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Hey everyone,

I thought I'd start a thread that shows off the good old games that we GOGers physically own. Just post pics of your favorite games of the past, and maybe a little backstory, just for fun.

I was mostly a console gamer growing up, so my pics will usually be from Sega Genesis, Nintendo 64, etc., but feel free to post any games from any system that you'd like. I've got a bunch of pictures lined up if there's any interest in this.

I'll start off by posting some of my oldest stuff.

Road Rash II for Sega Genesis
This was one of the first games that I ever owned, if not the first. I remember unwrapping this game for Christmas one year and being absolutely overcome with joy. I loved sitting in my dad's apartment playing this game for hours on end with my little brother and being fascinated by how great it was. If you're unfamiliar with the series, Road Rash is a motorcycle racing game where you can use melee weapons to give yourself an edge. You can buy new bikes as you win more races and earn more cash. Biker cops are a constant threat, however, and if you get pulled over and can't afford the fine, it's game over. Bashing bikers with bats and chains was never more fun.

Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi for Sega Genesis
Another one of my first games, this sidescroller lets you fight as a ninja with a dog companion, which immediately had me sold as a kid. I loved throwing ninja stars and being able to have my dog take down my foes with me. Seriously, that was the coolest shit ever. And if they took down my canine friend, then God help them...

Sonic the Hedgehog for Sega Genesis
This one's a classic. I played this game relentlessly growing up, and it's still one of my favorites of all time. Sonic had addictive gameplay that gave me that "just one more level" feeling over and over. I died a lot, but I was never too discouraged that I wanted to stop playing. This one is pure nostalgia for me.

I also posted a pic of my original Sega Genesis. It's seen some wear over the years, and it still turns on, but I can't get it to display on my TV. Hopefully I'll be able to get it working again.
Post edited June 27, 2012 by Voltageline
Damn, wish i had my games and a camera here (i'm in college in another city so i don't have my games with me, they re at home). Great post btw ! Can't wait to see what other people will show us!
Cool thread! I don't have time to write any kind of story right now, but I took a quick pic of a pile of classics I have laying around. :) I wish I had the original boxes for everything, but sadly that just takes way too much space.
games.jpg (342 Kb)
cosminm: Damn, wish i had my games and a camera here (i'm in college in another city so i don't have my games with me, they re at home). Great post btw ! Can't wait to see what other people will show us!
Thanks! :) If you get a chance I'd love to see them, I'm always interested in hearing about what games people still own years later. If you've got a story as well, feel free to share! :)
MikeMaximus: Cool thread! I don't have time to write any kind of story right now, but I took a quick pic of a pile of classics I have laying around. :) I wish I had the original boxes for everything, but sadly that just takes way too much space.
Awesome collection, thanks for sharing! Those are all games that I hope to have someday :)
Post edited June 27, 2012 by Voltageline
Hey thought I'd post a few of my early games these are all for my first console, the 8bit Sega Master System that I got passed down from my sister

The Ninja
A kind of top down, side scroller where you play as a ninja rescuing a princess from a castle, the old favourite of 80s game developers. You could fire your ninja stars and turn invisible, pretty basic but very hard. Finding all the hidden scrolls that were necessary to complete the game was near to impossible. Extremely frustrating as a kid but I loved it never the less and still fire it up on occasion.

Teddy Boy
This and the Ninja were my first two games for the console. I don't even know how to describe this game, some designers acid trip. The bonus levels always amused me, pick up trainers, beer and what looked like a pack of cigarettes for bonus points (very few bonus points for cigs and beer to be fair). This and the ninja also had an old fashioned idea of 2 player; take it in turns and whoever gets the most points wins.

Robocop vs Terminator
Enjoyable side scroller, I used to enjoy the variety of bosses on the game but can't say I play it much any more.

Phantasy Star
Unfortunately I didn't have this back in the day and only picked it up recently but it is probably my favourite game for the Master System, it really pushes the technology to its limits. If your a fan of JRPG'S and haven't played this you owe it to yourself, came out before Final Fantasy I believe.

