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Fight heresy the old-school way.

Inquisitor is a game that will take you on a thrilling journey through a dark medieval low-fantasy world and satisfy your hunger for old-school RPG, and it's available for digital pre-order on for only $11.99--that’s 20% off the full price, only during preorders!

Dark times have fallen onto the once-peaceful land of Ultherst. As the prophet Ezekiel foretold: Famine, Plague, and Death came to harvest the souls of the sinners and the innocent alike. In this time of hardship more and more people started to succumb to the Devil's whispers. Heresy and worship of dark powers grow stronger and more blatant with every new follower of the demonic path. This evil must be rooted-out and purged with fire. And you--out of all of the people faithful to the true religion--have been selected to restore God's holy law and order as the Inquisitor.

Inquisitor is a truly old-school cRPG with open-ended gameplay, a large world to roam freely, a plethora of items and spells at your disposal, a deep and absorbing story, and hundreds of lines of dialogs. Get Inquisitor now with 20% pre-order discount and gain immediate access to the chest of goodies that contains treasure such as a full game soundtrack, a collection of 68 artworks, the ominous Revelation of Ezekiel, and a full-fledged Inquisitor novel! The pre-order period will last until Wednesday, September 5 at 10:59 AM GMT.

If you're not yet busy rushing to pre-order this item of old-school excellence, take a moment and listen what Martin Kovar of CINEMAX--the studio that put more than 10 years into developing Inquisitor--has to say about his game.
rawmilk905: Sorry, making a new game in a fixed zoom isometric view (are those sprites?) amongst older games that look much better, really strikes me as being as silly as trying to pass off a washboard as a washing machine. Just a pointless waste of effort regardless of how good the storytelling or gameplay might be.
What older games that look "much better" are you referring to?

Not that it matters. A lot of old games look better than Baldur's Gate as an example, but that doesn't mean they provide a better gaming experience.
rawmilk905: Just a pointless waste of effort regardless of how good the storytelling or gameplay might be.
So basically the only thing which defines a [url=]game are graphics, and nothing else. Good to know.
rawmilk905: Sorry, making a new game in a fixed zoom isometric view (are those sprites?) amongst older games that look much better, really strikes me as being as silly as trying to pass off a washboard as a washing machine. Just a pointless waste of effort regardless of how good the storytelling or gameplay might be.
it looks pretty cool actually, much like old Diablo or Kult: Heretic Kingdoms ;)
Kunovski: it looks pretty cool actually, much like old Diablo or Kult: Heretic Kingdoms ;)
Yeah, apart from walking animation, which is kind of wonky, the game's really pretty. The prerendered backgrounds are done very well, and a feature that I simply love: Trees are swinging in the wind. It looks great.
Fenixp: Trees are swinging in the wind.
Weee, can't wait for wednesday!
adamzs: Weee, can't wait for wednesday!
Just don't get your hopes up too much, the game's far from perfect. If it were released alongside classics as Fallout or Baldur's Gate, it wouldn't become one of them - it would more likely be one of those obscure games that has a lot of people saying "it's great," but no one else has really heard about it.
xep624: And I hope that if there are some bugs, they will be fixed soon.
Vitek: Don't count on this. On czech forums they mentioned that original developer team fell apart and any tweaks and bug hunting is very limited because of it.
Oh noooooo.... But anyway I bought the game and I intend to give it a go. Thanks for the post and dashing my hopes... Well, such is life...
Fenixp: If it were released alongside classics as Fallout or Baldur's Gate, it wouldn't become one of them - it would more likely be one of those obscure games that has a lot of people saying "it's great," but no one else has really heard about it.
You mean like Planescape Torment at that time? ;)
deonast: I watched a documentary (or was it the BBC QI program?) about a month ago and apparently the Spanish Inquisition gave 30 days notice. So I guess people did expect the Spanish Inquisition, perhaps just not during dinner.
Adzeth: Maybe people couldn't read the notice.
There is a black legend surrounding the inquisition, that results from the protestant propaganda of the time. As a matter of fact the Spanish Inquisition was a fairly coherent legal process focussed towards the conversion of jews and inflicted much less sufferings and deaths that the persecutions orchestrated in Britain under Elizabeth the 1st . Moreover, the Spanish Inquisition did very little witch hunt as they needed consistent evidence, and made moderate use of torture, while elsewhere in Europe the process was far less structured, accepted about any evidence. I think that the total death count of the Spanish Inquisition was in the 6000's. The witch hunts in the remainder of Europe probably killed 10 to 15 times more people and the religious persecutions even more
Fenixp: Just don't get your hopes up too much, the game's far from perfect. If it were released alongside classics as Fallout or Baldur's Gate, it wouldn't become one of them - it would more likely be one of those obscure games that has a lot of people saying "it's great," but no one else has really heard about it.
That's quite alright, those are just the kind of games I love. But warning acknowledged.
I'm not saying a game can't be good with older graphics, I'm saying why not make the graphics current for a game released in 2012. Where I would play something like Baldur's Gate or Planescape Torment and accept the limitations of the engines of those times, I'd not have the same patience knowing the developers could have made it much nicer and chose out of nostalgia or who knows why, not to make it nicer.
rawmilk905: I'm not saying a game can't be good with older graphics, I'm saying why not make the graphics current for a game released in 2012. Where I would play something like Baldur's Gate or Planescape Torment and accept the limitations of the engines of those times, I'd not have the same patience knowing the developers could have made it much nicer and chose out of nostalgia or who knows why, not to make it nicer.
Well first of all the studio who made this probably doesn't have the same funding as, say, Bioware. That's could be one reason it doesn't use a modern graphics engine.

