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And so the disciples came to our Lord Bob as he was deep in meditation. And they said onto him “Yo”. Our Lord Bob awoke from his search for universal peace and said “What! You made me lost count. I think I had $7346 here…”. The disciples bowed down and said thus “Sorry for disturbing you gov, but we were just wondering - what is the path to eternal wisdom?… Well, except Rich, the bastard, he just wanted to disturb you”. Our Lord Bob smiled upon them and said “That’s all? That’s easy. And I will smite Rich, the bastard, later. However, you know the drill, what have you got for me?” And the disciples brought forth offerings of gold and holy water, which pleased our Lord Bob.

And our Lord Bob spoke to them “Is that all? Oh well, I might as well tell you anyway. Eternal wisdom is a riddle inside an enigma within a conundrum in a puzzle with an entanglement”

And the disciples said “Yeah, yeah, get on with it”

Our Lord Bob glared at them and said “Ungrateful bastards, I will smite the lot of you, see if I don’t. Anyway, the first part to wisdom is to understand that nothing is binary, everything is in shades of grey”

“Yeah, well that is fairly bloody obvious, isn't it?” said Rich, the bastard.

“You bastard, just shut up” Said the lord unto him. “Anyway, the next step on the path to wisdom is to know you cannot escape from it. So in a way you need to unescape from wisdom, and escape from stupidity. And in this regard Rich, the bastard, has lost already.”

To which the disciples replied “uh?”

“As you unescape wisdom you will realise that what you know is the opposite of what you thought you knew. Your universe will be turned upside down and inside out”

And the disciples said “Yeah, that’s fair enough, but really - what?”

“Shush, as you start to transcend the path to wisdom, having your worldview reversed, you realise that you need to mediate by the Stream focusing on the Enigma. This should be standard practice for you now. And remember that as well as you have your 64 bases around you, I am still the key to wisdom”

To which the disciples replied “huh?”

But Our Lord Bob continued “When you have meditated on this Enigma by the stream, you will at some point realise that your first world view was correct, and your understanding will again be turned upside down and inside out. When you reach this point is when you reach total Wisdom.”

At which Rich, the bastard, looked unto the lord and said “You're full of it, give me my tenner back”, and our Lord Bob did smite him then. Praise be to Bob.

We will now meditate on Bob's holy mantra #374

“Ooiooioi Ooiiooii Oioooioo Oiiioiii Oiooiioi Oioioioo Oioiooii Oiioooio Oioooooi Ooiioiio Oiiooiio Ooiioooi Oiioooii Oiioiooi Oiooiooo Oiiiioio Oiiooiii Oiioiioi Oioiooii Ooiioioi Oiiioooi Oiiooioo Oiiooioo Oioioooo Oioooiio Oiioiioi Oioooioi Oioooioo Oiiioiii Oioooioi Ooiiiooo Oiiiiooi Oiooiooi Oioiiooo Ooioioii Oioiooii Oiooiiii Oiiiiooo Oiooooio Oioooooi Ooiioooo Oiiiiooo Oiioooii Oiiioooi Ooiiooii Oiiioiii Oiioooii Oiiooooi Oiiiioio Oiooiiio Oioooooi Oiioioio Oiooiioo Oiiioooo Ooioiiii Oiooiiii Oiooiooi Oiiioioi Oioooiio Oiiooiii Oiooioio Oioioioi Oiioiioi Oiioiiii Ooiioioi Oiiioiii Ooioiiii Ooiiooii Oioiiooi Oiiioioo Oiiioiii Oiooioii Ooiioooi Oioiiooi Oiioiiii Oioiioio Oiiioiii Oioioioi Oiooiioo Ooiiooii Oiioooio Oiiioiio Ooioioii Oiiioioi Oiioiioo Oioooiii Oiooiioo Ooioiiii Ooioioii Oioioioo Oioioooi Oiooiiio Oiiioioo Oiiioioi Oiiioooi Oioioioi Oioiioio Oiioiiio Oiooioio Oiioiiii Ooiiiooo Oiiiiooo Ooiioiio Oiooiioi Oioiooii Oiooiooi Oiiooiii Oioioioo Ooioioii Oiiioioi Oiiioioi Oiiooioo Oioiiooo Oiiooiii Oiiooiii Ooiiooii Oiiioooo Oioiiooi Oiooioii Oioooioi Oiooiioo Oioioiii Oiiooioo Oiiooiio Oiiooioi Ooiioioi Oiooiiii Oioioioo Oioioiii Oiioiooi Ooiiooio Ooiiooio Oiooooio Oiioiiii Oiiioiio Oiiioiio Oioioooo Ooioiiii Oiioiooi Oiooiioi Ooiioooi Oioiioio Ooiioooi Oiooioio Oiioiooi Oiiiioio Oioioiio Oiooioio Ooiioiio Oiiiiooi Oioiooii Oiioioio Oioioooo Oiioiiii Ooiioooi Oioiiooo Oiiooiio Oioiioio Oiiioiio Oiiooiii Oiiioiio Oiioiooi Oiiiiooo Oiooiooi Oioioioo Oioioooo Ooioiiii Ooioioii Oiioiiio Oiiiooii Ooiioioo Oioioioo Ooiioioo Oiooooii Ooiioiii Oioooioo Ooioiiii Oiooooii Ooiooioi Ooiioooo Oioooooi Ooooioio”
Post edited May 26, 2013 by amok
Wait, I thought Bob was a planet...
Randalator: Wait, I thought Bob was a planet...
Bob can be whatever he bloody well likes to be, or he will surely smite you.
I know Bob. He thinks he's so special because he can spell his name backwards.