EDIT: Excuse the picture quality, I took these of my very cheap phone.
EDIT: Can everyone see all four pictures, when I go into edit, they are all there attached but on the main thread I can only see 1.
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Post edited June 27, 2012 by dan30b
Well I have a lot of classic games I would love to share in pictures that span the PC and Playstation, but I am going to keep it simple and only share the physical copies of games that are offered here on GOG that I currently own. I uploaded them on Flickr instead of using the attachments since the pictures are huge and GOG's attachment size is very limited so, here are the games I have here:


I have a few stories of games shown in the picture above:

Fallout 1 & 2 - This game has been with me since I was an elementary student in the early 2000's but I never really sat down and played the games until recently because the game was too complicated for me at the time. I have memories though of watching my dad play the games since he really enjoyed them back in the day. I will never forget seeing the intro video of Fallout 2 for the first time and being fascinated with the series for years to come.

Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition - I did grow up with this game, but not on the PC but for the Playstation as Duke Nukem Total Meltdown until my teens when I got a copied CDR from a friend of the PC version. I loved Duke Nukem 3D, it was probably the most played FPS I have aside from Doom and Blood. Heck I remember playing Total Meltdown as a kid being really crappy at it only playing the first two levels of Episode 1 because Death Row was the hardest level in the game for me at the time. I still remember all the secrets of Hollywood Holocaust and Red Light District to this day because of only playing those two levels over and over as a kid.

Postal X - This is the 10th anniversary collection that was offered on Running With Scissors' online store for some time which I purchased sometime last December. While this does not have nostalgic value like the previous two games, it did have somewhat of an emotional impact on me because I ended up bonding with a new friend over Postal 2. That sounds weird, but at the time I had a good friend that I was able to look up to for some time until he became a complete douche and left me in the dust. I met a new friend during that summer that I can really click with and got him into this game. We oddly enough bonded over it since we both enjoy our fair share of crude humor which this game provides, this ended up being the beginning of a pretty good friendship that I hope will last for time to come.

Blood (With Plasma and Cryptic Passage): I am a huge fan of this game, but I did not start playing it by purchasing it and instead played it thanks to the many abandonware sites I found back in 2003-2006. Those sites were great for me at the time because I had a really crappy computer back then that could not play many modern games thanks to an Intel integrated GPU so I had to look back to the past and play older games I never played before on my computer. Blood was one of them and the minute I started episode 1 and heard Caleb say, "I live again!", I was hooked. Doom, Blood, Duke Nukem 3D, and a slew of other titles officially made me a fan of PC games.

Tomb Raider 1 & 2 - Just like Duke Nukem 3D, I didn't initially play these games on the computer but instead the Playstation along with III and IV: The Last Revelation. Tomb Raider is special to me because it was one of the first video games I played as a kid and it was the first game of its kind that I got into. It was a very fun action-adventure platforming game that I still enjoy playing to this day thanks to having the PC version with the Glidos glide wrapper to provide the definitive Tomb Raider experience. The theme that plays at the menu of the first game is still one of my favorite video game music tracks and I consider it to be the theme of my childhood since it was never really rough or completely bouncy. My childhood was good with that golden tint that makes it fun to look back to, and that is the same feel I get when listening to that song.

I apologize for the long wall of text, but like many others I had some long stories that are involved with some of my collection that I felt like sharing.