Then there's the argument of style. Just because a particular way of doing things has passed out of mode doesn't mean it can't get popular anymore. Speaking personally I very much prefer the "hand-drawn" looks of some RPGs compared to their modern cousins, something about that particular style just makes it seem more... magic.
Well, we've ventured into subjective territory (once again). Since debating tastes and preferences would be useless, I'll just go ahead and explain why I don't see any flaws in this game's art direction. Keep in mind that I've only watched videos so far and have yet to play the game.

I think the art design in Inquisitor, especially the backgrounds, is great. The environments are charmingly detailed and seem to convey the mood perfectly. But then I've always preferred 2D level art to 3D. The character animations are a bit clunky, yes, but I don't think that being the case subtracts hardly anything from the overall experience.

Also, I don't mind modern games that decide to go with an older aesthetic. Whether they do so for nostalgia/atmosphere considerations or to preserve resources for other areas of development, I'm completely fine with it.
rawmilk905: I'm not saying a game can't be good with older graphics
But that pretty much was what you were saying. That regardless of the quality of the storytelling or gameplay, the game's lack of a graphical (or did you really mean aesthetic?) style that pleases you, makes it a "pointless waste of effort regardless of how good the storytelling or gameplay might be". Spiderweb Software's releases are an excellent (but most definitely not perfect) example of games show that you can have a game with excellent storytelling and gameplay while using barely serviceable graphics. Heck, games like CounterStrike and StarCraft are arguably superior to many, many online FPS and RTS games that have come out since then, with clearly better graphics.

If you really do believe that a game can be good with older graphics, then why would the isometric style that this game has taken be a problem for you? There are plenty of other ways in which this game could be bad. (e.g. the English translation, combat, game balance, character progression, etc.)

rawmilk905: I'm saying why not make the graphics current for a game released in 2012. Where I would play something like Baldur's Gate or Planescape Torment and accept the limitations of the engines of those times, I'd not have the same patience knowing the developers could have made it much nicer and chose out of nostalgia or who knows why, not to make it nicer.
But why should they? They're a little-known European indie studio that took 10 years to make this game. They definitely don't have the support of a major publisher or the resources available to AAA studios. If you're expecting Mass Effect 4 from these people, you really need to readjust your expectations of this game. And for that matter, what do you mean by "much nicer"? I for one would much rather have a game with detailed, masterfully crafted, and high-resolution 2D graphics than a UE3 game with low-res wall textures where everything is drenched in bloom effects...
Post edited September 03, 2012 by rampancy
This has gone beyond what I meant to express, which is that the graphics deter me from wanting to play it and don't help my impressions of the developers. As there are good open source 3d engines (OGRE, irrlicht) out there, I'd guess that a studio that wanted to make something in true 3d (as opposed to isometric) could regardless of budget. It may have been too much to call the game pointless, I meant it doesn't appeal to me and I won't be getting it.
Post edited September 03, 2012 by rawmilk905