OT and true, I have a summer guy up here with a yorkie named Bob. Tell me that isn't the most bizarre ass name you have ever heard for a dog.
Post edited May 26, 2013 by tinyE
tinyE: I know Bob. He thinks he's so special because he can spell his name backwards.

OT and true, I have a summer guy up here with a yorkie named Bob. Tell me that isn't the most bizarre ass name you have ever heard for a dog.
My brother had a dog named Bache-Gabriel :)

Praise Bob!
tinyE: I know Bob. He thinks he's so special because he can spell his name backwards.

OT and true, I have a summer guy up here with a yorkie named Bob. Tell me that isn't the most bizarre ass name you have ever heard for a dog.
amok: My brother had a dog named Bache-Gabriel :)

Praise Bob!
See I think that's a cool name for a dog. Not one the dog is likely to come to but still.

Here I go derailing again. Sorry.
amok: My brother had a dog named Bache-Gabriel :)

Praise Bob!
tinyE: See I think that's a cool name for a dog. Not one the dog is likely to come to but still.

Here I go derailing again. Sorry.
Nah, Bob teaches us that wisdom comes from the strangest directions. Follow the flow and have slack. There is no derailing, only holistic perception.
tinyE: See I think that's a cool name for a dog. Not one the dog is likely to come to but still.

Here I go derailing again. Sorry.
amok: Nah, Bob teaches us that wisdom comes from the strangest directions. Follow the flow and have slack. There is no derailing, only holistic perception.
I seriously need to get to the U.K. and hang with you. Screw the Dali Lama.
amok: Nah, Bob teaches us that wisdom comes from the strangest directions. Follow the flow and have slack. There is no derailing, only holistic perception.
tinyE: I seriously need to get to the U.K. and hang with you. Screw the Dali Lama.
The path to redemption is a bit too arduous for my poor tired soul, but I'm still one standing by the Cross.
Telika: The path to redemption is a bit too arduous for my poor tired soul, but I'm still one standing by the Cross.
With the nice weather we had today - it is a nice place to stand. Peaceful. So while you might not reach eternal wisdom, you might achieve inner peace?
Post edited May 26, 2013 by amok
Interesting thread. It reminds me that it fnord is probably time for me to read The Illuminatus Trilogy again.

Edit: The OP is also much too complicated for me to decipher. Good luck to whomever tries to unravel it.
Post edited May 26, 2013 by Wishbone
Dali Lama goes into a pizza parlor, says to the guy, "Make me one with everything."
well praise Bob and +1 amok

errrrm, my head says no lmao :)
Wishbone: Interesting thread. It reminds me that it fnord is probably time for me to read The Illuminatus Trilogy again.

Edit: The OP is also much too complicated for me to decipher. Good luck to whomever tries to unravel it.
Never whistle whilst you're pissing!