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Fight heresy the old-school way.

Inquisitor is a game that will take you on a thrilling journey through a dark medieval low-fantasy world and satisfy your hunger for old-school RPG, and it's available for digital pre-order on for only $11.99--that’s 20% off the full price, only during preorders!

Dark times have fallen onto the once-peaceful land of Ultherst. As the prophet Ezekiel foretold: Famine, Plague, and Death came to harvest the souls of the sinners and the innocent alike. In this time of hardship more and more people started to succumb to the Devil's whispers. Heresy and worship of dark powers grow stronger and more blatant with every new follower of the demonic path. This evil must be rooted-out and purged with fire. And you--out of all of the people faithful to the true religion--have been selected to restore God's holy law and order as the Inquisitor.

Inquisitor is a truly old-school cRPG with open-ended gameplay, a large world to roam freely, a plethora of items and spells at your disposal, a deep and absorbing story, and hundreds of lines of dialogs. Get Inquisitor now with 20% pre-order discount and gain immediate access to the chest of goodies that contains treasure such as a full game soundtrack, a collection of 68 artworks, the ominous Revelation of Ezekiel, and a full-fledged Inquisitor novel! The pre-order period will last until Wednesday, September 5 at 10:59 AM GMT.

If you're not yet busy rushing to pre-order this item of old-school excellence, take a moment and listen what Martin Kovar of CINEMAX--the studio that put more than 10 years into developing Inquisitor--has to say about his game.
Nirth_90: This is a question to people who have already played it (I guess the Czech version or the english beta version): How's the performance and graphical department? I've no problem with the 2D setting it seems to have but I still usually prefer to play at 1080p with 60FPS.
Well it's been already established that you can play it @ 1920x1080, as with vast majority of 2D games, changing resolutions also changes how far 'camera' is from the ground, how does the game look like you can judge from screenshots and performance... Heh, seriously? If you prefer to play modern games at 1080p with 60 FPS, you won't have any trouble with Inquisitor.
hansappel: ...
Fenixp: It was fairly minor, don't worry.
hansappel: How bad was that spoiler?
Kovi: Sorry about that spoiler. I thought this was a relatively common knowledge.
But no, even with that information, I think that you know nothing about what the story is about.
*Phew!* I was afraid that was some kind of conspiracy of the endgame that would be unraveled after long, hard work of investigation!

How bothersome is inventory management and transportation, by the way?

Are there anything like the teleporter stones in Divine Divinity and Two Worlds? I really liked them as they actually made escape possible from all kinds of trouble, travel comfortable and having a personal stash/base of operations possible.

Is it possible to keep stuff you can't carry in chests, crates etc or will it disappear if you leave it lying there for too long?

Also, speaking of the difficulty in the game, are there lots of tiresome status effects like paralysis, poison, etc that will have you quaff a lot of potions/use a lot of protection spells to temporarily be able to survive the monsters?

And what happens when your NPC's die? Will you have to reload the game or do they just fall "unconcious" or come back with some readily avalible resurrection spell. I guess the two latter options aren't that realistic in a dark fantasy game, but they sure make the gameplay more hassle-free. =)
Thiev: Then why won't you cheat, if you want to play for story only? That would take hard combat out of question.
fruitloopy: because, unless the game has built in-cheating, then i cant. i dont like trying to find trainers, etc, and the like.

thats why games should just have actual EASY difficulties and built-in cheats. why force someone to use a trainer or other fan-made program to cheat/make the game playable?
Nobody forces you to. It´s just some of us like challenge and find most of nowadays games easy.
Thiev: It certainly does support widesceen, I played it on 1920x1080 ;)
Kovi: Inquisitor supports many resolutions, even 3840×2400, as you can see here:
wow, ok, now i HAVE to preorder it
hansappel: How bothersome is inventory management and transportation, by the way?
Incredibly bothersome. Items never stack, and... Just look at screenshot to get a general idea. You get 4 'pages' of these inventory screens, and you can just tetris away. Oh and items never stack - if you want 40 potions, they will take up 40 squares. It's basically the same thing as Diablo 1 and 2 did, just with 4x that.