Also to add to the retro collection I am sharing, while GOG does not offer this at all, but since it goes with some of the GOG games, here is a picture of the Roland SC-55 and MT-32 MIDI modules that I got in recent times:

Shadow Dancer is fucking awesome. Seeing the real cart again after all these years makes me pine for my days as a youngin'. There I was, planted indian style on the cold basement floor. Facing the ol' 14" tube, my faithful labrador to my left and a bag of chips to my right, the hours simply melted away in the sweltering heat. It was summer, and the streets were a bonfire. The basement was my bunker protection from the nuclear sun. I was ten, and happy. Of course, I was also oblivious to the coming quagmire that is adult life. Now that Genesis is long gone, and so is the dog. But that fiery star is as hot as it has ever been.
Post edited June 27, 2012 by EC-
dan30b: Hey thought I'd post a few of my early games these are all for my first console, the 8bit Sega Master System that I got passed down from my sister

The Ninja
A kind of top down, side scroller where you play as a ninja rescuing a princess from a castle, the old favourite of 80s game developers. You could fire your ninja stars and turn invisible, pretty basic but very hard. Finding all the hidden scrolls that were necessary to complete the game was near to impossible. Extremely frustrating as a kid but I loved it never the less and still fire it up on occasion.

Teddy Boy
This and the Ninja were my first two games for the console. I don't even know how to describe this game, some designers acid trip. The bonus levels always amused me, pick up trainers, beer and what looked like a pack of cigarettes for bonus points (very few bonus points for cigs and beer to be fair). This and the ninja also had an old fashioned idea of 2 player; take it in turns and whoever gets the most points wins.

Robocop vs Terminator
Enjoyable side scroller, I used to enjoy the variety of bosses on the game but can't say I play it much any more.

Phantasy Star
Unfortunately I didn't have this back in the day and only picked it up recently but it is probably my favourite game for the Master System, it really pushes the technology to its limits. If your a fan of JRPG'S and haven't played this you owe it to yourself, came out before Final Fantasy I believe.

EDIT: Excuse the picture quality, I took these of my very cheap phone.
EDIT: Can everyone see all four pictures, when I go into edit, they are all there attached but on the main thread I can only see 1.
I had the same problem, I had to upload the pictures one at a time to get them up. You might have to remove them from the edit page first. Great post though, can't wait to see the pics! :)
SpooferJahk: Well I have a lot of classic games I would love to share in pictures that span the PC and Playstation, but I am going to keep it simple and only share the physical copies of games that are offered here on GOG that I currently own. I uploaded them on Flickr instead of using the attachments since the pictures are huge and GOG's attachment size is very limited so, here are the games I have here:


I have a few stories of games shown in the picture above:

Fallout 1 & 2 - This game has been with me since I was an elementary student in the early 2000's but I never really sat down and played the games until recently because the game was too complicated for me at the time. I have memories though of watching my dad play the games since he really enjoyed them back in the day. I will never forget seeing the intro video of Fallout 2 for the first time and being fascinated with the series for years to come.

Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition - I did grow up with this game, but not on the PC but for the Playstation as Duke Nukem Total Meltdown until my teens when I got a copied CDR from a friend of the PC version. I loved Duke Nukem 3D, it was probably the most played FPS I have aside from Doom and Blood. Heck I remember playing Total Meltdown as a kid being really crappy at it only playing the first two levels of Episode 1 because Death Row was the hardest level in the game for me at the time. I still remember all the secrets of Hollywood Holocaust and Red Light District to this day because of only playing those two levels over and over as a kid.

Postal X - This is the 10th anniversary collection that was offered on Running With Scissors' online store for some time which I purchased sometime last December. While this does not have nostalgic value like the previous two games, it did have somewhat of an emotional impact on me because I ended up bonding with a new friend over Postal 2. That sounds weird, but at the time I had a good friend that I was able to look up to for some time until he became a complete douche and left me in the dust. I met a new friend during that summer that I can really click with and got him into this game. We oddly enough bonded over it since we both enjoy our fair share of crude humor which this game provides, this ended up being the beginning of a pretty good friendship that I hope will last for time to come.

