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The Retro-Style Indie Adventure.

Resonance, a point-and-click that mixes classic adventure with twists and unique ideas, is available for digital pre-order exclusively on for only $8.99--that’s 10% off the full price, only during preorders!

Resonance is an atmospheric sci-fi adventure in which four characters try to find a dead particle physicist’s hidden vault and prevent the new terrifying technology he’s discovered from getting into the hands of a dangerous organization. We’re not going to spoil the story for you, but the lives of four regular people you will control become entangled in a gripping thriller adventure. The classic point-and-click interface is accompanied by a unique long-term and short-term memory system, which allows to “collect” memories and use them to solve puzzles or start conversations and--in effect--rearrange the storyline.

Resonance features wonderful retro 2D pixel-art graphics, a riveting storyline, original soundtrack, professional voice actors, intuitive interface, and four playable and memorable characters. The game is available for pre-order on starting today and will be released on the 19th of June. Until then, Resonance is available with a 10% discount and immediate access to all the goodies has gathered for our users, including desktop wallpapers, avatars, a digital poster (suitable for printing), the game’s MP3 soundtrack, and video developer diaries.

If you’re not sure if you want to get Resonance exclusively on for only $8.99 [url=]watch the video[/url] and try to hold back from adding this indie gem to your cart.
Ah ah ! It's been a long time I am looking for a 9.99$ game that might interest me. I am an European gamer that bought The Witcher 2 with the fair price package and I had the 9.99$ coupon that I wanted to used but there was not 9.99$ that I really wanted. This one could be interesting... I'll wait a bit and will maybe buy it.
Graphics look great and story sounds interesting. What doesn't sound right, as in most games (indie or otherwise), is the voice-acting. It sounds like me (or any non-professional voice-actor) recording in my PC with my webcam mic and making up voices. It's unbelievable how this is still a barrier these days, with all technology available and many inexpensive sound recording studios in larger cities.

Of course we're looking at just a Youtube video so far, but there you go.
frankd3: Actually I'm still thinking about it. I like the style of the game in general. My comment was based on what looks like a game that somebody put a lot of love and care into with a good story and attention to detail and I was surprised by the low res graphics on a present day creation.
I never thought that it might be cheaper to make it this way. That would explain it.
Starmaker: Pixel art has actual value as an art style in adventure games, much like manga in comics. It conveys emotions better while keeping things serious, effectively symbolizing a photorealistic image (whether existing or imagined by the player).

It's easier to associate a human face with a pixellized character than with a high-res cartoon. (Quite a number of visual gags were based on the realistic/cartoonish dissociation.)

(Note that the graphics are true color, which effectively rules out unintentional pixel-hunting - and there's no intentional pixel-hunting.)
Fascinating. Thank you.
I'm starting to develop more of an appreciation for what went into this game.
Went over to the Youtube page of the trailer.

Wow, talk about hater gonna hate when it comes to the graphics.

I like the style myself. Plus flashy 3-D polygon graphics does not equal a good game.
I love how these news statements always make this big deal out of "10 whopping percent off!"... One buck less! Mucho savings! Party time! Excellent! Erm... Anyway, it always gets a good chuckle out of me.

I'm pretty sure I'll be pre-ordering within the next few weeks. Looking good.

PMIK: I really believe that adventure games still have a lot of life in them, just like any other genre
They sure do. As Tim Schafer and Ron Gilbert said themselves in one of their promotional videos for their kickstarter game, the audience for these games hasn't gone away, but it just hasn't grown anywhere near as fast as the rest of the gaming market. So most publishers lost interest and went where the big money was.
wolfsite: Went over to the Youtube page of the trailer.

Wow, talk about hater gonna hate when it comes to the graphics.

I like the style myself. Plus flashy 3-D polygon graphics does not equal a good game.
Surprised as well. I suppose those users are teenagers, who do care about graphics big time.
To be honest, I still love pixels better than polygons. Maybe it is just nostalgy, maybe something more, I couldn't tell.
Tsugirai: To be honest, I still love pixels better than polygons. Maybe it is just nostalgy, maybe something more, I couldn't tell.
Me too. ^_^ Pixels have this...something that makes graphics richer somehow and at the same time it makes you use your imagination because not every detail is clearly visible. Polygons just makes everything visible and it often looks just horrible.

About Resonance, it looks great, stunning pixelart graphics, fantastic character animations and its a "talkie" version ;). Looks just like it was made 20 years ago. Just awsome.
Post edited May 17, 2012 by retro_gamer
davelgil: As for my back catalog... that's up to GoG! ;)
Nuff said. GOG, make it so!
GOG + WadjetEye = another masterstroke!

Thanks a lot, I'm looking forward to June 19 :)
I've only ever played Gemini Rue from WadjetEye before (got the DVD copy)... and that's all I needed to be all-in for a preorder for this game. Looks excellent. :)
Oohh... I'm a sucker for riveting storylines.
mistermumbles: They sure do. As Tim Schafer and Ron Gilbert said themselves in one of their promotional videos for their kickstarter game, the audience for these games hasn't gone away, but it just hasn't grown anywhere near as fast as the rest of the gaming market. So most publishers lost interest and went where the big money was.
Agreed. But I wasn't just talking about sales, I believe that there are still new techniques, new stories, new styles of gameplay etc. that can expand the genre. Just look at the difference between Kings Quest 1 and 6. Both are good adventure games, but a great deal was developed and changed.

I feel that the genre's development slowed right down after Grim Fandango. Although the indie scene has been doing some pretty exciting things.
TheEnigmaticT: In proper grammar, you would be correct. But I'm actually using a colloquialism. "X is good people."
Hmmm.... this "colloquialism" could be the perfect way for me to excuse my lack of "superb command of written and spoken English" when applying for the Content Specialist position, right? :D
I must admit I know nothing about Wadjet Eye and I have never played any of their adventures but after reading your posts I'm pretty convinced I just have to buy it. And so I did.
Ah, if only I had two lives or could safely skip my night sleep, I'd be able to play many good games. Not so lucky...
Post edited May 18, 2012 by ng