sheepdragon: It's funny how both of those games are made by companies that Valve assimilated.
Navagon: Funny in that it shows Valve are able to spot and recruit talent? Well, yeah, I suppose that is pretty funny actually given how lethargic their core devs are, and the muppets they let loose on Steam's forums and support.
Don't a lot of companies do this? Nintendo assimilated Rare and HAL during the SNES era, Silicon Knights and Retro Studios during the Gamecube era, and I think there were other studios. All of those studios made some of their best games during their time with Nintendo and then they were sold when they stopped being useful, except Retro that still works with them to this day.
EA has Bioware now, Activision acquired Infinity Ward, Zenimax bought ID software, etc. I think it is better when the whole studio is bought by a big publisher instead of they recruiting individual talent as long as the studio retains certain independence in the creative process.