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It's leading the other bundle by a pretty wide margin so it's safe to say that that's what tomorrow's bundle will be. I certainly don't mind, I own two of the games and two others are on my wishlist so it works out well for me.

That is, except for the little issue with the listing for Sword of the Stars: The Pit Gold Edition. See, technically I own the Gold Edition, but in the form of the original title plus the two DLCs which is what the GE is. Yet still the Gold Edition is listed as a separate game on here as if one I don't own already. When I add the game to my cart to test it out it says
Please note that DLC: MindGames, Sword of the Stars: The Pit and DLC: Sword of the Stars: The Pit Gold Edition Upgrade are included in the Sword of the Stars: The Pit Gold Edition but you already own these games, and will not receive another copies when you buy this pack.
So basically this means I'm paying for air? Otherwise what am I getting with this pack I don't have already?

My concern is, in the inevitability that the Roguelike Bundlelike wins (which you know it will, don't deny it!), and I go to buy it, I don't want to be forced to buy the Gold Edition along with it since, well, as I've stated several times, I already own the damn game! If I could just gift the game separately and take the rest I'd have no problem doing that, except with bundles you have to gift all or none of it. So, GOG, how is this going to work out exactly?
cannard: It's leading the other bundle by a pretty wide margin so it's safe to say that that's what tomorrow's bundle will be. I certainly don't mind, I own two of the games and two others are on my wishlist so it works out well for me.

That is, except for the little issue with the listing for Sword of the Stars: The Pit Gold Edition. See, technically I own the Gold Edition, but in the form of the original title plus the two DLCs which is what the GE is. Yet still the Gold Edition is listed as a separate game on here as if one I don't own already. When I add the game to my cart to test it out it says

Please note that DLC: MindGames, Sword of the Stars: The Pit and DLC: Sword of the Stars: The Pit Gold Edition Upgrade are included in the Sword of the Stars: The Pit Gold Edition but you already own these games, and will not receive another copies when you buy this pack.
cannard: So basically this means I'm paying for air? Otherwise what am I getting with this pack I don't have already?

My concern is, in the inevitability that the Roguelike Bundlelike wins (which you know it will, don't deny it!), and I go to buy it, I don't want to be forced to buy the Gold Edition along with it since, well, as I've stated several times, I already own the damn game! If I could just gift the game separately and take the rest I'd have no problem doing that, except with bundles you have to gift all or none of it. So, GOG, how is this going to work out exactly?
If you have the original game plus the two DLCs then you already have the Gold Edition so there's no need to buy it again :)
What I was asking was, assuming this bundle will be the chosen one for tomorrow (YES IT WILL), and I go to buy the Bundle for the two games I don't own, WILL it force me to buy the Gold Edition (in order to get the full 70% discounts for those two games of course), since as I've said it is listed as an un-owned item for me that I can add to my cart (even though I already own the contents of the GE on here but in a separate form)? And if it does do this, is there a way around it? Thanks for the reply.
Post edited December 15, 2013 by cannard
cannard: What I was asking was, assuming this bundle will be the chosen one for tomorrow (YES IT WILL), and I go to buy the Bundle for the two games I don't own, WILL it force me to buy the Gold Edition (in order to get the full 70% discounts for those two games of course), since as I've said it is listed as an un-owned item for me that I can add to my cart (even though I already own the contents of the GE on here but in a separate form)? And if it does do this, is there a way around it? Thanks for the reply.
Look at current bundles, you can un-tick games you don't want, also you can delete stuff from your checkout screen...
i know its hard to see, but there is an X to the left if you highlight/hover a game.
JudasIscariot: If you have the original game plus the two DLCs then you already have the Gold Edition so there's no need to buy it again :)
I think you misunderstood his point. He knows he doesn't need to buy it again, he doesn't want to buy it again. What he wants to know is if the bundle will take into account the fact that he owns it already.

I have a related problem in that I own the base game already. If I buy the pack, I'll probably be buying a second copy of the base game. I wouldn't mind that if I had the option of giving that away but I strongly suspect I won't...
gbaz69: Look at current bundles, you can un-tick games you don't want, also you can delete stuff from your checkout screen...
i know its hard to see, but there is an X to the left if you highlight/hover a game.
A lot of bundles don't give you the discount, or give you a much lower discount if you untick some of them. If you already own a game then they take that into account and give you the full discount.
Post edited December 15, 2013 by SirPrimalform
SirPrimalform: A lot of bundles don't give you the discount, or give you a much lower discount if you untick some of them. If you already own a game then they take that into account and give you the full discount.
Not from the screen :D hover of game you want to delete, click the tiny black x to the left :D works for me.

edit: to clearify, add entire bundle to cart... goto checkout screen, then delete items from checkout before purchas :D
Post edited December 15, 2013 by gbaz69
Except, like I said, and as you should know, with these bundles in order to get the full 70% discount you have to get all or none of them. I probably should have specified more clearly that the way these bundles work on GOG was the concern here but I'd assumed most people would have gotten that already seeing what a big stink it always causes around here.

