DarthKaal: The reward for 5 stars will surely be a t-shirt with "I achieved to have 5 stars and all I got is this lame t-shirt"...
Which would be quite cool, nice nod to Monkey Island - the best good old game ever
michaelleung: I'm for rep, but I'm also only for it if it actually helps create a better atmosphere in this community.
DarthKaal: So you got to be disappointed, no?
Sorry but all this rep feature is useless imo.
First, it encourages "I know all on everything" trolls who post in about every single thread, with the only intention to post something (hmm, wondering of who I'm talking about...)
Hmm maybe, but be careful, if you target anyone you're going to totally negate any valid points you COULD make because then you sound jealous and bitter.
DarthKaal: And also... what's the point to add a competition aspect on a forum? I'm getting tired to see that competition everywhere, especially in job, but here... it's just a place where we can talk. How do we know that someone is sincere when is talking and not just want to have more rep points? And as usual, it's a feature that rewards only those who spend their life on it...
Honestly GOG, you should get rid of that *feature*.
Edit: Weclock, pretty funny to see that even on Youtube you don't have more than 2 stars... ;p
Oh shit, look at that you couldn't resist. Now you just sound silly, throwing your toys out of your pram. Why target Weclock? He -IS- the most useful person on this forum, by the very evidence of said rep, just like everyone else who has high rep. Sheesh.