why I see fame as being a curse rather than a blessing. I'd hate having the sort of life where photographers are constantly out to get you in your most private moments.
wpegg: How would you feel if it were your wife / partner that had that done to her?
Asbeau: I think if I were a Prince and Mrs Asbeau were a Princess, I'd be bloody livid with her for putting herself in this position, rather than angry with the papparazzi that papped her paps.
Although if it were Mrs A they wouldn't need the telephoto lens, if you know what I mean.
well, you're a lucky man aren't you? :3