Tserge: Would it be cheaper if you assembled a brand new PC?
Also, the lack of specs on the Mainboard scares me.
That's what I am unsure of. I don't think it would be cheaper, just the processor and graphics card alone would be close to $600, add in the cost of case, RAM, mobo, and OS, I think I'd end up at least at, if not over the price I'm getting.. At full price, this machine would be almost $1300 and I'm getting a $340 discount on it. Granted, full price from an OEM does not equal full price for a do-it-yourself.
Its a Dell, they make their own mainboards based on Intel mainboards. Every one I've dealt with in the past has been rock-solid reliable, so I'm not terribly worried about it.
Miaghstir: If you want a virtual machine, get VirtualBox, not Virtual PC. At least then you may have some chance of getting that old-but-3D game running with hardware acceleration.
Possibly VMWare Workstation if you want to pay for the extra nifty features it's got (snapshots are nice).
taczillabr: Really, I would advice to install a separate virtualization software like you said.
I was talking about that new built-in win xp mode, if he prefers only.
The new built-in virtual machine only lets you run applications that don't require graphics hardware acceleration... in other words, no games, which is the only thing I might use a virtual machine for.
Starkrun: edit: sorryt for retarded post...
i think this machine sounds great, Dells are crazy good... my only issue was with a memory chip on my GPU they gave me. Since then Ive upgraded the graphics twice but its still running every game there is and its 3 years old.
with that rig the only thing you'll ever need to do in the next 3-5 years is graphics upgrades that's it.
That is what I hope to be able to do. I planned my last PC to last 3-5 years and I managed to stretch it to almost 8 years now with hardware upgrades. Unfortunately, it has reached a point in life where there is nothing left to upgrade. It's still a good machine and I'll probably just end up putting it out to pasture as a HTPC.