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Wow, this doesn't just cheer me up, this makes my day!

Marvellous work indeed! I can't tell what impresses me more: Your stacking prowess or the fact that you decided to do this in expert mode! Also, many thanks for off-handedly dissing "On a rail"! I hate that level with a passion! Now I actually feel guilty about not buying a dozen or so Thief 1 keys during the insomnia sale... sad to hear that you don't have a copy of it, a fine crate stacker such as yourself certainly deserves one!

As for "that damn prison level" (in case you're referring to "Cragscleft prison"), it's actually really, REALLY fun once you start luring the zombies that haunt the mines onto Hammerite turf. The ensuing carnage will satisfy the most jaded of video game sadists!

That's... very, VERY impressive! I suppose you wouldn't have much use for that Witcher-key either?
fronzelneekburm: As for "that damn prison level" (in case you're referring to "Cragscleft prison"), it's actually really, REALLY fun once you start luring the zombies that haunt the mines onto Hammerite turf. The ensuing carnage will satisfy the most jaded of video game sadists!
I'll try that, if I ever reinstall the game. I may just pick it up here during the holidays because while the ROM is nice it takes A LOT of tweeking.

Just thinking about your idea gets me jazzed, that is really a brilliant idea, yet so simple. The only reason getting lost ever bothered me was that I keep running into the zombies it was such a pain in the ass to avoid in the first place; this way I solve the undead problem AND the guard problem. Big +1, wish it could be more.
tinyE: Big +1, wish it could be more.
Much obliged!

tinyE: I keep running into the zombies
Oh, the zombies don't pose much of a threat. They're scary and intimidating and if two of them back you into a corner, you're dead meat, but they're also slow and INCREDIBLY stupid. As soon as they loose sight of you (let's say because you turned a corner), they'll break off their pursuit.

Also, (and this is a slightly more spoilerish hint) none of the enemies in this game can swim. If your Hammerite/Zombie-foes are giving you a hard time, lure them into the water. Hilarity ensues (see attached)!

By the way, the version of Thief that is sold on gog doesn't require any kind of tweaking to get it to work on a modern system. It already has all the necessary patches in place.
tinyE: Big +1, wish it could be more.
fronzelneekburm: Much obliged!

tinyE: I keep running into the zombies
fronzelneekburm: Also, (and this is a slightly more spoilerish hint) none of the enemies in this game can swim. If your Hammerite/Zombie-foes are giving you a hard time, lure them into the water. Hilarity ensues (see attached)!

By the way, the version of Thief that is sold on gog doesn't require any kind of tweaking to get it to work on a modern system. It already has all the necessary patches in place.
I know about drowning* (I've actually played the game through several times). As for my version, I actually bought Thief a day or so after it came out. I've always been a huge fan of Core/Eidos and (think it might have been Commandos BEL) came with a demo of it. I played it for ten minutes and bought the full game the next day. I'll snag a GOG version soon enough.

*One day I was trying to play the "don't kill" way. I blackjacked a guard and kept getting "Game Over". I kept trying and trying before I finally realized the guard was standing at the edge of a pool and every time I clubbed him he kept drowning. XD
Post edited December 09, 2013 by tinyE
fronzelneekburm: Wow, this doesn't just cheer me up, this makes my day!