Blood (With Plasma and Cryptic Passage): I am a huge fan of this game, but I did not start playing it by purchasing it and instead played it thanks to the many abandonware sites I found back in 2003-2006. Those sites were great for me at the time because I had a really crappy computer back then that could not play many modern games thanks to an Intel integrated GPU so I had to look back to the past and play older games I never played before on my computer. Blood was one of them and the minute I started episode 1 and heard Caleb say, "I live again!", I was hooked. Doom, Blood, Duke Nukem 3D, and a slew of other titles officially made me a fan of PC games.

Tomb Raider 1 & 2 - Just like Duke Nukem 3D, I didn't initially play these games on the computer but instead the Playstation along with III and IV: The Last Revelation. Tomb Raider is special to me because it was one of the first video games I played as a kid and it was the first game of its kind that I got into. It was a very fun action-adventure platforming game that I still enjoy playing to this day thanks to having the PC version with the Glidos glide wrapper to provide the definitive Tomb Raider experience. The theme that plays at the menu of the first game is still one of my favorite video game music tracks and I consider it to be the theme of my childhood since it was never really rough or completely bouncy. My childhood was good with that golden tint that makes it fun to look back to, and that is the same feel I get when listening to that song.

I apologize for the long wall of text, but like many others I had some long stories that are involved with some of my collection that I felt like sharing.

Also to add to the retro collection I am sharing, while GOG does not offer this at all, but since it goes with some of the GOG games, here is a picture of the Roland SC-55 and MT-32 MIDI modules that I got in recent times:

It's so cool seeing all of those great games lined up together, and it's awesome how they bring back great memories. Thank you for sharing! :P
EC-: Shadow Dancer is fucking awesome. Seeing the real cart again after all these years makes me pine for my days as a youngin'. There I was, planted indian style on the cold basement floor. Facing the ol' 14" tube, my faithful labrador to my left and a bag of chips to my right, the hours simply melted away in the sweltering heat. It was summer, and the streets were a bonfire. The basement was my bunker protection from the nuclear sun. I was ten, and happy. Of course, I was also oblivious to the coming quagmire that is adult life. Now that Genesis is long gone, and so is the dog. But that fiery star is as hot as it has ever been.
I'm glad to see I wasn't the only one who loved this game. It would be great to see it on GOG someday, as I think my Genesis is done for. I tried plugging it in to the old TV today and I got nothing but static. Those were the days though :)

Here's a link to the wishlist if you're interested:
Voltageline: snip
Yeah, no Genesis games are here yet. I hold out hope, however, since the roms are sold on Gamersgate DRM-free already.
SpooferJahk: Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition - I did grow up with this game, but not on the PC but for the Playstation as Duke Nukem Total Meltdown until my teens when I got a copied CDR from a friend of the PC version. I loved Duke Nukem 3D, it was probably the most played FPS I have aside from Doom and Blood. Heck I remember playing Total Meltdown as a kid being really crappy at it only playing the first two levels of Episode 1 because Death Row was the hardest level in the game for me at the time. I still remember all the secrets of Hollywood Holocaust and Red Light District to this day because of only playing those two levels over and over as a kid.
Lol I have the exact same story, despite having many pc games I never got duke nukem until I got a playstation and it was my first game for it. I did the exact same the first two levels on repeat finding every secret available. Looking back now the control wasn't great and the fact that there were only preset controls enrages me!
Voltageline: I had the same problem, I had to upload the pictures one at a time to get them up. You might have to remove them from the edit page first. Great post though, can't wait to see the pics! :)
Thanks I tried uploading one at a time and it worked. Cheers!
Post edited June 27, 2012 by dan30b
I was thinking of opening the same thread when reading the other guys pics of his boxed games. +1
I'll try to take a few days and picture everything I have over every system I have, that is either cardboard boxed or special in someway. But I'll take pictures of several in one shot, otherwise I wont finish in a week.
I do still have a lot of good old physical games, but the only picture available at the moment is this one.
gogs.jpg (84 Kb)
Ubivis: I do still have a lot of good old physical games, but the only picture available at the moment is this one.
They actually make baking trays for pretzels? That's a new one...