EDIT: Thank you SirPrimalform for understanding what I was trying to get out!
Post edited December 15, 2013 by cannard
cannard: Except, like I said, and as you should know, with these bundles in order to get the full 70% discount you have to get all or none of them. I probably should have specified more clearly that the way these bundles work on GOG was the concern here but I'd assumed most people would have gotten that already seeing what a big stink it always causes around here.
Mine kept the highest % off, even if I delete one from checkout.
Example 80% off if you buy entire bundle,or 50% for not-entire, even if you own a few games, you still only buy the ones your missing at 80%.. even though technically you're not buying the entire bundle ;D.
Post edited December 15, 2013 by gbaz69
gbaz69: Mine kept the highest % off, even if I delete one from checkout.
Example 80% off if you buy entire bundle,or 50% for not-entire, even if you own a few games, you still only buy the ones your missing at 80%.. even though technically you're not buying the entire bundle ;D.
It's not working for me with the D&D bundle...
gbaz69: Mine kept the highest % off, even if I delete one from checkout.
Example 80% off if you buy entire bundle,or 50% for not-entire, even if you own a few games, you still only buy the ones your missing at 80%.. even though technically you're not buying the entire bundle ;D.
Do you already own the ones you deselect? If yes, it's because on GOG games you own always count towards "completing a bundle", i.e. you get the higher discount.
But if you deselect games that you don't own and still get the higher discount, then I'd say it's strange and that you're damn lucky as it's not supposed to work this way.
gbaz69: Mine kept the highest % off, even if I delete one from checkout.
are you sure you didn't just delete games you already own from the gift checkout? you can buy any one or more gift keys at the best discount provided you're completing the set based on what you own already. I tried your method by selecting to gift the whole bundle, then as soon as I remove any of the gamesI don't own using the X on the left, it rescales the discounts to the standard 50% sale price.
cannard: (...) If I could just gift the game separately and take the rest I'd have no problem doing that, (...)
Hey bud, don't have an answer for you, just wanted to chip in and say "THIS". I'm having a similar dilemma right now with the D&D bundle where there are five games I don't want sitting on my shelf because I will never play them, yet if I remove them from the bundle the price goes up to more than twice what the bundle costs.

It would be great if:
a) I could remove games from the bundle and still pay the same price (that is, $19 for four games instead of $19 for nine games, or $34 for four games)
b) I could split the bundle up so that I can keep some games and gift the rest

Very annoying to either have to pass up the bundle altogether, or have to clutter up my shelf with games I don't want and my backlog with games I don't want to play, and also be unable to give those same games away to someone who wants them.
SirPrimalform: I have a related problem in that I own the base game already. If I buy the pack, I'll probably be buying a second copy of the base game. I wouldn't mind that if I had the option of giving that away but I strongly suspect I won't...
That would actually be good to know preemptively, since I also have only the base game. Oh Boy, the Gold Edition has proven to be a massive headache.
gbaz69: Mine kept the highest % off, even if I delete one from checkout.
IanM: are you sure you didn't just delete games you already own from the gift checkout? you can buy any one or more gift keys at the best discount provided you're completing the set based on what you own already. I tried your method by selecting to gift the whole bundle, then as soon as I remove any of the gamesI don't own using the X on the left, it rescales the discounts to the standard 50% sale price.
Sorry it seems those of us that all ready own the entire bundle, can gift any of the games at the full % off, even if we just gift 1 game...
so trading is possible I guess, so anyone feel free to pm me.
SirPrimalform: I have a related problem in that I own the base game already. If I buy the pack, I'll probably be buying a second copy of the base game. I wouldn't mind that if I had the option of giving that away but I strongly suspect I won't...
Grargar: That would actually be good to know preemptively, since I also have only the base game. Oh Boy, the Gold Edition has proven to be a massive headache.
It sure did! Hopefully it won't be too complicated tomorrow. *fingers crossed*