hansappel: Are there anything like the teleporter stones in Divine Divinity and Two Worlds? I really liked them as they actually made escape possible from all kinds of trouble, travel comfortable and having a personal stash/base of operations possible.
Kind of, but it's using an item that's fairly rare and expensive to get (I'm using it nevertheless, you get a LOT of money later on and I found a merchant that always has a few.) And the said item can only get you FROM a location (and from any situation while we're at it,) but it won't get you back to where you used it in the first place.

hansappel: Is it possible to keep stuff you can't carry in chests, crates etc or will it disappear if you leave it lying there for too long?
I haven't found a personal stash, then again I wasn't really looking - 4 pages of those grids are actually quite a bit of storage room, never needed more. Also, I have never seen an item disappearing - which might of course mean that I wasn't looking properly or don't remember it right. But I do think they're persistant.

hansappel: Also, speaking of the difficulty in the game, are there lots of tiresome status effects like paralysis, poison, etc that will have you quaff a lot of potions/use a lot of protection spells to temporarily be able to survive the monsters?
There are quite a few of those, and yes, you do need to use resistance / dispell potions / spells. It can get kind of bothersome, but only poison was really annoying as far as I remember (the rest only lasted for a few seconds)

hansappel: And what happens when your NPC's die? Will you have to reload the game or do they just fall "unconcious" or come back with some readily avalible resurrection spell. I guess the two latter options aren't that realistic in a dark fantasy game, but they sure make the gameplay more hassle-free. =)
There's a not so easy to get spell of ressurection and I was always loading a game whe a companion died, so I never really got in-depth on that one.
Tarhiel: Nobody forces you to. It´s just some of us like challenge and find most of nowadays games easy.
Well yeah, it's just that it's not THAT difficult to get difficulties catering to as many players as possible. All you need to do is damage reduction / increase as TES games did, and suddenly, you get a game that everyone can enjoy.
inventory.jpg (482 Kb)
Post edited August 30, 2012 by Fenixp
JMich: Haven't played it, though I had briefly tested Necromania: Traps of Darkness (or however it's called)
Gah, Necromania with Prokletí eridenu and Bloodline are the worst Czech games ever.
Fenixp: Well it's been already established that you can play it @ 1920x1080, as with vast majority of 2D games, changing resolutions also changes how far 'camera' is from the ground, how does the game look like you can judge from screenshots and performance... Heh, seriously? If you prefer to play modern games at 1080p with 60 FPS, you won't have any trouble with Inquisitor.
Great, thanks. I can't wait to try this game. :)
Bodkin: Prokletí eridenu
Where can I get that? The graphics are a bit cheesy so it looks like it could be so bad it's good.
johnki: Where can I get that? The graphics are a bit cheesy so it looks like it could be so bad it's good.
Click on yellow button Stahni and then prokleti_eridenu.rar :)
Edit: Most likely it will be in Czech laguage :P
Post edited August 30, 2012 by R0T0R
R0T0R: here:
Click on yellow button Stahni and then prokleti_eridenu.rar :)
Edit: Most likely it will be in Czech laguage :P
As long as it's manageable, I can deal with the language barrier. Thanks. Cheesy graphics, here I come!
johnki: ]As long as it's manageable, I can deal with the language barrier. Thanks. Cheesy graphics, here I come!
Well, good luck and have fun :D
Why would I keep bumping topics with news about my favourite games? That is just mad!
Fenixp: Why would I keep bumping topics with news about my favourite games? That is just mad!
Because people prefer to make new threads instead of reading the reviews?
PaulDenton: Can a Paladin "fall", i.e. if he does not life up to the ideals of a Paladins behavior, will he lose certain advantages?
Fenixp: I found the ideas of Paladin behavior to be fairly similar to ideas of knighthood, and we all know how knights actually were. I've not actually tried that tho, I'm fairly interested in question as well - I'd like to see 'No,' tho, precisely for the reason I have given above.
Well yeah, an answer would be really nice. And the question really is is this sth. like the DnD Paladin or just a somewhat strangely chosen name for a Knight. So I'd really like to know :)
PaulDenton: Well yeah, an answer would be really nice. And the question really is is this sth. like the DnD Paladin or just a somewhat strangely chosen name for a Knight. So I'd really like to know :)
Their philosophy is that of a DnD paladin. They're holy servants of God. However, how they act is a different matter entirely: In Inquisitor, they're human. With all flaws that come with it.