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Fight heresy the old-school way.

Inquisitor is a game that will take you on a thrilling journey through a dark medieval low-fantasy world and satisfy your hunger for old-school RPG, and it's available for digital pre-order on for only $11.99--that’s 20% off the full price, only during preorders!

Dark times have fallen onto the once-peaceful land of Ultherst. As the prophet Ezekiel foretold: Famine, Plague, and Death came to harvest the souls of the sinners and the innocent alike. In this time of hardship more and more people started to succumb to the Devil's whispers. Heresy and worship of dark powers grow stronger and more blatant with every new follower of the demonic path. This evil must be rooted-out and purged with fire. And you--out of all of the people faithful to the true religion--have been selected to restore God's holy law and order as the Inquisitor.

Inquisitor is a truly old-school cRPG with open-ended gameplay, a large world to roam freely, a plethora of items and spells at your disposal, a deep and absorbing story, and hundreds of lines of dialogs. Get Inquisitor now with 20% pre-order discount and gain immediate access to the chest of goodies that contains treasure such as a full game soundtrack, a collection of 68 artworks, the ominous Revelation of Ezekiel, and a full-fledged Inquisitor novel! The pre-order period will last until Wednesday, September 5 at 10:59 AM GMT.

If you're not yet busy rushing to pre-order this item of old-school excellence, take a moment and listen what Martin Kovar of CINEMAX--the studio that put more than 10 years into developing Inquisitor--has to say about his game.
anothername: Is that true? Can someone verfy or better yet call it false info?
Fenixp: Again: Set in darkest parts of middle ages. Female PC would be completely unrealistic.
Magic is totally realistic, though. trollface.jpg

Note: I approve of a lack of gender equality in a grimdark fantasy setting, it's just that realism has nothing to do with it.

Note 2: in fact, a politically correct grimdark setting would be most likely incredibly offensive.
Starmaker: Note: I approve of a lack of gender equality in a grimdark fantasy setting, it's just that realism has nothing to do with it.
Fine: Given the rules of the setting, it's world and period from which it has drawn inspiration, and overall story of the game, letting player to pick female character would be unrealistic. HAPPY NOW? :D
Fenixp: Spoilers ;-) I just wish there was another place to shove them in. Nothing's gonna happen if I just throw them on the floor I guess, but it just seems kind of ... Weird. Weirder than jogging with them on my back, anyway. And yeah, there's a lot of inventory space - you get 4 pages of these grids
Well, guess I'll have to wait a few days to find out for myself. Looking forward to it. Uh, playing the game that is, not carrying corpses around.
Starmaker: Note: I approve of a lack of gender equality in a grimdark fantasy setting, it's just that realism has nothing to do with it.
Fenixp: Fine: Given the rules of the setting, it's world and period from which it has drawn inspiration, and overall story of the game, letting player to pick female character would be unrealistic. HAPPY NOW? :D
"stretch the suspension of disbelief"
"fail to invoke intended memetic imagery"

Unrealistic in the context is a fantasy setting is just a bad word that leaves your otherwise sound argument vulnerable to all sorts of logically-impaired people.
Starmaker: Note: I approve of a lack of gender equality in a grimdark fantasy setting, it's just that realism has nothing to do with it.
Fenixp: Fine: Given the rules of the setting, it's world and period from which it has drawn inspiration, and overall story of the game, letting player to pick female character would be unrealistic. HAPPY NOW? :D
Fenixp is absolutely right here. Female player character would look very unrealistic in this game. Really.
Kunovski: what I liked was how the priest can ultimately become a grand inquisitor, who doesn't need to gather any evidence or persuade any superiors to convict a suspect, he just orders it and it's done :D
Starmaker: That's actually awesome when properly implemented. Is it possible to lose the game / fail goals when convicting people lolrandomly?
it doesn't quite work like that - there's a crime or a mystery and there are several suspects pointed out by the mayor / bishop / folks (when searching/questioning villagers and the suspects themselves you might find even more suspects)

when you're NOT an inquisitor yet, you need to convince the "quest-giver" that the particular person is guilty, need to show him the evidence, and after that the "quest-giver" gives you permission to interrogate (he he :)

if you ARE an inquisitor, you can simply choose one of the suspects and start torturing to get their confession

but if you torture (or even have executed) an innocent person, you'll fail the quest, the quest-giver will hate you as well as other important people, so it's really not a good idea to just jump into conclusions here
Fenixp: Fine: Given the rules of the setting, it's world and period from which it has drawn inspiration, and overall story of the game, letting player to pick female character would be unrealistic. HAPPY NOW? :D
Kovi: Fenixp is absolutely right here. Female player character would look very unrealistic in this game. Really.
You can't challenge something as "unrealistic" in a world with magic in it, unless you're arguing from an alt-history standpoint ("I hereby assert that the medieval society would not have significantly changed if magic existed"), as opposed to an artistic one*. Because the alt-history stance is completely indefensible. The u-word invites arguments like these (warning: crazy).

