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Fight heresy the old-school way.

Inquisitor is a game that will take you on a thrilling journey through a dark medieval low-fantasy world and satisfy your hunger for old-school RPG, and it's available for digital pre-order on for only $11.99--that’s 20% off the full price, only during preorders!

Dark times have fallen onto the once-peaceful land of Ultherst. As the prophet Ezekiel foretold: Famine, Plague, and Death came to harvest the souls of the sinners and the innocent alike. In this time of hardship more and more people started to succumb to the Devil's whispers. Heresy and worship of dark powers grow stronger and more blatant with every new follower of the demonic path. This evil must be rooted-out and purged with fire. And you--out of all of the people faithful to the true religion--have been selected to restore God's holy law and order as the Inquisitor.

Inquisitor is a truly old-school cRPG with open-ended gameplay, a large world to roam freely, a plethora of items and spells at your disposal, a deep and absorbing story, and hundreds of lines of dialogs. Get Inquisitor now with 20% pre-order discount and gain immediate access to the chest of goodies that contains treasure such as a full game soundtrack, a collection of 68 artworks, the ominous Revelation of Ezekiel, and a full-fledged Inquisitor novel! The pre-order period will last until Wednesday, September 5 at 10:59 AM GMT.

If you're not yet busy rushing to pre-order this item of old-school excellence, take a moment and listen what Martin Kovar of CINEMAX--the studio that put more than 10 years into developing Inquisitor--has to say about his game.
:Diabolical Acting:
Tarhiel: Well, Martin (one of the developers) said game contains 1.5 million of words. It´s at least as thick as a good novel. I also heard (about the original Czech version, which was released back in 2009) that story is incredibly good and on par with Baldur´s Gate when it comes to complexity. Also, very long (+ 100 h).
kalirion: 1.5 million words is almost as think as the total of the A Song of Ice and Fire series released so far - 1.77 million words for the 5 books which average over 1000 pages each.
Thanks for info; I was lazy to check just how much "thick" is 1.5 million words. Well, that means quite alot of text - I suppose +/- as much as in Planescape:Torment.
I've never heard of this game, but from what I've seen of it so far it looks seriously amazing. I'm considering pre-ordering it, because I know I'd like to play Inquisitor as soon as it becomes available.
Hey im from Czech Rep. And this game is totaly worth buying....You have 3 characters and truly each have different story line and different ways how they solve quests:
RPG elements:
-you have men that is suspected for murder: There are millions ways how to solve quest

-as priest you can use abbysal sorcery to enthrall him and have him confess even if he didnt do it or you can just torture him until he confess or you can really invastigate his case searchyng for clues....

-as thief you can seduce his wife or dauther to tell you his every secret

every quest is complicated and allways there are more to it than it fisrt seem.
This game is realy hard there is nothing that guide you or mark location of quest on map. Game itself tells you in begining to make you own notes. You need to study creatures you face and theyr weakness otherwise you die a lot...and you need to always hire escort if you play thief or priest because they suck in melee combat.
Summary: This game is not for Casual gamer

Mature Content:
There are lot of mature themes in game( heresy, Prostitution, Descration of bodie, sex, animated torture and many ways of execution(staking,burnung at stake, haging, quatering)), you can intencionaly torture and exetute suspect (even if he is inocent) just because you want quicker promotion or someone promised you lot of money.

Hope english players enjoy this game as i had.
And sorry for my bad english.
miker17: -as thief you can seduce his wife or dauther to tell you his every secret
Can you do that as a female thief? Or is there no way to select gender?
miker17: -as thief you can seduce his wife or dauther to tell you his every secret
kalirion: Can you do that as a female thief? Or is there no way to select gender?
no every character is male
miker17: no every character is male
Given the setting, it would be fairly unreasonable to expect otherwise. The only character that could potentially be a woman is the thief, and ... Well writing even MORE text for one variation of a single character is not exactly a good idea.
This game looks more like and action rpg while the genre says rpg / adventure but it's probably more fighting than talking.
kalirion: Can you do that as a female thief? Or is there no way to select gender?
miker17: no every character is male
Awwww to bad. I will play it anyways though. More games need female player characters and I know its a pain to do but still one could wish.
Trilarion: This game looks more like and action rpg while the genre says rpg / adventure but it's probably more fighting than talking.
there is lot of fighting but there is so much dialog that you will go crazy. Biggest dialog orgies begin when you move from initial villige to big F***ing city in chapter 2.
Trilarion: This game looks more like and action rpg while the genre says rpg / adventure but it's probably more fighting than talking.
It... Probably is. But it depends on your playstyle and chosen character by large part. If you pick thief, fights will quite simply be longer and thus fighting bits will take longer.

I would say that it's rougly 50:50, and keep in mind that I'm not counting exploration towards 'fighting' bit (there is exploration and game rewards it quite a lot.)

At any rate, RPG/Adventure is a well deserved tag: Not only is there a lot of dialogue, but the game also rewards you for collecting evidence (in form of witnesses, found items, accusations and confessions,) which, of course, leads to a lot of meaningful dialogue. And not only that - the dialogue part is not linear at all. There are always more ways that lead towards attaining your goals, trough dialogue alone.
Felix004: Awwww to bad. I will play it anyways though. More games need female player characters and I know its a pain to do but still one could wish.
Really, it wouldn't have made sense given the setting. Females weren't aknowledget as warriors, neither could they become priests. I'm not sayint it's right by any means, but that's just how things were in the time period this game is trying to get close to.
Post edited August 29, 2012 by Fenixp
miker17: Biggest dialog orgies begin ...
Wouldn't Inquisitors abhor orgies ? ☺
This is just stupid.

I started with Dwarf fortress yesterday and then GOGs King of dragon pass stole my every time. And now this. I now want to find my disc and try it again, maybe my 'new laptop' won't have problems with this game.

My old one (AMDx64 1.6 GHz, 1 GB RAM and 64 VRAM(Radeon X700?)/XP OS) had some problems with it. But it was time around 1.0.1 - 1.0.6 patch...

#I need stronger will, time to level up. So, what can i kill now for some xp?#
Post edited August 29, 2012 by Bodkin
Old school RPG? It resembles Diablo 2 for me... Or at least it looks like.
That game works on the principle that torture produces valid information ?