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Fight heresy the old-school way.

Inquisitor is a game that will take you on a thrilling journey through a dark medieval low-fantasy world and satisfy your hunger for old-school RPG, and it's available for digital pre-order on for only $11.99--that’s 20% off the full price, only during preorders!

Dark times have fallen onto the once-peaceful land of Ultherst. As the prophet Ezekiel foretold: Famine, Plague, and Death came to harvest the souls of the sinners and the innocent alike. In this time of hardship more and more people started to succumb to the Devil's whispers. Heresy and worship of dark powers grow stronger and more blatant with every new follower of the demonic path. This evil must be rooted-out and purged with fire. And you--out of all of the people faithful to the true religion--have been selected to restore God's holy law and order as the Inquisitor.

Inquisitor is a truly old-school cRPG with open-ended gameplay, a large world to roam freely, a plethora of items and spells at your disposal, a deep and absorbing story, and hundreds of lines of dialogs. Get Inquisitor now with 20% pre-order discount and gain immediate access to the chest of goodies that contains treasure such as a full game soundtrack, a collection of 68 artworks, the ominous Revelation of Ezekiel, and a full-fledged Inquisitor novel! The pre-order period will last until Wednesday, September 5 at 10:59 AM GMT.

If you're not yet busy rushing to pre-order this item of old-school excellence, take a moment and listen what Martin Kovar of CINEMAX--the studio that put more than 10 years into developing Inquisitor--has to say about his game.
Looks like fun, interesting, and sounds challenging. Bam! Pre-Ordered!
Crosmando: Oh? Does it lock you into auto-attack, or do you have to click every-time you attack, like Diablo? And by "pause", I mean you can pause during combat, issue commands like spells/potions, and when you unpause the PC automatically performs those actions in combat.
Auto-attack, thankfully. And well... You can pause, drink a bunch of potions, but you can't qeue commands or something like that: Only the last action you perform in the paused mode actually occurs. So, if you first send your character somewhere, cast a spell and unpause, only the spell gets cast.
Also, I hope our Czech bros didn't waste any money on English voice-actors; more text less ear cancer thanks.
Zoltan999: Looks like fun, interesting, and sounds challenging. Bam! Pre-Ordered!
It is challenging, very much so. Sometimes it's ... RPG difficulty, as in: There's no level scaling.
Crosmando: Also, I hope our Czech bros didn't waste any money on English voice-actors; more text less ear cancer thanks.
Yeah, vast majority of dialogue is walls of text. I think that's a good thing.
Post edited August 29, 2012 by Fenixp
MasodikTiasma: Are you Martin "Kovi" Kovar from the video? If so, I'd to ask you a few questions about the english translation. Apparently it took three years but exactly how was it done? Did Cinemax work with the translator closely, maybe doing the localization in studio, like CDProjekt did for The Witcher 2?
Also, is there voice-acting in the game? Is it possible to have czech voices and english text, for example?
Yes, that's me, my first video appearance...
Anyway, the translation was done by a group of veteran game translators we work with regularly, but they were not working on it in the studio. And unfortunately not, there is no voice-acting in the game, only the text. The game wasn't developed with voice-over in mind and there is no way to implement any voice-acting into it now - there was a group of Czech fan voice actors that volunteered to voice the whole game when it was released here but we had to decline them because of that.
Crosmando: Oh? Does it lock you into auto-attack, or do you have to click every-time you attack, like Diablo? And by "pause", I mean you can pause during combat, issue commands like spells/potions, and when you unpause the PC automatically performs those actions in combat.
Fenixp: Auto-attack, thankfully. And well... You can pause, drink a bunch of potions, but you can't qeue commands or something like that: Only the last action you perform in the paused mode actually occurs. So, if you first send your character somewhere, cast a spell and unpause, only the spell gets cast.
Sounds like standard Infinity Engine combat to me, just without party control.

Also, is physical interactivity with companions completely non-existent? Can you give them gear or weapons?
Zoltan999: Looks like fun, interesting, and sounds challenging. Bam! Pre-Ordered!
Fenixp: It is challenging, very much so. Sometimes it's ... RPG difficulty, as in: There's no level scaling.
That's a good thing...although, as you noted, it can sometimes lead to frustration, I can't stand games that become so easy and rote, it feels as if your sleep walking through them. Looking forward to giving it a go..and btw, thanks for your insights bud
MasodikTiasma: Are you Martin "Kovi" Kovar from the video? If so, I'd to ask you a few questions about the english translation. Apparently it took three years but exactly how was it done? Did Cinemax work with the translator closely, maybe doing the localization in studio, like CDProjekt did for The Witcher 2?
Also, is there voice-acting in the game? Is it possible to have czech voices and english text, for example?
Kovi: Yes, that's me, my first video appearance...
Anyway, the translation was done by a group of veteran game translators we work with regularly, but they were not working on it in the studio. And unfortunately not, there is no voice-acting in the game, only the text. The game wasn't developed with voice-over in mind and there is no way to implement any voice-acting into it now - there was a group of Czech fan voice actors that volunteered to voice the whole game when it was released here but we had to decline them because of that.
That's often a good thing :)

I'd much rather have text than poor voice-over acting.

The game looks beautiful, btw, and very interesting. I'll definitely be pre-ordering it in the next few days.
Looks nice, and the amount of "free" content is amazing - and very nice done.

This game also would be a really nice retail-version, with all the books included.
*sigh* they just don't do them anymore like they once did.
BreOl72: This game also would be a really nice retail-version, with all the books included.
Well, Cinemax isn't really the richest studio in the world, retail version's just had .pdfs as well :D It did have nice cover art tho!
Kovi: Yes, that's me, my first video appearance...
Anyway, the translation was done by a group of veteran game translators we work with regularly, but they were not working on it in the studio. And unfortunately not, there is no voice-acting in the game, only the text. The game wasn't developed with voice-over in mind and there is no way to implement any voice-acting into it now - there was a group of Czech fan voice actors that volunteered to voice the whole game when it was released here but we had to decline them because of that.
Bloodygoodgames: That's often a good thing :)

I'd much rather have text than poor voice-over acting.

THIS. I don't mind if there aren't any voices. The voices in my head will do the acting just fine. As long as the money went to make the game (and the translation) more polished.
Děkují Vám, pane Kováře!
Post edited August 29, 2012 by MasodikTiasma
ambient_orange: is there a real gameplay video?
Stooner: Well, there's an old trailer here.
hola... I DO hope the music of the game is not what we hear on this trailer. Please please please anyone tell me it's not!! (I mean this kid's synthetic metal-core... starting at the middle of the video). Well, at least if it's for the intro, ok. But in game, no, never!!!
Post edited August 29, 2012 by Merchito
Looks like I'm preordering when I get home even though I doubt I'll actually play it for a while -.-.
Looks interesting, but looks can be deceiving; so I'll pass for now until I know more about the game.
got this game in the time of release home in the Czech Republic and have been overwhelmed by the epicness and atmosphere of the medieval village (and some cities after that), the idea of asking (and searching) around for clues and witnesses, and overall detailness of the world...

...only to find that this game is deadly difficult with a mage character I've chosen + it's one of the most brutal clickfests during combat/shopping/anything really so anyone with a CTS should leave this game and not touch it even with a really long stick.

other than that, all I can say is that this game is exceptional and worth the money I've invested in it (which is 0 as it was a present ;)

PS: on the day of release this game cost stylish 666 Czech Crowns :o)
Post edited August 29, 2012 by Kunovski