*artistic stance: "We made a game set in a fantasy world that looks as we think medieval people imagined actual Middle Ages to be, because it's fun. Yes, we know that a magical medieval world is unrealistic. We did not add gender equality because the worldbuilding relies heavily on medieval tropes. Messing with established tropes makes people think what other societal changes magic would bring, and that breaks suspension of disbelief like nothing else - and we can't have that in a game about investigation."
If you can believe in God, it's easy to believe in magic too. Female inquisitor in medieval era?! Unbelievable!
fix-cz: If you can believe in God, it's easy to believe in magic too. Female inquisitor in medieval era?! Unbelievable!
It'd be unbelievably cool.
Adzeth: It'd be unbelievably cool.
I'm sure it would be cool to be getting all your findings and investigations ridiculed just because you're playing a woman, and to not be let getting too far in the story for that very reason. Because that would be the only reasonable depiction.
Fenixp: I'm sure it would be cool to be getting all your findings and investigations ridiculed just because you're playing a woman, and to not be let getting too far in the story for that very reason. Because that would be the only reasonable depiction.
If you insist that the whole "chicks can't science" and whatever stuff must remain, you could make some sort of powerful ally reasoning, and maybe make the character be a really scary lady. You know, the whole being ridiculed for not being a man could work as an explanation to why she's being way scarier than the others. The whole believability/realism thing doesn't really work here. I saw all kinds of unbelievable critters in the trailer. The gender issues are like that for the sake of the setting, but it's an unbelievable/unrealistic setting to begin with. It'd be quite easy to modify that setting so that woman inquisitors are as believable as the rest of the stuff. I'd believe it without any explanation, as I know full well that women can be really, really scary authority figures. I doubt an inquisitor needs that extra upper body strength, especially when there's that freakin' magic, unless you use your testicles for casting.

Anyway, I understand and accept the "we didn't want to do that" explanation, but the realism one I find iffy at best (because magic and tangible angels and demon critters). If this was a historical game, I'd agree even with the realism.

...and I totally think a woman inquisitor could be a total baller ;)
...but if it was some "hey, look at my breasts and I'm not wearing any pants" thing, I'd hate it so much that I'd complain. Complain!
Adzeth: Anyway, I understand and accept the "we didn't want to do that" explanation, but the realism one I find iffy at best (because magic and tangible angels and demon critters). If this was a historical game, I'd agree even with the realism.

...and I totally think a woman inquisitor could be a total baller ;)
...but if it was some "hey, look at my breasts and I'm not wearing any pants" thing, I'd hate it so much that I'd complain. Complain!
You might find the argument dumb as you want, but the fact that society in the game is very much based on medieval society of it's era remains a fact. The more you deviate from that, the less believable will the setting become - and let me tell you that most of the time, society and politics are very much separated from monsters and magic. So that is the funny part - it is a very belivable setting, until you leave town. This is a decision that really makes me wonder why did creators decide to even include monsters and magic to begin with, I mean there's no way society would develop this way with them, but I digress.

You have given some examples of how a female character might have worked within the setting, and you might be righ - however, given how strongly the world reacts to your choice of class, that would mean writing a ton more dialogue to keep that bit at it's current level, and I don't think creators would have the manpower to do that (not to mention that even a scary woman with someone backing her up could quite somply not become a priest.)
Fenixp: *snip*
My theory is that the monsters are there because slaying a nation's worth of people while traversing the countryside would probably be even more "realism breaking" than having a few (thousand) extraterrestials from planet BadHell.
...I haven't played it yet, I'm just assuming that there'll be a lot of those enemy guys.

I'll try and think about the magic/demons thing as a bad trip caused by the stench of runny pig poo that's been spread all around for farming purposes or something, then :p

The added workload I understand, and accept. I don't even mind that there is no playable woman character, I just think that it could be cool. The oppression in the setting would actually just add to the coolness potential.
WTF? I go to read the thread to see what the game's like and people are arguing over the character not being a female?

CymTyr: WTF? I go to read the thread to see what the game's like and people are arguing over the character not being a female?
No, no. People are arguing about the explanation given as to why there are no playable woman characters.